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The Rangers FC

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Everything posted by The Rangers FC

  1. That is perhaps one of the best computer generated images I have seen. Utterly Remarkable. Has this photo been used by PoppyScotland at all? How's about a few months/weeks ahead of next years remembrance weekend, have a whip round and have these images printed on to a batch of stickers and sold with the proceedings going to PoppyScotland?
  2. The stewards have no reason to. I'm sure they tried to expand the section at the start of this season and it was, as you said, blocked by the security and the coppers as a safety hazard. I'd be more than happy to be corrected here.
  3. Looks superb so far. However, I'd change the four wee poppies to one larger one on both sides but I'm a picky OCD bastard
  4. Seen this posted on twitter, wasn't sure if a display had been planned, can anyone shed any light? Haven't heard a thing.
  5. "Never mind the Irn Bru, get the Tennents!" *Get's a telling off* "Blackthorn, even"
  6. I've never had any trouble with the coppers necessarily, aside from the constant searches when entering the section. I find it's often the stewards who are more problematic, pointlessly bringing hassle instead of having a polite word. They are normally first to wade in.
  7. Forgot about these cunts. Worse than the coppers.
  8. I haven't been in BF1 since the 2010/2011 season, so my experience isn't as recent as some others on here.
  9. Stopped and searched as you enter the turnstile. Perhaps not as you are a female, and presumably an elder to those who normally inhabit BF1.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_1VdJsIpc8 Daft bastards couldn't even smash the window. Send them over here for a crash course in tanning windows with the young team
  11. Why the animosity toward TB? What am I missing here?
  12. Only ever seen one in-direct free kick scored and it was at junior level. The ball was set up like it was in the game on Friday, and with all the bodies on the line and the player just rifled it, Albertz style, right in to the top netting. Consolation goal in an 8-1 defeat, the joys of junior footie.
  13. Dart' is a good guy, have read a good few of his posts on here.
  14. Nice post from Dart', not often you see him post in here
  15. Great suggestion. Is there any way to suggest this to the club, contact Andrew Dickson, Jim Hannah?
  16. Boycotts are petty as fuck and inefficient. Thought our support would have learnt their lesson after the Dundee travesty. Boycott the boycotts!
  17. I'll rephrase the question to suit you then. If we lost tonight, to Stenhousemuir, would you have been embarrassed?
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