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General Custer

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Everything posted by General Custer

  1. I don't think there's many people on here who proclaim Ally to be the second comingI think you may be mixing up the select few, as you call them, with the people who are fed up hearing you greet at every available opportunity I can't recall the last positive thing you've posted
  2. As soon as I have spare cash I'll be snapping one upI bet there's thousands of others will too
  3. I would be surprised if he wasn't considered, solid enough pro and a set piece threat that we badly lack
  4. I think Bosnia and the USA may surprise people
  5. There have been so many great memories whether at the game, in a boozer or just in the house with your mates but for me the most emotional game would have to be the 1-0 Edu game against them. I was in the west enclosure eyeball to eyeball with those dirty yahoos when they ruined yet another minutes silence. Pure hatred all through that game and when Edu banged in the winner, what a buzz it was
  6. You do yourself a disservice RabAs much as I appreciate the eloquence of posters you've named as your inspiration, same for most people on here I'd assume, in my opinion your on the same elevated plain. A man who talks with honesty and also in my, and a lot of other peoples, language.
  7. Just the qualified ones with 5 figure post counts but eh
  8. What's that got to do with me quoting jdm1873 but
  9. But you still think we'll go up to the SPFL
  10. I'm going to sit on the fence for the minute and see which one has the most players bro
  11. Is this one a replacement for captain America's one or just an alternative? Not seen any movement on his so I might jump ship
  12. Maybe, a matter of opinion I suppose
  13. I agree but since he's here for the foreseeable we may as well back himI don't see him walking away because of a few dissenters on here
  14. That's not the point mate, folk saying he's just here for the money are well wide of the mark IMO
  15. Do you not think he could leave and make a bomb from god knows how many TV gigs and have an easy life?
  16. Why, do you think he comes on here to listen to a few greeting faced cunts and deduces they are infact the majority and therefore he should heed their call? Away
  17. We'll see who's ideals are in the majority when Scotland votes no in SeptemberHope England get pumped good and proper in the summer incidentally
  18. Surely, would be crazy not to......
  19. Cheers Rabbie Burns For that description I'll pick mine up When I get my prescription
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