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Everything posted by Iggy666

  1. Awful news. Our greatest ever goalkeeper. Rip The Goalie. ❤🤍💙
  2. Either that or Messi told him how amazing they are
  3. He's gonna be our no1 next season isn't he?
  4. Excellent news. Would have been so so difficult to replace.
  5. It's been a good season. Could be better but that's the standards we have at our club. Managerless when we lost in the league Cup. League should have been wrapped up but we fucked it. Bawhair away from euro glory, but we were outstanding in the competition nonetheless, and finally bringing the Scottish Cup back home after 13 years. Not too bad but not great
  6. Great servant to the club but all things must come to an end someday. If he leaves, as is looking likely, then he leaves with my thanks and best wishes. We move on.
  7. The parent company is a place that has been riddled with peados and a blind eye being turned for decades. Remind you of anyone? There's a reason this nonsense has been ignored. Birds of a feather and all that
  8. The amount of time and space we are giving boyce around the box is giving me the fear
  9. Right Rangers. Get fucking tore into these cunts. Forget wednesday. It's done. Scud these jambo bastards and bring the cup back where it belongs.
  10. Neither side deserved to lose that. Just cannot beat them fucking Germans when it comes to penalties. Every penalty bar Ramsey's was top class. Immensely proud of our lads tonight. Just bad fucking luck is all. Watp.
  11. 50/50 half imho, but by fuck they look strong on the counter. Need to get a foot on the ball 2nd half. Just fucking do this Rangers.
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