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Everything posted by Burnbankblue

  1. What i don't get is why buy the club if your not prepared to spend money on players. I agree with the original poster, time for action Mr. Whyte!
  2. I agree Whyte is asking Ally to do his job with his hands tied behind his back.
  3. I have been saying it all along we had to get players in early to be ready for Malmo but no we threw around silly bids which got laughed at. The squad is not strong enough for Europe and i also fear for the SPL. If we don't see an influx of players this week starting with Goodwillie then i think that we may be facing much worse than no European football. Ally also has to learn faster than he currently is, why no subs 0-1 down in europe with 15-20 mins left?
  4. This has been covered on Follow Follow he is not going to another club, if anything is away it was his head yesterday.
  5. I think its a bit early to be panicking that McCoist is not the right man for the job. Today he did gets his tactics wrong in that Davis should have started centrally and Wylde should have started on the left side, but I'm sure he realizes this and will learn from it. I don't think one individual player was at fault today, it was just a bad team performance. I do agree with those that think Edu and Broadfoot should be sold both are not Rangers class. I would have started with Papac alongside Bougherra and Lee Wallace on the left. I think we are a minimum of 4 players away from a decent team but i trust Ally to get it right.
  6. I agree, we need another two defenders, a left winger and a striker.
  7. I don't have faith in the new regime. One signing, laughable bids for players and no sign of the deals for Miller Cuellar, Bartley and Verhoek being completed. To me this stinks of pre Kaunas with a squad in need of investment and poor pre seasons results.
  8. Quite right, silly me. All sorted now, forgot to add Wylde though i had hoped we would have signed Weiss.
  9. Name your starting lineup that you think will clinch us the 11/12 title? Here is mine: Mcgregor Whittaker Bougherra Cuellar Papac Ortiz Davis McCulloch Wylde Jelavic Miller WATP
  10. http://www.subsidesports.com/uk/96-97-rangers-away-gk-shirt-1.html
  11. Got it from Greaves, help no longer required.
  12. Is there anywhere i can still get this, looking for a mens medium size?
  13. Doubt its true, even if it was i don't want him. Hes past it now.
  14. I really don't care what way a particular player leans if he is professional and will do a job for us then thats good enough for me. Now thats out of the way, i would like to see Russell in a Gers shirt next season based on what i have seen so far. IMO this guy could go on to be far better than Goodwillie.
  15. David Weir should be given a coaching contract and he should become our defensive coach, also written into the contract should be the abilty to play should we face a bad injury crisis.
  16. He played with Diouf at Blackburn, it would have been Diouf that got him a ticket.
  17. I usualy like Hateleys articles but this is just rubbish, there is no proof that the bomber was even a Rangers fan!
  18. This always annoys me the fact that our players always have one eye on the premier league in England. Maybe when we get an owner who pays similar wages to the top european clubs ala Murray in the 90's then these articles will disappear. I cannot remember these articles appearing in the in the mid to late 90's, and i hope one day we get there again. IMO once you get outside the top six in the premiership there isnt really a team that i would consider bigger or better than Rangers. Apart from Hutton we havent got the going rate for one of our players for years, IMO the premiership see us as a soft touch and this has to change.
  19. It's all good and well the Rangers support stoping the singing of TBB etc. But there can't be one rule for Rangers and another for everyone else, other clubs doing the sanme should be fined/band too.
  20. The songs don't upset me its just i don't agree with some of the words used in them. Therefore when i go to Ibrox i don't sing songs which i regard sectarian, i have always did this. It's just my opinion though, if others think the songs are fine and they want to sing them then thats their opinion and they are entitled to it. We must as a support focus on the real issue here and its not wither its right or not to sing TBB, its that FARE is running a campaign of hate focused on Rangers. What annoys me is that there is many songs across the footballing world which may offend but its always Rangers that get charged and punished with it, its one rule for Rangers and another for everybody else. Sad fact is UEFA only care about one thing and thats money, therefore they wont take on the so called big clubs from the big leagues, they only take on clubs from smaller countries which they feel are easy targets. UEFA are not for the good of football, there only in it for themselves! If UEFA are happy to act on the say so of a non official monkey organization then they really have to take a long hard look at themselves. The fact that they appealed their own decision in regards to Villarreal says it all for me. IMO UEFA have opened a big can of worms by doing this to Rangers, they will get flooded with emails from rival fans every night of European competition from now on with fans to trying to get their rivals fined or band. Its just going to turn into a farce! The best thing UEFA could do is say its a social not a footballing issue and that they wont get involved, and this time don't appeal there own decision no matter the outcry.
  21. It has been going on for many a year, doesnt make it right though. It makes us nearly as bad as them.
  22. "FUCK HIM & HIS CASH" is a bit too strong, but an excellent post none the less. If this is enough to get him to drop his interest then i don't want him at the club. The current owner IMO did not have the drive to defend the club against its enemies and we certainly don't need another owner like this.
  23. I agree with most of what you say. But it is UEFA's fault, no other organization would listen and give credence to a group with an obviously bias agenda!
  24. I have always believed there was an agenda against Rangers. Its time for the club and fans to stand together against our enemies, we must win and win well so no other monkey organization such as FARE ever try anything like this again.
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