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Everything posted by TopCat

  1. Fantastic memories. Definitely a magical season to remember for every Rangers fan.
  2. Nice touch from the fans and a good response from Murty too.
  3. Excellent stuff. Thanks for posting Jules.
  4. Yes Im on a laptop.Dont know what a VPN is tbh lol.Still looking for a link that works .i'm gutted i'm missing the action.
  5. Still not working for me lol.Think I'm going to have to miss this one and catch the highlights later tbh.
  6. That usually works for me but saying error loading player - no playable sources found. Any other links guys?
  7. I fancy us to wipe the floor with them today. 4-0 Rangers. Any links guys?
  8. I have no idea what this thread is about ffs.
  9. I like wee Amy, she's a good bear and agree with her view point on Senderos. It would appear I'm in a minority - going by this thread she doesn't have too many fans on RM.
  10. This pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject.
  11. Neil McCann would be my first choice but as he is unavailable - Barry Ferguson would be my 2nd choice.
  12. 5 goals from cb its really quite exceptional. Thought he was excellent yesterday.
  13. This, although tbf he played an important part in our goal.
  14. TopCat


    Clit Hill for me but an honourable mention to Hodson
  15. At least 10 million is needed to improve the starting 11 otherwise I can't see us closing the gap on them. I think he will get around this sum in the summer to boost our squad.
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