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The Ibrox Derry

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Everything posted by The Ibrox Derry

  1. If Gerrard goes, which looks likely, it will be Derek McInnes in the short term. Depending on how he does, will answer the long term question.
  2. Of course he wouldn't be happy, anyone that thinks that is a crackpot.
  3. My wife would be happy with Lampard. I don't care if we appoint a fat ugly bastard from the other side of the World, as long as he is successful.
  4. What I want to know is did they look pished? It's the done thing when arriving at Euston Station from Glasgow Central. I will be livid otherwise 😂😂
  5. Been working all day. What's the latest? Can't be,arsed reading through all this. And leave out the rumours. Just give me facts. Shit that has actually happened please.
  6. Spence looks like he's growing a pair of tits...... i defo think he is going through 'The change'. For me, he is one of the people who epitomizes everything that is wrong with this country. All that is missing is the SNPira Placard.
  7. Dundee Hibs.... I just love their pain 😉👍
  8. How many of the Lisbon lions were Protestant / Non RC's? I think it was a good few of them?
  9. Thanks mate, appreciate that. Life goes on eh, it has to. And I always believe that there are many many folks a lot worse off. Not just financially, but what really matters, your health, mentally and physically. Houses, money, cars, jobs can all be replaced, but your health. It's precious.
  10. Sad sad news. I lost my brother in law last month from the same cancer. He was a great celtic man. There wasn't a dry eye in the chapel or at the graveside. My thoughts and prayers are with Liams family. Weve got to treasure every minute we have with our friends and loved ones because it can all go in the blink of an eye.
  11. Ive got to be honest and say ive never been a fan of this guy, either as a player (hugely overated) or as a manager. Found him to be a bit of a fanny. But fair play to him being one of very few to come out publicly and tell it like it is about that wank stain Brown. Credit where its due.
  12. The winner's out of this sad debacle were Pollok Juniors.
  13. My late uncle was a big 3rd Lanark fan. Unusual as the rest of our family was staunch. Will watch the documentary, I'm a keen football historian so anything like this I really like.
  14. Are you joking? This is Rangers we are talking about. We will have been royally shafted again.
  15. I like Tommy Robinson, the guy would do a better job than most, sorry all of our other MPs put together, who, lets be honest, are nothing more than Islamic state apologists.
  16. No champions league nights this year for the fhilthy bastards, I fully expect Rosenburg to pump them 3 maybe 4 nil next week
  17. Yeah the cry used to be "Jack McGinn wi' his biscuit tin"
  18. What a wee skinny, ginger, AIDS riddled fenian bastard
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