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Negri's lovechild

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Everything posted by Negri's lovechild

  1. Miller doesn't seem to be on his game so far. Early ish in the game though!
  2. With a bit of rammstein to accompany it. That'll put the shitters up the opposition!
  3. Think this just highlights the bureachracy (spelling) at the top levels of the game in scotland. Too many boards and panels with the same old cronies on them. I thought we put our man up for this one but there may well be another directorship going!
  4. Its a trade off in our house. Football for me, real housewives for her. Didnt realise at the time we made the deal that theres about 20 fucking housewives programmes!!
  5. Those are the ones! I saw different ones on the page
  6. Thanks for that. Had a wee look and the ones im looking for had a picture of marco negri on the front (if i mind right. Cards are still at mum and dads) will keep an eye out though!
  7. Just joined! Brilliant page. Had a look to see if the official trading cards from about 15 years ago were on there but couldn't see them
  8. Its that ruthless streak that the leaders of scottish football should have taken 10/15 years ago when we were bringing decent players into the scottish game. Who wouldn't want to watch some of the players we had under advocaat? The old firm ganes were exciting as well. The pandering to the small mentality and the anti rangers brigade has fucked scottish football. Where else would it make sense to vote to relegate the biggest draw in the scottish game? Their bigotry has blinded them
  9. Missing the point. Regardless of previous, how many of the hivs have got the jail for inciting the pitch invasion and assaulting players and fans (some of which disabled btw)
  10. Its a fucking joke isnt it?! Any other country would laugh at this kind of thing happening. Assaulted = jail Assault someone,claim you got a bit carried away because your team won a football game = go away and paint a fence for an hour or two son. Fucking joke of a country we live in
  11. There's a reason why guys like that are picked to blog for the rebel. He can say what they want to say but can't publish in the paper. Sick of the anti rangers media. They have the problem,not us. The guy looks like a wanker and is in no way a rangers fan
  12. Thats pending the investigation. Looks like rangers have outright banned anyone lifted at all.
  13. Lol well he turned me.... oh behave!
  14. Ive heard you'd go gay for martin hardie
  15. I havent gone through all the pages of the thread so might have missed it, but have the hiv's banned any of their fans for what happened? I get that the board are probably trying to curry favor with the spl (fuck knows why), but surely standing by our fans is the best way they could handle it. Its like we are taking the blame for what happened and the hiv's are backing their scum fans??!
  16. And inappropriate thread title of the day goes to..... Thank fuck the shorts have a bit more room these days. Mind those shorts from the 80's? Souness to answer the question
  17. You can just tell when someone has quality. The guy just oozes it
  18. Love the soundtrack to the MOH interview!
  19. This is what happens when the sfa take their time "investigating" the goings on. Truth becomes distorted and their truth (lies) becomes fact.
  20. I can feel a song coming on. All together now.. big...
  21. Thats what im thinking, people are talking about him playing with hill. Squad rotation anybody? One experienced player slots in for another. We've had quite a few players on trial and nothing has come of it. Odonkor a few years ago? Lets see what happens
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