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Negri's lovechild

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Everything posted by Negri's lovechild

  1. The "alleged abuse" they will have got will have been fans shouting get fucking in there,but as usual its made out something its no. Wheres the cctv footage? Mobile phone footage? If there were any it would be out there. Bullshit deflection trying to cast doubt so that this gets branded as hooliganism and goes away
  2. Thats scary as fuck. Lots of wee things in that story to bring up hatred against us. "Tactic used in northern ireland", shite like that. Irrelevant and its shite like that that makes me think next time a fan/player will be even more seriously assaulted or killed next time. The similarities in the police/media response between this and hillsborough are staggering.
  3. Spoke well, understands the club. I like that we now have a british core to the team and someone who understands how to roll the sleeves up and get stuck in when needed. Welcome joey!
  4. Thats made me a very excited bear! Get it right up the taigs!
  5. Exactly,even then the likes of the DR have to put thinly veiled digs in and make references to the battle of the boyne. Its shite like them who have kept the hatred against us up to the point we're at. Say something enough times and it becomes "fact" and thats whats happened with us.
  6. Haha and i thought the term mutant was tongue in cheek! And thats the reason i won't go a night oot in edinburgh! Fuck me.....
  7. Sorry,over exhuberance at seeing fresh water. They dont get much of that in Leith
  8. Thank fuck we didnae sing about it. That shite sparks riots!
  9. You're all wrong guys. The statement we put out was read by hibs fans who then got in touch with doc brown,nicked his delorean,went back to saturday and started the riot and assaulted players. In turn,that statement on sunday by the club incited all that shite. All our fault! And dont forget the big bad billy boys,the song that turns right minded peaceful people into rabid violent junkie fucks!
  10. Definitely. Think thats the best way to punish them. No european football means no money,exposure or tv time. Fines will do fuck all and theres no point stripping them of the cup
  11. True. They were quick enough to go after duncan ferguson
  12. So did i! Went direct to the site to double check. Brilliant!
  13. Fuckin brilliant rangers! We wanted a strong statement and by fuck thats a good yin
  14. Lol thats more polis than were at the game! Well,at the hibs end anyway....
  15. Just got me thinking about the stan petrov plastic cup incident. Report on bbc website says rangers were banning the fella and we were to expect a fine from the sfa! What happened with that,if anyone can mind?
  16. Spot on. Ive always felt myself like ive had to justify my upbringing/belief system because we are made to feel that way. With the football side of it, how can there be parity if there are chairmen from hibs/celtic/others on the sfa board of directors? That side of things has to change and there should be neutrality there. But as ive realised after yesterday,no such thing exists up here. There's been years and years of anti rangers shite from these morons. Sick of it. What do we do as supporters though? We can't keep taking it. Somebody will get hurt next time as its now fair game to have a physical go at us. Its going to degenerate back to the 70's / 80's and the current authorities are puting us there. We are actually a forward thinking club. Rant over
  17. Haymarket is a brand new station so will definitely have captured it on cctv if the assault happened inside. No idea what the cctv is like out by the taxi rank but you'd imagine cameras would be there too,so should have footage of them either entering or leaving. Scum.
  18. Not a fan of Leckie but im glad he has written that. Hivs should be brought to account
  19. Livi north looks weird from that angle. A wee shout of no surrender and shut the window lol
  20. If they let the bus parade go ahead,it sends the message that they can do what ever the fuck they want to rangers fans/players/staff and makes me think that nothing will happen to them as a club. They won the game fair and square but the fans fucked up and should be denied any chance to publicly celebrate. Will make them think they have got away with it. Still think a european ban is in order as well to hit them in the pocket
  21. Its the Scum. We shouldnt be surprised. Lazy journalism and as someone has said trying to stoke the flames to get a reaction. Still raging after yesterday as well
  22. That thought hadnt crossed my mind til now but you're right. It was a riot, not a "pitch invasion" as the media are calling it. Inciting hatred and assaulting people definitely classes it as a riot in my book. If 10,000 or so of our fans went on like that it would be on the front pages as "rangers fans riot at hampden". Scum fucks in the media twisting it again to make the hivs no sound as bad
  23. If things were fair and evenly balanced then id agree with you. I couldnt let our own get attacked. Look at the way the media are reporting it now though,imagine if our fans had just gone for it. The book would already have been thrown at us and they'd be trying to strip us of the championship. We gave them fuck all to blame us on
  24. Actually makes me angry that the police let them fucks get that close that quickly. Thats where we should be commended. Solidarity. And no the tommy sheridan kind
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