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Bruno's Manbun

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Everything posted by Bruno's Manbun

  1. Superb Rangers. Well deserved goal and came at an excellent time. Will be buzzing going to the dressing room
  2. Cringe. I'd rather not stick up the finger and rub the noses of the rest of the cuntish clubs in Scotland to be honest, as fun as that would be. It was never in doubt, so we'd be better just breezing past it with our heads held ever high, and show us for the class of a club and support we truly are. Does feel good but
  3. Nah, just let him get on with it
  4. The wounds might recover but the scars will remain forever. A constant reminder of how Scottish football repeatedly plunged the knife into our back whilst we were trying desperately to get back to our feet. We will never ever forget. Fuck the lot of them. No Surrender.
  5. And how much time do you spend in the dressing room or at the training ground? By your logic Kiernan could have been your man ya rocket. And I never said points and screams when they're playing shit, you just plucked that out of thin air like a fucking daily record journalist. A captain is a leader who can make the difference and lift the players in the heat of a game. For me Wallace is an average left back at best, and does very little on the park to pick the team up, and in my opinion shouldnt be the captain of our team. Thats what I think so if you don't agree thats fair enough but I'd suggest you deal with it and move on cause I really couldn't give a fuck if you don't agree.
  6. And me mate. Feel like I've been giving him a harder time than Warburton
  7. You must prefer to get beat 1-0 than draw 1-1 then ?
  8. I wouldn't have Wallace as captain. He's too anonymous vocally during games and shows little passion imo. Miller would be a good candidate though.
  9. On closer inspection, have they made Brenda look like a priest? Very ironic.
  10. Exactly what I thought when I read it Welcome back ?
  11. Talking of stripping titles, one of the mods gonnae strip that fucking thread title please
  12. It's great. If you watch him from the moment he realises he's not getting the ball he's just planted to the ground watching and hoping ?
  13. That chest flick from Boughy
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