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Everything posted by Rangersfansmediawatch

  1. Someone like to be kind enough and educate me on why these injury's take so long to heal,You can break your leg and be back in less than 6 months.
  2. More than likely been leaked by someone at Ross Hall.
  3. Could fully except this happening on the pitch in a match,But find it bizarre it happened on the training ground,That's now two of our biggest earners out. I would imagine the club have some sort of injury insurance to pay his wages or it will be a huge hit on the club.
  4. Front ending £30m or £50m for what this season ?
  5. The champions league is the only place that will give us the much needed financial boost to buy quality players to challenge the unwashed and that's absolutely miles away at present. To firstly get there we need to knock the unwashed off their perch which will be extremely difficult given we don't have a pot to piss in at present,While they if they qualify every season will bag around £25/£30m. Only positive from this is they never spend most of that improving their team or they would be over the hill and very far away from us. Europa league is our best option but problem being we would no doubt have three difficult qualifying rounds and the money is absolutely rubbish compared to the champions league. It's a catch 22 position... To get the champions league money we would have to have an extremely much better team to not only win the league,But to circumvent three very difficult qualifying rounds to get to the group stages.. But we have no money to bring the quality we require just to win the league. Will be a very long time until we are in the champions league group stages,If ever again.
  6. As a wee boy it was Jairzinho,One of the best Brazilian forwards of all time and an absolute scoring machine.
  7. Looking at yesterdays report i find it difficult to see how we will have any budget in January,Any substantial amount of money for transfers seems to be dependent on getting into Europe and putting in a real challenge for the title. I think King is looking at Europe thinking £25/£30m would give us money to buy players to compete... Europe and the champions league is where the money we need is to be found,But the champions league is miles and miles away. The riches we need are only within our grasp by spending big on the team to get there,Which means finishing top of the pile in Scotland,Where we get that money from who know's.
  8. " The EBT scheme has been ruled to be an illegal tax avoidance mechanism " Ruled by whom ? Was it not the case that it was simply stopped by HMRC. I would really love someone from the SFA to explain why we weren't paid the money we were owed or the money from Davis transfer that at the very least should have went into the pot for the creditors. Now this money has been paid it's something we can now move on from.
  9. Many people also questioned if manilla envelopes changed hands and what was in it for Green. Both deals absolutely reek. We also had an opportunity a few years ago if our marketing department would have done their jobs right, Underarmour were looking to invest in UK football and we should have been banging their door down looking for a slice of it,They ended up pumping £50m into Spurs. Unless your one of the top ten clubs in the world,You need to work hard to get serious investment from major multinational company's,We need to get the big company's interested in Rangers instead of accepting the chicken feed we get,But we first need to sort out our present deals. The seven year deal also with Ashley in my eyes is also highly suspect,Given at the time he more or less signed away half our retail profits along with the clause of buying back unsold goods at RRP,Which is absolute madness.
  10. We seek to minimise the Group’s impact on the environment and endeavour to achieve this through recycling and energy conservation wherever possible. I can think of two ways the club can do this and also save the club a substantial amount of money per year on bills. The roofs of the stands are huge and installing large solar panels on them would sustain most of the electricity costs of the stadium and could perhaps make an income from selling the extra power generated to the power company's,The outlay would be pretty expensive but if the club could cut a deal with a supplier and installer and offer free advertising on the roofs it could be a goer. Our own water retention system could also be installed on the roofs to collect rainwater into tanks and be used for toilets and perhaps the constant watering of the pitch and other things,We have plenty of it in this country.
  11. I was told a while back that both deals were worth less than a million per year,If indeed the above figures do include 32red and Puma.Then it is absolutely pathetic for a club the size of Rangers and makes you wonder why it was excepted by Green.
  12. Sponsorship and advertising £663,000..... Does that figure cover all including 32RED and the Puma deal ? No revenue is recognised in respect of away fixtures except for a small share of ticket revenue from away cup matches.... So what happens to the booking fees our supporters have to pay when purchasing through the ticket office or online... Why are we filling the pockets of others when we could and should be taking this booking fee and putting it into our own club. Hire of plant and machinery £203,000.... If these are the raised platform machinery,Isn't it time perhaps that we purchased our own,Seems a lot of cash outlay. Auditor’s remuneration £84,000.... Think i should have stuck in at school.
  13. Bit miffed by those results,Was under the impression we had around 42,000 season tickets and around 37,000 last season... Average attendance last season 34,000 ? Thought it was a lot more than that. Was it not King himself that said we had 37,000 season tickets last season.
  14. http://rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/rangers-international-football-club-annual-results-2/
  15. Who would want to manage us? A manager comes in overhauls the whole football side to the club gets us promoted and then our fans scream for his head after a semi final and being 2 points of second place the year after promotion. Any decent manager would run a mile, rightly so. Our fans need to get realistic. We are 2 points off where most of us wanted and expected to be this season despite injuries, which seems to keep happening to players that just hit form, and despite the Barton fiasco. Yet some of us want to disrupt the team more by sacking the manager, or at least making it harder for him by upping the pressure on him. Aberdeen play them this weekend, Hearts are away to Caley, we could very realistically be sitting in second by the weekend.
  16. Excellent,Good for you,So happy for you
  17. Split is still being used,Point to note is that if we don't make the split then we will have 2 away games against the unwashed and only the one in December at home,Not making the split would cost us a substantial amount of money not including the roughly £400k+ for missing a home game against the unwashed and our payment from the SFA would be far less.
  18. So if two teams at the end of the season finish on the exact same points do they share the league title. So in your theory then the table would have looked like this 1st Celtc 2nd Aberdeen 2nd Rangers
  19. He's paid to commentate not entertain,There was a point tonight we were attacking and just outside the penalty box and the bold Tom was still trying to explain what an exocet missile was.
  20. Andy Little quotes of the night for me " If Rangers just get one,They will go on to score 3,4 or 5 " "Joe Garner is a nice guy and a top striker " Him and Tom Miller don't half talk some amount of shite.
  21. When Barton was at Burnley he would have perhaps been on the wages you say Dembele is being paid... Did you think before Barton signed Rangers could afford his wages ? Barton could have stayed at Burnley and played in the Premiership this season with no doubt a big increase in his wages and we are to believe he left all that behind and came here for perhaps less than half he was on.. I think Barton is on a lot more than people think. As another poster above has said,If we had ignored Barton,Senderos and Hill we could have easily signed Dembele and paid his wages and made big bucks on him. Our scouting system is still a shambles and you only have to look at the young 13yr old Dembele who was taken from right under our noses because we showed no interest in him,Despite his boys team manager bringing him to our attention and showed no interest.
  22. Your either second or third...To go second Rangers would have had to beat St Johnstone 9-0.
  23. My biggest positive from tonight was the size of the crowd on a cold midweek game.
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