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Everything posted by Valance1690

  1. The board don't care about the European results now, they got their windfall and that's them happy so forget about Europe in their eyes. Personally I think the end game is to wait until the leagues completely gone i.e. Feb/March time then replace Gio, its after the January window (so they don't need to spend money) & it means any manager who is available at that point it likely begging for a job so will require very little outlay. Sacking Gio now means a big pay off for him, Roy & Vos, the latter being a lot more expensive than people realise, Ajax apparently offered him a big deal which we beat
  2. A new manager has got to come with a fresh outlook on things, regardless of who it is. We had Warburton who played a 4-3-3 of Waghorn - Miller & Dodoo/Forrester I think it was at the time & had 'attacking' fullbacks in Tav/Declan John fs We went to Gerrard who played a very similar style but seemed to install a bit of fight in the team, got us believing and we steamrolled teams, that's what got us the title, nothing ground breaking, just a decent setup. Then we brought in Gio who surprise surprise plays a 4-3-3 except its the most negative you'll ever see...genuinely love to see how many time Colak touched the ball tonight, fucking crazy how isolated he was & his signings are beyond belief. We sign the manager based on who can be arsed coming to Rangers rather than looking at the person and deciding they'd be a good fit to build a squad with our budget,
  3. Was going to quote that earlier but aye that pretty much sums it up if they're saying it, he's going nowhere
  4. He has been but I think you could work a midfield with Lundstram, you just need 2 players who can actually play football next to him, he does the donkey work and lays it off to them, works for teams around the world. In our midfield, he's supposed to be the one who can pass and actually play football...that's the issue.
  5. I tried to listen and like you I turned it off after 30 seconds, it's the same shite as usual from him
  6. You'd like to think an ex player who understands the club/fans would hold his hands up and resign... Unfortunately I don't think Gio gets it at all, he's disappointed aye but he really doesn't get it
  7. Decent player on his day, sadly his day comes as often as a leap year Will end up scoring double figures at a league 1/2 side, that's about it. Tbh the way its worked out with him & Morelos its probably been a saving grace for the club, saved us a fortune in the long run rather than signing them both to long term deals.
  8. Exactly that. Seems to be after a bad result we give it a few days then forget everything that happened...until we stumble into another pumping Gio has overseen some of the worst pumpings in our history...all within the last year! The manner of the defeats is worse than the actual results in some cases, its beggers belief we've even got people able to defend the guy The fact he's an ex player & genuinely seems like a nice guy means I'd be more than happy to see him resign of his own accord, otherwise things are going to turn very nasty towards him & the players in the near future If it's a normal manager there's people outside the stadium tonight hounding him out the door
  9. He's stuck around & like Wallace he gets credit for that Quality wise, he's bang average & his only competition (Devine) has shown absolutely nothing to even suggest he's Rangers quality never mind suggest he should replace him
  10. Tbh if we got beat 7-1 of Man City (I'd say they're probably best in the world right now) I'd still be asking questions It's the fact I honestly don't think Liverpool played that well that makes it even worse!
  11. I can't believe there's even a debate... A Rangers manager has just been fucked 7-1 at home, he should be sacked by the time we get up the road from the stadium, there's no if buts or maybes about it fs
  12. Naw I'm saying they were all fucking shite 🤣 You're no naming a MOTM in a 7-1 defeat, especially a defender ffs
  13. No idea how you can name a defender as MOTM in a 7-1 defeat, there's just no way Not saying there's a better option btw but that's just nuts
  14. Davies looks solid? Salah scored 3 off their right side in 6 minutes...
  15. Really doesn't matter who anymore, it just can't be Gio, that tonight is as bad as it gets for a Rangers manager
  16. Thought Goldson was superb, King good & Davies done alright, jury still out on him. King has to be ahead of Davies though on current form but he's 18 and will have a few more mistakes like tonight at Champions League level. The back 3/5 doesn't work for us under Gio, our 2 fullbacks aren't good enough to play it Surely the idea of the 3 CBs is that we'll end up with more guys in midfield & hard to mark wingbacks...we seem to do the opposite with it!
  17. Should've had the balls to go more positive from the start, mightve turned out the same but who knows This negativity pish needs to stop or Gio won't have many backers
  18. The most worrying thing about Gio is he just doesn't seem to learn Back 5 away to Ajax was the same as this, difference is Ajax took their chances, Liverpool haven't yet Tillman on the right again, it just doesn't work & won't ever work No legs in midfield, you get overrun It's the same shit again and again
  19. 100% agree, not put a foot wrong, is even comfortable playing RB as seen in Amsterdam
  20. Exactly. Have a go and if you get beat then fine, it's expected Sitting off them like this only makes it inevitable that they'll score a few
  21. Stupid foul from Davies Ridiculous freekick Conceding this early is concerning
  22. We tried sitting off against Ajax, it really didn't work & we got skelped for it This looks even more of a sitting off effort, if they score early it could get embarrassing Nobodies expecting anything here, just get the shackles off and have a go at them, worst case we get what everybody expects
  23. Comes in an tackles like a normal cunt he wouldn't have been sent off Got his foot ready to stamp on ankle from about 5 yards back, horrible wee cunt, very lucky thats not a bad injury
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