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Everything posted by Valance1690

  1. Aye that part I agree with, we're asking our full back line to defend more when simply, that's not what they're good at (crazy as it sounds) We have 2 attacking fullbacks, a LB in at CB who wants to attack and a CB in Goldson who would probably be more suited as a defensive mid with his passing/shit defending.
  2. Trying also mate, its absolutely brutal, sitting in a quiet living room with the wife & dug sleeping on the couch...highlights of the game playing on Sky Sports News..(I can't find the remote to turn it off ) We weren't playing well under SG but the difference from that to now, I'd bite your hand off to go back to that level of "not playing well" Its those Facebook posts you see of people saying I'd love to go back to when I thought I was fat...compared to what I am now... The difference between us late November to now is fucking frightening, I get that people are angry at the players but it can't just be put on them, it has to be levelled towards the management
  3. He failed to stop a cross fair enough, think you'd be more concerned about Borna letting the 19 year old leave him for dead lol? As I said Tav is a very easy target and we could defo do better at RB if we spent a few million but fuck me he's by far the biggest issue in that team
  4. Completey agree. We had someone post earlier this morning how they thought us sitting back was the right idea and we'd hit them on the counter... Think most forums try to analyse all the shit that happens in a match, down to the small details but that was something that clearly wasn't going to work, inviting pressure from a team who go gung-ho from the start is crazy
  5. Don't think he inspires, infact I don't think anybody in that dressing room does tbh However all the talk was about how Jota would be their biggest threat and how Tav would get ripped apart...1 mistake I think he made and Jota got a shot away from a tight angle...apart from that I'm pretty sure all their danger came down our left hand side Tav pisses me off sometimes but he's nowhere near our biggest problem
  6. Crazy thing is most cunts were posting exactly that on a forum at 11 o'clock this morning... How can a professional football manager not see that wasn't the right idea... Fucking crazy
  7. I get the arguement about the players mental strength, the usual suspects tonight i.e Barisic, Goldson, Kamara, Tav all got singled out for criticism and rightly so The problem is I've just watched those players comfortably win a league title & win some right tough games to do that. The drop off since Gerrard left means it can only be blamed on the management team Tonight we looked totally lost from kick off, can name individuals but as collective team performance, we looked clueless. Sunday is important of course, the result means everything but a bad start and you'll quickly see the stadium turn on Gio because tonight was on him
  8. We were 6 points ahead a few weeks ago We have taken 5 points from 12 against a poor Aberdeen/Ross County + scrapped 3 points at home to Livi We just took a fucking skelping off a tarrier team full of players who have never played in an Old Firm & some who have barely even played for them in general But aye we're only 1 behind...keep going at this rate and we'll be double figures behind before Dortmund fuck us out of the Europa in a few weeks 👍👍
  9. Don't think we're going to hold our hands up and sack him right now...probably not no but not through choice, I think we're committed into Gio whether it works or not this season However I will say, we've had a 7 point swing in half a dozen games, if it continues on this path I can see us pulling the plug on him through fan pressure & because we won't trust Gio with whatever money is available in the summer If they win the league this year (and after the last month or so I think they will) we'll need a miracle to win the league over the next 3/4 years.
  10. Tonight was a big ask? Are you fucking serious? They had a team full of inexperienced players, players who had very little Old Firm experience and some who had barely play at all for the club. I didn't expect us to go in and win 5-0 comfortably but I certainly didn't expect a 3-0 pumping (could've been alot worse btw) Thats 5 points from 12 since the break, players look absolutley clueless & the manager seems worse. If you want to wait another 5/6 weeks to see if Gio can get his finger out then by all means enjoy it, you'll watch the taigs romp to a title 👍
  11. Aberdeen wasn't a good night Livi wasn't a good night Saturday wasn't a good day Tonight wasn't a good night Keep going mate...we'll be miles behind them before we wake up
  12. I don't think anybody wants to turn on Gio so quick but it's clear it's not working & he's clueless If we continue with it for another 4/5 weeks we're going to be out the title race, out of Europe and recieved quite a few pumpings to boot Hold our hands up and say it's not working and change it now while we still have a chance
  13. As hard as it is to take, if that part there was true & we were only 1 point behind I could take it Watch his interview, his body language...he's not got a fucking clue what went wrong tonight or how to solve it. He flung the players under the bus as soon as he could, the same players who were comfortably clear before he got the job btw. He's taken us so far back in 10 weeks it's incredible. The winter break where he had time to "train" the players has only accelerated that
  14. If your argument is Kent should play because Aribo was worse tonight...Kent should be in the fucling B team with his performances this season Aribo was terrible tonight but is still 1 of the only players with pass marks since Gio came in
  15. Reading all about his time at Feyenoord this is pretty much what we should've expected He was used to being the underdogs, the 2nd team behind the mighty Ajax & set his team up to defend then counter attack He's tried the same here with absolutely no clue of how things are, incredibly. Seen it said all night but if you don't get Pedro vibes off him then you've not watched enough of Pedro's interviews, they're so similar
  16. Overreaction after a 3-0 pumping (let's not sugarcoat it) by a taig team who had half a team out & half a team full of derby debutants We really do sleepwalk into disaster after disaster
  17. Does Tav deserve the armband...naw, probably never has tbh but he's done alright Is that our biggest problem...100% naw
  18. They brought a guy back from Japan who had more enthusiasm than somebody like Kent These are professional fit as fuck athletes, if they want to play they can play Difference is 1 team have bought into their managers tactics, the other have no idea
  19. Said he can't understand the 1st half, didn't expect what happened Thought we played well 2nd half Basically fucking clueless
  20. Said he can't understand the 1st half, didn't expect what happened Thought we played well 2nd half Basically fucking clueless
  21. Even worse if you see FF btw...deleting threads against him
  22. Their recruitment has been good (fair bit of luck behind that) but aye its been good They've also spent the better part of 30 million in 2 windows...of course its going to be good
  23. If you watched his interview there and are happy with him going forward then you deserve everything you get
  24. Pretty much what he said aye. Actually had the brass neck to say he was happy with the 2nd half
  25. Spot on. He's getting away with it because he's an ex player & a fucking good one at that If you look at his interviews, tactics, substitutions since he arrived...he gives the same vibes as Pedro If he didn't have his history he'd be gone in the morning
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