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Hadron Collider

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Everything posted by Hadron Collider

  1. If he’s better than Pedro, then guess what, we have more points and we would be closer to the Dims. Not saying we would win the league but a lot closer just to give them the shivers. Bring on the semi final. Let’s see how his tactics work there!
  2. Yes agreed. Should he get the job for next year I would assume he will know the script. He’s only had a few months. Teething time. The team is what it is right now and he can’t change that.
  3. Pretty well thrown in at the deep end. Hasn’t done badly imo. Can you imagine if Pedro the burro was still there? Just a thought.
  4. Halliday, that’s your level of improving? Shouldn’t be near a blue jersey. I already said Cummings and he was brought on. Maybe if Cardozo hadn’t fucked up on the second goal we would have been laughing and we would be having this fucked up conversation.
  5. Who really did we have to come on and change the game? Cummings yes, after that I don’t see anything as our bench is not good enough.
  6. Dinosaur brained fuckers! Obviously a fucking contender for mastermind! Hope his giro disny show up this week.
  7. The cunts have had free reign while we were out of the league. Let’s not forget that. The past few years have been traumatic to say the least but we are coming back. Who was going to step in and help when we were down after all the crap? Yes, there have been bad decisions made but we need to look forward now. Our cup final is the semi against these bastards! That’s the way we should play that game. No Surrender!
  8. Don’t think our board will allow us to fall further behind next season. We will strengthen for sure. Mark Allan will see to this.
  9. Yes, but Alfredo isn’t in the Premier League. He is close to 20 goals in our “pishy league with pishy wee diddy teams”. Not saying he is as good as Kane at all. It just takes time for players to adjust. FFS! He came from Colombia via Finland. Has played for a full 12 months now? League is done so give him a rest and see how he comes back. Second place should be secure now.
  10. Ok. It was a disappointment yesterday. Could’ve, should’ve blah blah blah. It’s the Scottish cup we want as it stops the fucking double treble. We need to get over it and do these bastards in the semi. We’re closer than you think boys!
  11. See what Kane was doing when he was 21. They loaned him out. Your right there is a difference. Kane at 21 wasn’t playing against the cream of Europe. It’s an apprenticeship that’s going on here. Kane had the same problems. Do you think we can get the chance to play against the cream anytime soon? Did I say anything about Morelos being as good as Kane?
  12. Well said. Good strikers are around 23-24 when things start to happen. Hope we can keep him when that happens. FFS he’s only 21. Look at Harry Kane now.
  13. If Pedro is not the coach at the beginning of the season we would’ve been far better off. Murty if he had the job from the beginning would’ve had us closer to this fucking mob! Pedro got away with fucking murder with the shite he brought in. Steve Clarke not big enough for us. Looks like he sleeps on a park bench.
  14. Clarke not the answer for a team as big as Rangers. Let’s be fair if the Portuguese burro hadn’t fucked us at the beginning of the season Murty and our boys would be a lot closer this mhanky mob. I wish we had Murty from the start cos we wouldn’t have had Pena, Herrera, Cardozo, Dalcio etc. Granted we didn’t have Mark Allan in full flow. Give Murty the job for next season along with our DOF pulling strings! Onwards and upwards bears!
  15. Bottle! Had them shitting it. Don’t know if it was a coaching decision but it looked like we were playing like we had won the game. Shouldve put them to the sword especially when they were down to 10 men.
  16. More support required from the midfield here. He seems so isolated many times.
  17. A big lump eh wid you throw on a fire and you’d get something out of it!
  18. Hope this is true. One of the worst signings in Rangers history. Sorry, some folks say they have a soft spot for him. Get him tae fuck! Hopeless!
  19. It’s about time the linesmen had a say in the shite that goes on in a game. Kudos to this man on his decision. I think some of these so called top refs think they see and know everything in a game and some of the linesman don’t speak out. Fair play is all we ask.
  20. I’d like to know how Murty can’t see this. We fuckin sat back on the pricks and let come at us. Too many gaps! Fuck me Heartz did them 4-0 by pressing them like fuck.
  21. Totally agree here. Fod is a bombscare. Always not ready for shots outside the box and I’m not talking about the first goal yesterday. At the same time we’ve got to stop backing off attacking players coming in like that. There have got to be better goalies out there available..
  22. Magic news! A win and a couple of nutmegs on Broon this weekend! FFS eh?
  23. Condolences sir! Keep your chin up. The Gers will do him proud on Sunday.
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