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Charlie "nob" Nicholas


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Hampden Park plays host to the 124th Scottish Cup Final on Saturday - and the Sky Sports cameras - as SPL champions take on Falkirk. The Gers have lifted the trophy 32 times, compared to their opponents' two and the bookies believe this is already a foregone conclusion. Charlie Nicholas will be in our studio for the game and he told skysports.com that Falkirk boss John Hughes has to be bold. Or fear the worst...

For the past few years the Scottish Cup final has looked like a bit of a mis-match. This year we have the champions Rangers against a side that only just stayed in the SPL by the skin of their teeth.

But somehow it always turns out to be closer than we'd imagine - and I am hoping Saturday will be no different.

Over the past few years I have walked into Hampden fearing the worst but after seeing Queen of the South give Rangers a scare, Dunfermline push Celtic all the way and Gretna come close to winning before losing to Hearts on penalties, I have had to hold my hands up and admit I was wrong.

Of course, let's not kid ourselves, there is always a greater interest and lure if it is an Old Firm final but this game has often given the lesser sides a chance to shine.

Sadly, because of the state of Scottish football and the fact that Celtic and Rangers generally buy the opposition's best players, they always seem to fall short though.

It will be asking a lot of Falkirk if they are to buck that trend, especially on what I hear will be a hot day on Saturday. That could be their worst nightmare, because you can see Rangers keeping possession, stretching them and then making their extra quality count.


Falkirk's best bet would be to get amongst the champions, be bold and take a risk. It's funny because as a player - and I played against him in his Bairns days - their manager John Hughes, was rugged, aggressive and took no prisoners. Somehow his team aren't like that and they do like to get the ball down and play the right way.

I don't think that will be enough here though. Although, in my opinion, there are not really any genuine class performers in the Rangers side, you have to expect that they will be superior in midfield. Scott Arfield is a real star for Falkirk but to demand he gets on the ball and dictates the game, on such a big occasion, is a bit much.

I would love to see Hughes go with at least two up front. Steve Lovell, who has great movement, and Michael Higdon are the obvious pairing, but I wouldn't be adverse to throwing someone like Carl Finnigan is as well. David Weir reads the game very well but at his age, after a long season, the last thing he needs is people snapping round his heels.

Rangers also have a problem at right-back, where they are vulnerable, so there are things for Falkirk to work on going forward.

But they have to get the ball to do that and the big worry is Rangers can get their noses in front and then just keep it, keep it, keep it, work them hard and then hit them when they have got tired legs. That is what has tended to happen when the smaller sides have come so close in Scottish Cup finals recently.


Also, Falkirk already know they have a place in Europe - albeit the pre-qualifiers or qualifiers to the Europa League next season - and I just have a feeling that last week's win over Inverness Caledonian Thistle and securing their SPL place. That was probably the vital thing for them, the main focus of their attention.

Rangers for their part, will still be on a high. You cannot knock them for being champions, but I really don't think there are any individuals that stand out. Kenny Miller's OK and has a great workrate, and Madjid Bougherra has been decent, while Edu has got better and better as the season has gone on.

But with all due respect, and I know he has had his problems, Barry Ferguson is still their best player - and I am not sure he warrants a place in the line-up on Saturday!

The likes of Miller, Steve Davis and Edu are generally the ones that lift the tempo when Rangers need it, but the one thing that has impressed me about Walter Smith's side this season is the way they have rediscovered that spirit and togetherness. That might just be enough here because unless Falkirk can get ahead, then I do worry that this might be the one-sided final we have all been dreading.

If the Bairns can keep it goalless at half-time they will still be in with a shout, but I really do hope they give it a real go, take risks and throw caution to the wind. They don't really have anything to lose.

Charlie's prediction

I am afraid this might be fairly comfortable for the bigger side after a few close calls in the Scottish Cup final. I don't think Rangers are that good, but if it's a hot day, I can see their experience and strength just wearing Falkirk down. I hope Hughes is brave with his team and tactics but still think it is a big ask for them. I hope the game is a close one, but I can see Rangers running out 3-0 winners.

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I know man but he's always at it....as it Hartson. Every time he's on Soccer AM it turns into the C****c show, i just home Jim White and Lauders knock him down a few pegs in the SS's studio tom!!

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Aye Charlie, because Celtic are reeking of class players.

A fat, poofy, error-prone goalkeeper who behaves like a spoilt 5-year old.

Two cumbersome centrebacks, who are as sturdy as giraffe's legs.

A thug and a jakey for a centre-midfield partnership.

A wee traitorous, plate-faced, cunt-of-a-man as a left winger.

One moaning, diving striker with horrendous gingivitis.

And another sticker who looks like a drag artist and whose mouth is bigger than his gaping fanny.

Not forgetting the former manager who could not conduct himself with any sort of dignity or class in front of the media.

Take your green specs off.

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"Madjid Bougherra has been decent." Aye, that's all Mr. Nicholas - you sure ken yer fitba, nae doubt aboot it. Honestly, what a no user. I would love to know how this prick gets a place in the studio on the day, considering the team he owes his allegiance to. He has absolutely no right and no place being at Hampden on Saturday unless his team is one of the two teams on the field. Get firmly tae fuck, Charlie.

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He is on a mission though to shame the Celik board into spending some serious coin during the Transfer Window.

I think he's more dangerous now that he IS hurting. A lot of Celik minded tits are listening to him & voting by not renewing ST etc.

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"Madjid Bougherra has been decent." Aye, that's all Mr. Nicholas - you sure ken yer fitba, nae doubt aboot it. Honestly, what a no user. I would love to know how this prick gets a place in the studio on the day, considering the team he owes his allegiance to. He has absolutely no right and no place being at Hampden on Saturday unless his team is one of the two teams on the field. Get firmly tae fuck, Charlie.

You made a big mistake. You read what the fool had to say.

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"Madjid Bougherra has been decent." Aye, that's all Mr. Nicholas - you sure ken yer fitba, nae doubt aboot it. Honestly, what a no user. I would love to know how this prick gets a place in the studio on the day, considering the team he owes his allegiance to. He has absolutely no right and no place being at Hampden on Saturday unless his team is one of the two teams on the field. Get firmly tae fuck, Charlie.

You made a big mistake. You read what the fool had to say.

True, that. Should know better by now.

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