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Phil Mac Giolla Bhain sinks to a new low .


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When you’re 16 it’s hard enough to leave home without having the extra hassle of being an Irish player caught up in the whole Celtic-Rangers thing. I wore my Rangers kit at training in Dublin one night and some of the parents gave me a hard time. I just felt that going to Rangers at that time wasn’t the right thing to do.

Good post.

This is a good example of what we are dealing with. This piss-poor journalist wants to open his eyes just a wee bit.

He is a MOPE of the highest order, and an arsehole on top.

He should concentrate on the terrorist-supporting, IRA loving, anti-British scum he 'represents'.


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Phil Mac Gobble-a-Bairn has plenty of form when it comes to attacking Rangers and Protestants in general.

Remember the cringe-worthy bile he spouted about his kids crying because they heard/saw something whilst watching Rangers on tv?

Or the equally squirming attempt to make a connection between the 'bouncy' and a sectarian murder in N.I.

F*ck off Phil, you've either been tw*tted at some point by a Rangers fan or you, yourself are guilty of the most blatant sectarian views you accuse others of having.


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Phil Mac Gobble-a-Bairn has plenty of form when it comes to attacking Rangers and Protestants in general.

Remember the cringe-worthy bile he spouted about his kids crying because they heard/saw something whilst watching Rangers on tv?

Or the equally squirming attempt to make a connection between the 'bouncy' and a sectarian murder in N.I.

F*ck off Phil, you've either been tw*tted at some point by a Rangers fan or you, yourself are guilty of the most blatant sectarian views you accuse others of having.


Couldnt help laughing at that Bolton :lol:

I totally agree, this cretin is the lowest form of barrel-scraper Ive heard of in recent times.

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Word of advice. You shouldnt have posted that shit on here :rolleyes:

EDIT: Anti-Rangers shit like that is not welcome here Trevelyan ;)

Coop, that means if we want to read it we have to visit his site, giving him more 'hits' and therefore increasing his advertising income :rolleyes:

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Word of advice. You shouldnt have posted that shit on here :rolleyes:

EDIT: Anti-Rangers shit like that is not welcome here Trevelyan ;)

Coop, that means if we want to read it we have to visit his site, giving him more 'hits' and therefore increasing his advertising income :rolleyes:

You know the score Manti and the kind of shit he writes, you dont even need to visit his site to know :lol:

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I find the whole article quite amusing.

That numpty claims he has been 'researching' this for yrs, however, within an hr of the post going up on here his whole point has been blown into pieces.

He cant be very good at his research....

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Guest gersfan2233

he a sumbag who looking for some free press time lets end this thred and stop given this useless cunt the press he looking for

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Stop giving credence to this shitehawk. Posting links to this guff only makes him more money.

Thats why I asked someone to cut and paste so that he doesnt get any hits

I fail to see why ANY Rangers supporter would have the slightest desire to read this cunt's article.

We all know what he writes, we shouldnt give it the time of day never mind our attention.

Its strange that you should think that we would.

This is the Bears' Den, not some board that panders and gives time to Irish republican/plastic paddy bullshit.

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I've read it now, and I must admit that it is a very sloppy piece, simply an attack on RFC, with an attempt to put a veneer of academic/ journalistic respectability to a bigot's rant.

For example he makes great play on the number of RoI internationalists (he claims that every Championship club in England has had a full Republic of Ireland since the year 2000 apart from Bristol City and Doncaster, who have had Republic of Ireland under 21 internationalists.

But he doesn't look at how many of those were/ are RoI citizens - ie who are really Irish. In many cases they will only be 'Irish' because they are footballers with an Irish grannie and they aren't good enough for England.

And what about this:

One of the best in the business at the time was Blackburn Rovers Damien Duff.

There is little doubt that Rangers could have paid the transfer fee and met Duff’s personal terms.

Duff went to Chelsea when Rangers paid the Stamford Bridge club £12 million for Tore Andre Flo.

Perhaps Advocaat just didn’t think that Duff was a good enough player for his Rangers team.

Now wee Dick's signing of a striker in November 2000 is suggested to be some sort of evidence of racism, because he didn't buy a winger who signed for Chelsea at the same time he suggests. However as Duff signed for Chelsea in July 2003 it is not really a very valid point. More like a bare faced lie.

He then wheels out a friend to support his case 'Ex-Republic of Ireland footballer and anti-racist expert' Kieron Brady. Interesting selection. Brady comes from Glasgow. One would have thought it would have been appropriate to ask whether brady would have signed for Rangers.

But let's face it, an honest answer would blow the whole article out of the water.

So phil mcgoblin:


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Stop giving credence to this shitehawk. Posting links to this guff only makes him more money.

Thats why I asked someone to cut and paste so that he doesnt get any hits

I fail to see why ANY Rangers supporter would have the slightest desire to read this cunt's article.

We all know what he writes, we shouldnt give it the time of day never mind our attention.

Its strange that you should think that we would.

This is the Bears' Den, not some board that panders and gives time to Irish republican/plastic paddy bullshit.

Some of us like to know our enemy Coop, this moron is taken seriously in some circles....

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I'm amazed that this has spanned two pages.

A complete nonentity, absurdly uneducated and not worth a second of our time.

His name should be banned from the realm of RangersMedia.

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Rangers won the League. We prevailed - they failed.

Take it from me McGillivan , there is plenty more gloating to come. And no article borne of any amount of lies or bitterness is going to stop it.

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i think he has missed the point or else tried to put 'the poor wee irish catholic minority in big bad scotland' spin on it.

we couldn't sign a player from ireland because of the abuse the player would get from irish celtic supporters, rc bigots in scotland and ireland would make an irish player playing for rangers life a misery. with a family at home and what not who would put up with that?

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The've probably had more Welsh than Irish played for them in recent years, whilst we've had none on contract.

Funnily enough the Welshmen who are aware of this fact, still seem capable of carrying on with a normal, fulfilled life.

What is it in the Scumothy genepool that prevents them doing the same?

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cant think of many roi players who i would want...Keane is a good player and duff is ok but tey dont have a lot to offer

I'd take Shay Given in a heartbeat, and maybe Dunne to partner Boughy.

As for this fucking walking abortion of a 'journalist', let's stop giving him the oxygen of publicity. Let's not even give him the oxygen of oxygen.

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