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The broad Church of modern day Rangers fans

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This theological stuff is getting way off topic surely.

Blame your pal hellomoto. he is the one taking it there ;)

Ah but what do you contribute to Rangers??? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

was this question at Outlaw or Radlord?

It's a sarcastic post!!! ;)

No I think it was a question, which you didn't answer. :happy:

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This theological stuff is getting way off topic surely.

Blame your pal hellomoto. he is the one taking it there ;)

Ah but what do you contribute to Rangers??? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

was this question at Outlaw or Radlord?

It's a sarcastic post!!! ;)

It better be :sherlock:

Mr moto in deflection mode again I see

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This theological stuff is getting way off topic surely.

Blame your pal hellomoto. he is the one taking it there ;)

Ah but what do you contribute to Rangers??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Pish songs from a pub band? :craphead: You looked them up on YouTube? :lol:

So, you have spent time looking me up on various websites, and, thats the best you could come up with? :lol:

Especially when the "pubs" in question are holding 2-5000 people. not bad for a local.

You could also check what my family contributed to Rangers if you like, you would HATE it, good protestand chap he was, they made a film about him you know ;)

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Wow, this one fair took off since I was last online!

Again, I'm reading through, so I'll comment where I feel I have something to comment on, page 16 ATM.

Yellowcross -

bjorkland: your outlook is valid enough in principle but imo would be harmful to rangers in practice. i think surgically removing parts of the rangers body would lead to less folk following the club rather than more, even if our image is improved in pc terms. so, imo, change should be a slow/natural rather than sudden/imposed etc. i guess we should agree to disagree etc.

note: for all it is worth i think cosmetic surgery a sad, pointless and redundant procedure - in real life and as something to be proposed for a football club - to involve a surgical operation purely for surface/cosmetic effects is daft/sad imo even if it is becoming more common/acceptable etc.

so to finish with something light:

“I was going to have cosmetic surgery until I noticed that the doctor's office was full of portraits by Picasso.”

Yeah I guess we shall. The thing with this is, we are both postulating and speculating a possible future. There are valid points on both sides, but we will never know.

And yes I agree with you about cosmetic surgery!

TravellingWillBEARy -

Religion means nothing to me personally either - but it has made our club what it is today so it deserves to be celebrated 00000042.gif

I have largely agreed with what you have said so far, but this point puzzles me. Are you saying that there is something inherent in Prodestantism and it's teachings that made Rangers a success? I would say Rangers are what they are today regardless of the religion of our founder fathers. Would Rangers have been less successful if they were founded by Mormons, Hindus or Rastafarians? Seriously what particular element of Protestantism is relevant to the success or non success of Rangers?

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We say things are accepted, I've read, but some folk I've said I can't be a Rangers fan if I'm an SNP supporter - my politics aren't defined by my Football team. If people are that interested in the 'unionist movement' then why don't they join a Political Party than a wave a flag at a Football, will waving a flag at Fir Park influence the voter looking at the away end?

Rangers and the OO aren't joined at the hip, at all. Some people cannot accept that.

Every Rangers fan isn't a 'billy boy' as they one day most have have been.

Probably NIAR is a decent sized reason why the change in attitudes have been as more people came attracted to the club, among many reasons.

Boab you mean the glory hunters, where were they all during our bad times.

I can't speak for anyone other than me, but I wasn't alive or old enough during the 'bad times'. I grew up during 9IAR, but I would have supported Rangers regardless. Can't beat the feeling of going to the football with your Dad. Having said that, I think Boab was implying that kids growing up in that era from traditionally non-Rangers supporting families may have been attracted to Rangers as a result of their success. Nothing can stop that, success breeds supporters.

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TW why do you think the Club didn't respond a few years back when NOTW printed a completely false story about RFC cutting the grass at Ibrox in the shape of a OO Sash/ collarette; suggesting that this was sectarian and coming close to suggesting that was why Neil Lennon was sent off at the end of the game?

Maybe, just maybe, it's because Rangers, the fine institution we are, don't want to get involved in a mud slinging match with a newspaper such as the NOTW. The sheer ridiculousness of the 'story' should be enough to rebute it. Those who can't see through this, would not be likely to change their mind because Rangers deny the claims, they are more likely to be convinced we have a guily conscious or something to hide.

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We say things are accepted, I've read, but some folk I've said I can't be a Rangers fan if I'm an SNP supporter - my politics aren't defined by my Football team. If people are that interested in the 'unionist movement' then why don't they join a Political Party than a wave a flag at a Football, will waving a flag at Fir Park influence the voter looking at the away end?

Rangers and the OO aren't joined at the hip, at all. Some people cannot accept that.

Every Rangers fan isn't a 'billy boy' as they one day most have have been.

Probably NIAR is a decent sized reason why the change in attitudes have been as more people came attracted to the club, among many reasons.

Boab you mean the glory hunters, where were they all during our bad times.

I can't speak for anyone other than me, but I wasn't alive or old enough during the 'bad times'. I grew up during 9IAR, but I would have supported Rangers regardless. Can't beat the feeling of going to the football with your Dad. Having said that, I think Boab was implying that kids growing up in that era from traditionally non-Rangers supporting families may have been attracted to Rangers as a result of their success. Nothing can stop that, success breeds supporters.

Thats exactly what I meant.

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We say things are accepted, I've read, but some folk I've said I can't be a Rangers fan if I'm an SNP supporter - my politics aren't defined by my Football team. If people are that interested in the 'unionist movement' then why don't they join a Political Party than a wave a flag at a Football, will waving a flag at Fir Park influence the voter looking at the away end?

Rangers and the OO aren't joined at the hip, at all. Some people cannot accept that.

Every Rangers fan isn't a 'billy boy' as they one day most have have been.

Probably NIAR is a decent sized reason why the change in attitudes have been as more people came attracted to the club, among many reasons.

Boab you mean the glory hunters, where were they all during our bad times.

I can't speak for anyone other than me, but I wasn't alive or old enough during the 'bad times'. I grew up during 9IAR, but I would have supported Rangers regardless. Can't beat the feeling of going to the football with your Dad. Having said that, I think Boab was implying that kids growing up in that era from traditionally non-Rangers supporting families may have been attracted to Rangers as a result of their success. Nothing can stop that, success breeds supporters.

So you admit it was only because we started winning thing again that you supported the club. In my opinion you are a glory hunter who cares nothing about our culture or traditions.

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We say things are accepted, I've read, but some folk I've said I can't be a Rangers fan if I'm an SNP supporter - my politics aren't defined by my Football team. If people are that interested in the 'unionist movement' then why don't they join a Political Party than a wave a flag at a Football, will waving a flag at Fir Park influence the voter looking at the away end?

Rangers and the OO aren't joined at the hip, at all. Some people cannot accept that.

Every Rangers fan isn't a 'billy boy' as they one day most have have been.

Probably NIAR is a decent sized reason why the change in attitudes have been as more people came attracted to the club, among many reasons.

Boab you mean the glory hunters, where were they all during our bad times.

I can't speak for anyone other than me, but I wasn't alive or old enough during the 'bad times'. I grew up during 9IAR, but I would have supported Rangers regardless. Can't beat the feeling of going to the football with your Dad. Having said that, I think Boab was implying that kids growing up in that era from traditionally non-Rangers supporting families may have been attracted to Rangers as a result of their success. Nothing can stop that, success breeds supporters.

So you admit it was only because we started winning thing again that you supported the club. In my opinion you are a glory hunter who cares nothing about our culture or traditions.

I grew up during 9IAR, but I would have supported Rangers regardless - that last word seems to say different <cr>

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It'd be more acceptable yes. As long as it was definately all Hitler Youth and definately not one particular one.

There's your answer.

So if I were to shout 'Fuck all Hitler Youth' at the end of The Sash, that would amount to me 'moving on'?

We could be getting close to a deal here.

You seem to assume that 14-18 year old German boys had much say in the matter of joining the Hitler Youth.

From 1936, membership of the HJ was compulsory for all young German men
- Wikipedia

Whilst I have no love nor respect for Nazi's it is naive to assume that all Nazi's, youth or otherwise, were willing and supporting members.

But hey, that is off track...

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We say things are accepted, I've read, but some folk I've said I can't be a Rangers fan if I'm an SNP supporter - my politics aren't defined by my Football team. If people are that interested in the 'unionist movement' then why don't they join a Political Party than a wave a flag at a Football, will waving a flag at Fir Park influence the voter looking at the away end?

Rangers and the OO aren't joined at the hip, at all. Some people cannot accept that.

Every Rangers fan isn't a 'billy boy' as they one day most have have been.

Probably NIAR is a decent sized reason why the change in attitudes have been as more people came attracted to the club, among many reasons.

Boab you mean the glory hunters, where were they all during our bad times.

I can't speak for anyone other than me, but I wasn't alive or old enough during the 'bad times'. I grew up during 9IAR, but I would have supported Rangers regardless. Can't beat the feeling of going to the football with your Dad. Having said that, I think Boab was implying that kids growing up in that era from traditionally non-Rangers supporting families may have been attracted to Rangers as a result of their success. Nothing can stop that, success breeds supporters.

So you admit it was only because we started winning thing again that you supported the club. In my opinion you are a glory hunter who cares nothing about our culture or traditions.

I grew up during 9IAR, but I would have supported Rangers regardless - that last word seems to say different <cr>

Thanks Boab!

Minstral I can't help that the club were successful during my childhood, don't get me wrong it was a great time to be a Rangers fan, but as I said, I would have supported Rangers regardless. I know a lot more about our culture and traditions than you think.

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We say things are accepted, I've read, but some folk I've said I can't be a Rangers fan if I'm an SNP supporter - my politics aren't defined by my Football team. If people are that interested in the 'unionist movement' then why don't they join a Political Party than a wave a flag at a Football, will waving a flag at Fir Park influence the voter looking at the away end?

Rangers and the OO aren't joined at the hip, at all. Some people cannot accept that.

Every Rangers fan isn't a 'billy boy' as they one day most have have been.

Probably NIAR is a decent sized reason why the change in attitudes have been as more people came attracted to the club, among many reasons.

Boab you mean the glory hunters, where were they all during our bad times.

I can't speak for anyone other than me, but I wasn't alive or old enough during the 'bad times'. I grew up during 9IAR, but I would have supported Rangers regardless. Can't beat the feeling of going to the football with your Dad. Having said that, I think Boab was implying that kids growing up in that era from traditionally non-Rangers supporting families may have been attracted to Rangers as a result of their success. Nothing can stop that, success breeds supporters.

So you admit it was only because we started winning thing again that you supported the club. In my opinion you are a glory hunter who cares nothing about our culture or traditions.

ministral ibrox isn't a church

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ministral ibrox isn't a church

I think you will find that Ibrox Stadium IS a church, because The Rangers are our collective religion. ©Mr Jock Wallace (with a little bit of jounalistic licence).

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If you love being a Protestant so much go to church, they could do with your support. Remember Rangers isn't a religious organisation, it is a football club. If you want to go and praise your particular flavour of sky fairy head down your local Kirk or church.

No matter which way you play this they are inextricably linked, whether you like it or not.

Same old rhetoric coming from you, you are boring in the extreme, do you copy and paste???

Rangers aren't a religious instituion, they never have been and never will be. If you want to worship god to to church and praise him. How many times do you do the bouncy in the church pews? None? So why are you desperate to worship god in a football stadium?

Off topic, but that would be a funny sight :craphead:

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We say things are accepted, I've read, but some folk I've said I can't be a Rangers fan if I'm an SNP supporter - my politics aren't defined by my Football team. If people are that interested in the 'unionist movement' then why don't they join a Political Party than a wave a flag at a Football, will waving a flag at Fir Park influence the voter looking at the away end?

Rangers and the OO aren't joined at the hip, at all. Some people cannot accept that.

Every Rangers fan isn't a 'billy boy' as they one day most have have been.

Probably NIAR is a decent sized reason why the change in attitudes have been as more people came attracted to the club, among many reasons.

Boab you mean the glory hunters, where were they all during our bad times.

I can't speak for anyone other than me, but I wasn't alive or old enough during the 'bad times'. I grew up during 9IAR, but I would have supported Rangers regardless. Can't beat the feeling of going to the football with your Dad. Having said that, I think Boab was implying that kids growing up in that era from traditionally non-Rangers supporting families may have been attracted to Rangers as a result of their success. Nothing can stop that, success breeds supporters.

So you admit it was only because we started winning thing again that you supported the club. In my opinion you are a glory hunter who cares nothing about our culture or traditions.

ministral ibrox isn't a church

I have to disagree with you as i class it as a church. :)

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I've avoided this thread (as I usually do with this sort), but my tuppenceworth goes as follows;

Why are we the only club in the world that is frowned upon for upholding and celebrating the origin of it's past?

That is all.

I don't think we are, although several would perhaps claim we are the most vilified.

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