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Bears bringing bank-bashing banners today?


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Why take a loan in the first place? Because banks offer them. Simple as that. They have a responsibility not to make it seem like free money. It is thier money after all. If they want to throw it at people, fuck 'em. They take the risk, they take the chance.

I was offered a loan of a few grand that day and I have fuck all and no means really to pay it back. Are you saying the bank are not culpable in this instance? They had all my details on computer, they were looking at them, seeing my balance was about three quid, seeing I have no regular credits to my account and they still wanted to throw a few grand at me there and then.

Would you personally loan money to a stranger who couldn't prove that he would pay it back? and if you did and he 'defaulted' who do you think people would blame, you or him?

'Illegal'? are you honestly telling me you have never ever broken a law and never ever will? Never driven at thirty-one in a thirty-zone, never made a fly call on the mobile whilst driving? never shouted something at the footy which could be construed as a breach?

The fact that the system of bankruptcy exists in the first place shows that there are perfectly legal procedures in place to default on loans.

'Tim' Logic? must have missed that in philosophy. Was that practised by Socrataigs?

How do banks make ity seem like free money ? You sign a legal document with them listing how you will pay it back , over what period of time and at what interest rate. It's clear form the start it's not free money. I'm not defending the banks making poor credit choices that obviously happens but it doesn't negate you of the responsability of paying them back their money because they were daft enough to give you it in the first place

The system of bankrupcy exists to help people out who run into financial difficulties not to be exploited by thiefs who would take loans with no intention of paying them back. Big difference between choosing not to pay back and not being able to pay back.

Anyone who thinks the club should declare themselves bankrupt is beyond help, their is no way i could explain to you why that would be bad because if i have to you sure as hell ain't going to understand it.

Your attitude is fairly pathetic, i presume you are an adult but you don't seem to have the morals or maturity you would expect an adult to have.

If you don't think banks make it seem like free money, you obviously have no concept of advertising/marketing/ psychology.

A 'legal document' means fuck all to me. I will jump through whichever hoop has been placed in front of me to get the cash then I will ignore it. Your 'legal document' is my scrap piece of paper. The only 'contracts' that I honour are those between my friends and family, not a financial institution. If a prison leaves its gates open and the prisoners walk out, would you chastise the prisoners because the have a 'responsibility' to serve thier sentence? No. It's human nature to avoid penance.

No 'theft' has been committed. Nothing has been stolen.

Bankruptcy exists for people who no longer wish to repay a debt/loan for whatever reason. There is no distinction made in bankruptcy laws that divides those who can't pay and those who just choose not to. Being a strong advocate of legalese, you shouldn't have a problem with people merely exercising a legal right.

I never said Rangers should go bankrupt.

Yes, I am an adult, but I'm not one of the 'sheeple'. My 'morality' has its roots in individualism and helping my fellow man, not my nearest Halifax. You may wish to spend your existence propping up some bullshit, financial, unaccountable hierarchy that would rip you to shreds without a moment's hesitation, but I think there are more important things in life.

You seem to think you are some sort of multi-expert or moral vanguard, I don't know, but your arguments and rants don't even withstand the most basic scrutiny and analysis. By merely repeating the same couple of lines time and time again you look as if you are imune to debate and merely an obsessive - that devalues your point. Therefore, you appear to have no argument, just an insult. You've become what you imagine to behold.

I repeat them because i feel i need to, they are quite simple facts yet you aren't able to grasp them.

You may have somehow convinced yourself you are not a thief but you are, your morality is non existant and you not being one of the sheeple :lol: doesn't mean you have no obligations to pay back what you borrow from people. You are not as individual as you would like to think , their are plenty of people who steal although not that many who convince themselves they are doing nothing wrong. The hu8man nature to avoid penance you describe is all too evident in a criminal mind, no wonder you seem to think that is normal

The bit i have bolded says to me you don't seem to understand bankrupcy law very well either but i am about to go out for the night but so i will try to explain it to you tomorrow if i have time to do some drawings you may understand

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Why take a loan in the first place? Because banks offer them. Simple as that. They have a responsibility not to make it seem like free money. It is thier money after all. If they want to throw it at people, fuck 'em. They take the risk, they take the chance.

I was offered a loan of a few grand that day and I have fuck all and no means really to pay it back. Are you saying the bank are not culpable in this instance? They had all my details on computer, they were looking at them, seeing my balance was about three quid, seeing I have no regular credits to my account and they still wanted to throw a few grand at me there and then.

Would you personally loan money to a stranger who couldn't prove that he would pay it back? and if you did and he 'defaulted' who do you think people would blame, you or him?

'Illegal'? are you honestly telling me you have never ever broken a law and never ever will? Never driven at thirty-one in a thirty-zone, never made a fly call on the mobile whilst driving? never shouted something at the footy which could be construed as a breach?

The fact that the system of bankruptcy exists in the first place shows that there are perfectly legal procedures in place to default on loans.

'Tim' Logic? must have missed that in philosophy. Was that practised by Socrataigs?

How do banks make ity seem like free money ? You sign a legal document with them listing how you will pay it back , over what period of time and at what interest rate. It's clear form the start it's not free money. I'm not defending the banks making poor credit choices that obviously happens but it doesn't negate you of the responsability of paying them back their money because they were daft enough to give you it in the first place

The system of bankrupcy exists to help people out who run into financial difficulties not to be exploited by thiefs who would take loans with no intention of paying them back. Big difference between choosing not to pay back and not being able to pay back.

Anyone who thinks the club should declare themselves bankrupt is beyond help, their is no way i could explain to you why that would be bad because if i have to you sure as hell ain't going to understand it.

Your attitude is fairly pathetic, i presume you are an adult but you don't seem to have the morals or maturity you would expect an adult to have.

If you don't think banks make it seem like free money, you obviously have no concept of advertising/marketing/ psychology.

A 'legal document' means fuck all to me. I will jump through whichever hoop has been placed in front of me to get the cash then I will ignore it. Your 'legal document' is my scrap piece of paper. The only 'contracts' that I honour are those between my friends and family, not a financial institution. If a prison leaves its gates open and the prisoners walk out, would you chastise the prisoners because the have a 'responsibility' to serve thier sentence? No. It's human nature to avoid penance.

No 'theft' has been committed. Nothing has been stolen.

Bankruptcy exists for people who no longer wish to repay a debt/loan for whatever reason. There is no distinction made in bankruptcy laws that divides those who can't pay and those who just choose not to. Being a strong advocate of legalese, you shouldn't have a problem with people merely exercising a legal right.

I never said Rangers should go bankrupt.

Yes, I am an adult, but I'm not one of the 'sheeple'. My 'morality' has its roots in individualism and helping my fellow man, not my nearest Halifax. You may wish to spend your existence propping up some bullshit, financial, unaccountable hierarchy that would rip you to shreds without a moment's hesitation, but I think there are more important things in life.

You seem to think you are some sort of multi-expert or moral vanguard, I don't know, but your arguments and rants don't even withstand the most basic scrutiny and analysis. By merely repeating the same couple of lines time and time again you look as if you are imune to debate and merely an obsessive - that devalues your point. Therefore, you appear to have no argument, just an insult. You've become what you imagine to behold.

What a ludicrous post.... a legal document may mean nothing to you, but it sure as hell means a lot to the institution you signed it with, hence why they will do anything in their power to get that money back. This says to me you are full of it because if this in indeed your attitude and you have lived your life in this way then you would be locked up by now.

As for your comment about prisoners walking free from prison, what an utter load of nonsensical rubbish. At what point do prisoners these days have a 'responsibility' to serve their sentences? Last time I checked, signing a legally binding document guaranteeing you will serve the time you have been sentenced wasn't a pre-requisite to being locked up....

I wonder what he would think if the bank refused to give him his worldly wealth of £3 last time he went to the bank, i bet he would expect them to honour that contract.

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The thought that we could 'get away with' not paying the banks back what we owe them is just stupid, really.

Unless you want us to file for bankruptcy.

I don't know if that is aimed at me, but I'm not in a position to tell Rangers what to do.

I'm speaking for myself.

Not particularly you, but I've heard it a few times.

Rangers can't take the 'fuck the bank' attitude. You may be able to personally, but we as a football club cannot.

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Why take a loan in the first place? Because banks offer them. Simple as that. They have a responsibility not to make it seem like free money. It is thier money after all. If they want to throw it at people, fuck 'em. They take the risk, they take the chance.

I was offered a loan of a few grand that day and I have fuck all and no means really to pay it back. Are you saying the bank are not culpable in this instance? They had all my details on computer, they were looking at them, seeing my balance was about three quid, seeing I have no regular credits to my account and they still wanted to throw a few grand at me there and then.

Would you personally loan money to a stranger who couldn't prove that he would pay it back? and if you did and he 'defaulted' who do you think people would blame, you or him?

'Illegal'? are you honestly telling me you have never ever broken a law and never ever will? Never driven at thirty-one in a thirty-zone, never made a fly call on the mobile whilst driving? never shouted something at the footy which could be construed as a breach?

The fact that the system of bankruptcy exists in the first place shows that there are perfectly legal procedures in place to default on loans.

'Tim' Logic? must have missed that in philosophy. Was that practised by Socrataigs?

How do banks make ity seem like free money ? You sign a legal document with them listing how you will pay it back , over what period of time and at what interest rate. It's clear form the start it's not free money. I'm not defending the banks making poor credit choices that obviously happens but it doesn't negate you of the responsability of paying them back their money because they were daft enough to give you it in the first place

The system of bankrupcy exists to help people out who run into financial difficulties not to be exploited by thiefs who would take loans with no intention of paying them back. Big difference between choosing not to pay back and not being able to pay back.

Anyone who thinks the club should declare themselves bankrupt is beyond help, their is no way i could explain to you why that would be bad because if i have to you sure as hell ain't going to understand it.

Your attitude is fairly pathetic, i presume you are an adult but you don't seem to have the morals or maturity you would expect an adult to have.

If you don't think banks make it seem like free money, you obviously have no concept of advertising/marketing/ psychology.

A 'legal document' means fuck all to me. I will jump through whichever hoop has been placed in front of me to get the cash then I will ignore it. Your 'legal document' is my scrap piece of paper. The only 'contracts' that I honour are those between my friends and family, not a financial institution. If a prison leaves its gates open and the prisoners walk out, would you chastise the prisoners because the have a 'responsibility' to serve thier sentence? No. It's human nature to avoid penance.

No 'theft' has been committed. Nothing has been stolen.

Bankruptcy exists for people who no longer wish to repay a debt/loan for whatever reason. There is no distinction made in bankruptcy laws that divides those who can't pay and those who just choose not to. Being a strong advocate of legalese, you shouldn't have a problem with people merely exercising a legal right.

I never said Rangers should go bankrupt.

Yes, I am an adult, but I'm not one of the 'sheeple'. My 'morality' has its roots in individualism and helping my fellow man, not my nearest Halifax. You may wish to spend your existence propping up some bullshit, financial, unaccountable hierarchy that would rip you to shreds without a moment's hesitation, but I think there are more important things in life.

You seem to think you are some sort of multi-expert or moral vanguard, I don't know, but your arguments and rants don't even withstand the most basic scrutiny and analysis. By merely repeating the same couple of lines time and time again you look as if you are imune to debate and merely an obsessive - that devalues your point. Therefore, you appear to have no argument, just an insult. You've become what you imagine to behold.

What a ludicrous post.... a legal document may mean nothing to you, but it sure as hell means a lot to the institution you signed it with, hence why they will do anything in their power to get that money back. This says to me you are full of it because if this in indeed your attitude and you have lived your life in this way then you would be locked up by now.

As for your comment about prisoners walking free from prison, what an utter load of nonsensical rubbish. At what point do prisoners these days have a 'responsibility' to serve their sentences? Last time I checked, signing a legally binding document guaranteeing you will serve the time you have been sentenced wasn't a pre-requisite to being locked up....

You seem to be missing the point on an almost gargantuan scale and, to be honest, you don't strike me as the sort of intellect that will ever get it, so I won't bother trying to explain it.

Needless to say, you priorities and mine are poles aprt.

I have no respect for the system, you do.

let's leave it at that.

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Why take a loan in the first place? Because banks offer them. Simple as that. They have a responsibility not to make it seem like free money. It is thier money after all. If they want to throw it at people, fuck 'em. They take the risk, they take the chance.

I was offered a loan of a few grand that day and I have fuck all and no means really to pay it back. Are you saying the bank are not culpable in this instance? They had all my details on computer, they were looking at them, seeing my balance was about three quid, seeing I have no regular credits to my account and they still wanted to throw a few grand at me there and then.

Would you personally loan money to a stranger who couldn't prove that he would pay it back? and if you did and he 'defaulted' who do you think people would blame, you or him?

'Illegal'? are you honestly telling me you have never ever broken a law and never ever will? Never driven at thirty-one in a thirty-zone, never made a fly call on the mobile whilst driving? never shouted something at the footy which could be construed as a breach?

The fact that the system of bankruptcy exists in the first place shows that there are perfectly legal procedures in place to default on loans.

'Tim' Logic? must have missed that in philosophy. Was that practised by Socrataigs?

How do banks make ity seem like free money ? You sign a legal document with them listing how you will pay it back , over what period of time and at what interest rate. It's clear form the start it's not free money. I'm not defending the banks making poor credit choices that obviously happens but it doesn't negate you of the responsability of paying them back their money because they were daft enough to give you it in the first place

The system of bankrupcy exists to help people out who run into financial difficulties not to be exploited by thiefs who would take loans with no intention of paying them back. Big difference between choosing not to pay back and not being able to pay back.

Anyone who thinks the club should declare themselves bankrupt is beyond help, their is no way i could explain to you why that would be bad because if i have to you sure as hell ain't going to understand it.

Your attitude is fairly pathetic, i presume you are an adult but you don't seem to have the morals or maturity you would expect an adult to have.

If you don't think banks make it seem like free money, you obviously have no concept of advertising/marketing/ psychology.

A 'legal document' means fuck all to me. I will jump through whichever hoop has been placed in front of me to get the cash then I will ignore it. Your 'legal document' is my scrap piece of paper. The only 'contracts' that I honour are those between my friends and family, not a financial institution. If a prison leaves its gates open and the prisoners walk out, would you chastise the prisoners because the have a 'responsibility' to serve thier sentence? No. It's human nature to avoid penance.

No 'theft' has been committed. Nothing has been stolen.

Bankruptcy exists for people who no longer wish to repay a debt/loan for whatever reason. There is no distinction made in bankruptcy laws that divides those who can't pay and those who just choose not to. Being a strong advocate of legalese, you shouldn't have a problem with people merely exercising a legal right.

I never said Rangers should go bankrupt.

Yes, I am an adult, but I'm not one of the 'sheeple'. My 'morality' has its roots in individualism and helping my fellow man, not my nearest Halifax. You may wish to spend your existence propping up some bullshit, financial, unaccountable hierarchy that would rip you to shreds without a moment's hesitation, but I think there are more important things in life.

You seem to think you are some sort of multi-expert or moral vanguard, I don't know, but your arguments and rants don't even withstand the most basic scrutiny and analysis. By merely repeating the same couple of lines time and time again you look as if you are imune to debate and merely an obsessive - that devalues your point. Therefore, you appear to have no argument, just an insult. You've become what you imagine to behold.

What a ludicrous post.... a legal document may mean nothing to you, but it sure as hell means a lot to the institution you signed it with, hence why they will do anything in their power to get that money back. This says to me you are full of it because if this in indeed your attitude and you have lived your life in this way then you would be locked up by now.

As for your comment about prisoners walking free from prison, what an utter load of nonsensical rubbish. At what point do prisoners these days have a 'responsibility' to serve their sentences? Last time I checked, signing a legally binding document guaranteeing you will serve the time you have been sentenced wasn't a pre-requisite to being locked up....

I wonder what he would think if the bank refused to give him his worldly wealth of £3 last time he went to the bank, i bet he would expect them to honour that contract.

I'd put a fucking brick through thier window thereby costing them more than three quid to repair it.

I'm pretty sure that would be enough of an incentive to prevent them from keeping my three quid. Likewise, I'm pretty sure that a refusal to pay back a loan would provide them with a good enough incentive to be more careful as to who they lend to.

Job's a good 'un.

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The thought that we could 'get away with' not paying the banks back what we owe them is just stupid, really.

Unless you want us to file for bankruptcy.

I don't know if that is aimed at me, but I'm not in a position to tell Rangers what to do.

I'm speaking for myself.

Not particularly you, but I've heard it a few times.

Rangers can't take the 'fuck the bank' attitude. You may be able to personally, but we as a football club cannot.

I agree.

I do not propose that Rangers do do that, nor do I think they are inclined to.

They are a business that require 'good credit' and feel that they must adhere to banking regulations.

I don't.

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I'd put a fucking brick through thier window thereby costing them more than three quid to repair it.

I'm pretty sure that would be enough of an incentive to prevent them from keeping my three quid. Likewise, I'm pretty sure that a refusal to pay back a loan would provide them with a good enough incentive to be more careful as to who they lend to.

Job's a good 'un.

spoken like a true criminal.....

You expect the bank to honour their promises but you won't honour yours.....i'll let you try to work out what is wrong with that picture....

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I'd put a fucking brick through thier window thereby costing them more than three quid to repair it.

I'm pretty sure that would be enough of an incentive to prevent them from keeping my three quid. Likewise, I'm pretty sure that a refusal to pay back a loan would provide them with a good enough incentive to be more careful as to who they lend to.

Job's a good 'un.

spoken like a true criminal.....

You expect the bank to honour their promises but you won't honour yours.....i'll let you try to work out what is wrong with that picture....

I never said I would expect the bank to honour thier promise, I mentioned that I would take a form of action in the same way that they would take a form of action, namely with what we had at our disposal.

They can keep my three quid and I can throw a brick through thier window.

I can spunk thier forty grand and they can take me to court whereby I shall legally declare myself bankrupt.

I'll let you try to work out who will be most bothered.

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I'd put a fucking brick through thier window thereby costing them more than three quid to repair it.

I'm pretty sure that would be enough of an incentive to prevent them from keeping my three quid. Likewise, I'm pretty sure that a refusal to pay back a loan would provide them with a good enough incentive to be more careful as to who they lend to.

Job's a good 'un.

spoken like a true criminal.....

You expect the bank to honour their promises but you won't honour yours.....i'll let you try to work out what is wrong with that picture....

I never said I would expect the bank to honour thier promise, I mentioned that I would take a form of action in the same way that they would take a form of action, namely with what we had at our disposal.

They can keep my three quid and I can throw a brick through thier window.

I can spunk thier forty grand and they can take me to court whereby I shall legally declare myself bankrupt.

I'll let you try to work out who will be most bothered.

The bank would be most bothered,i certainly would not be "bothered" they would have to pay for the legal bill.
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I find this train of thought that we shouldn't pay the money back we owe the bank to be cringe worthy and an embarrassment, their is no justification behind us not paying our debts....

Robbing the robbers is justification enough.

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Our section held one of the banners today, the "Enemy Within" banner. That was despite stewards and Police officers trying to remove it under regulations which they couldn't explain when asked, and the threat of ejecting every person holding the banner.

I'm not going to give my reasons as to why i support the banners, because it will just prompt more of the ill-informed nonsense already in this thread and the petty remarks made to each other.

All i will say is that the reaction of every single Rangers fan in BF4 and BF5 today when the stewards were attempting to remove the banner showed me how united our support can be. This was not organised by any fan group, website or supporter body. Just a group of individuals concerned about the bank's treatment of our club compared to other big businesses in Scotland.

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So who organised this, can't believe no one on here was involved.......

I told you in post #34 who was behind it. (tu)

He does not listen to bears,hes stuck in his wee world,that he is correctamundo,and no one has an opinion on anything,apart from this"kid" on Rangers fans.I've read what i had to read with this a******.
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Our section held one of the banners today, the "Enemy Within" banner. That was despite stewards and Police officers trying to remove it under regulations which they couldn't explain when asked, and the threat of ejecting every person holding the banner.

I'm not going to give my reasons as to why i support the banners, because it will just prompt more of the ill-informed nonsense already in this thread and the petty remarks made to each other.

All i will say is that the reaction of every single Rangers fan in BF4 and BF5 today when the stewards were attempting to remove the banner showed me how united our support can be. This was not organised by any fan group, website or supporter body. Just a group of individuals concerned about the bank's treatment of our club compared to other big businesses in Scotland.

I have yet to hear what these businesses are and how they are comparable to our situation.

I don't know who came up with the 60 p in a pound figure for our debt and i don't know why people think the bank will accept this for our debt, if i'm ill informed then inform me where i am going wrong on this one.

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A 'legal document' means fuck all to me. I will jump through whichever hoop has been placed in front of me to get the cash then I will ignore it. Your 'legal document' is my scrap piece of paper. The only 'contracts' that I honour are those between my friends and family, not a financial institution. If a prison leaves its gates open and the prisoners walk out, would you chastise the prisoners because the have a 'responsibility' to serve thier sentence? No. It's human nature to avoid penance.

Ruddie my good man, we should have our own splinter group. (tu)

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A 'legal document' means fuck all to me. I will jump through whichever hoop has been placed in front of me to get the cash then I will ignore it. Your 'legal document' is my scrap piece of paper. The only 'contracts' that I honour are those between my friends and family, not a financial institution. If a prison leaves its gates open and the prisoners walk out, would you chastise the prisoners because the have a 'responsibility' to serve thier sentence? No. It's human nature to avoid penance.

Ruddie my good man, we should have our own splinter group. (tu)

Group....he is an individual he doesn't do groups..... :lol:

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A 'legal document' means fuck all to me. I will jump through whichever hoop has been placed in front of me to get the cash then I will ignore it. Your 'legal document' is my scrap piece of paper. The only 'contracts' that I honour are those between my friends and family, not a financial institution. If a prison leaves its gates open and the prisoners walk out, would you chastise the prisoners because the have a 'responsibility' to serve thier sentence? No. It's human nature to avoid penance.

Ruddie my good man, we should have our own splinter group. (tu)

... and when you start your own group dont forget to draw up your costitution and Terms and conditions (written of course!)

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A 'legal document' means fuck all to me. I will jump through whichever hoop has been placed in front of me to get the cash then I will ignore it. Your 'legal document' is my scrap piece of paper. The only 'contracts' that I honour are those between my friends and family, not a financial institution. If a prison leaves its gates open and the prisoners walk out, would you chastise the prisoners because the have a 'responsibility' to serve thier sentence? No. It's human nature to avoid penance.

Ruddie my good man, we should have our own splinter group. (tu)

... and when you start your own group dont forget to draw up your costitution and Terms and conditions (written of course!)

Fuck you I wont do what you tell me. :lol:

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A 'legal document' means fuck all to me. I will jump through whichever hoop has been placed in front of me to get the cash then I will ignore it. Your 'legal document' is my scrap piece of paper. The only 'contracts' that I honour are those between my friends and family, not a financial institution. If a prison leaves its gates open and the prisoners walk out, would you chastise the prisoners because the have a 'responsibility' to serve thier sentence? No. It's human nature to avoid penance.

Ruddie my good man, we should have our own splinter group. (tu)

... and when you start your own group dont forget to draw up your constitution and Terms and conditions (written of course!)

Fuck you I wont do what you tell me. :lol:

:lol: .. thats a bit anti-establishment of you !

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