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Muir, sometimes the line is a little vague

Shipyard Blues

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Guest johngers

Considering all the posts concerning this subject over the last few days, it's been very easy to get lost...

I can't see why it would advantage Muir or Murray to cripple Rangers when they want to sell us? Surely they'll be looking to make us attractive as possible to potential buyers?

When the OP states that Muir looks out for the concerns of Murray and not RFC, where exactly are the differences in these interests?

And after we've revealed extremely successful financial results today, with the sale of only one player (that Smith condoned), are we still having this argument?

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AJ on Muir.....

"He has a twin role, a non executive director of Rangers and on the other hand a representative of Murray, but sometimes the line gets a little vague but we try and deal with that within the boardroom, but in terms of the representation of Murray, he's wearing another hat when he does that" (Obviously meaning not the looking out for the concerns of Rangers FC but Murray)

That alone tells you a lot. AJ would have been quicker calling him a prick who's using the weight of the majority shareholder to strangle the club.

Get this **** and Murray out it's time to ramp it up. A 40 foot by 40 foot banner with Murray out Muir out the enemies within would be a start.

Were the banners on Sunday just there not meant to be a start?

Or has the rather lack-lustre climax of said protest been glossed over?

Who knows ?

The actions of a select few individuals may have put rest to any further action.

despite the protests originating from non RST members that sometimes isn't enough.


But I'm sure Muir is there for the benefit of Rangers and Smith, McCoist and Johnston are blowing smoke up our arses.

Im not sure what the non RST bit means but I will say, with regards to Smith, McCoist and Johnston, that while all three have came out and spoke recently, none of them have actually mentioned Muir or that he should be the aim of any protest, nor do I believe their comments have hinted at that.

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Although i dont agree with the OP's points.. i think there could be something in that quote if its true. It does seem AJ is having a little pop at Muir

Or maybe im looking into it too much.

I got the impression AJ didn't seem too keen on Muir but the whole saga is full of contradictions-Murray makes AJ Chairman then demands 4 new board members which is resisted by AJ and the board. I suspect it is down to the sale of the club and Muir is representing Murray on this and AJ probably doesn't like aspects of it. Smith says how wonderful SDM is and then appears to hang his man out to dry.......

Certainly nobody within the group who are having a pop at the current situation are not saying leave Muir out of this are they?

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AJ on Muir.....

"He has a twin role, a non executive director of Rangers and on the other hand a representative of Murray, but sometimes the line gets a little vague but we try and deal with that within the boardroom, but in terms of the representation of Murray, he's wearing another hat when he does that" (Obviously meaning not the looking out for the concerns of Rangers FC but Murray)

That alone tells you a lot. AJ would have been quicker calling him a prick who's using the weight of the majority shareholder to strangle the club.

Get this **** and Murray out it's time to ramp it up. A 40 foot by 40 foot banner with Murray out Muir out the enemies within would be a start.

Were the banners on Sunday just there not meant to be a start?

Or has the rather lack-lustre climax of said protest been glossed over?

Who knows ?

The actions of a select few individuals may have put rest to any further action.

despite the protests originating from non RST members that sometimes isn't enough.


But I'm sure Muir is there for the benefit of Rangers and Smith, McCoist and Johnston are blowing smoke up our arses.

Im not sure what the non RST bit means but I will say, with regards to Smith, McCoist and Johnston, that while all three have came out and spoke recently, none of them have actually mentioned Muir or that he should be the aim of any protest, nor do I believe their comments have hinted at that.

By the same token not one of them has commented that Muir is getting flack that is undeservered-I believe they are happy to see the pressure go there............and I say that as someone who has defended Muir.

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AJ on Muir.....

"He has a twin role, a non executive director of Rangers and on the other hand a representative of Murray, but sometimes the line gets a little vague but we try and deal with that within the boardroom, but in terms of the representation of Murray, he's wearing another hat when he does that" (Obviously meaning not the looking out for the concerns of Rangers FC but Murray)

That alone tells you a lot. AJ would have been quicker calling him a prick who's using the weight of the majority shareholder to strangle the club.

Get this **** and Murray out it's time to ramp it up. A 40 foot by 40 foot banner with Murray out Muir out the enemies within would be a start.

What part of the improved finances announced today do you have a problem with?

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AJ on Muir.....

"He has a twin role, a non executive director of Rangers and on the other hand a representative of Murray, but sometimes the line gets a little vague but we try and deal with that within the boardroom, but in terms of the representation of Murray, he's wearing another hat when he does that" (Obviously meaning not the looking out for the concerns of Rangers FC but Murray)

That alone tells you a lot. AJ would have been quicker calling him a prick who's using the weight of the majority shareholder to strangle the club.

Get this **** and Murray out it's time to ramp it up. A 40 foot by 40 foot banner with Murray out Muir out the enemies within would be a start.

Were the banners on Sunday just there not meant to be a start?

Or has the rather lack-lustre climax of said protest been glossed over?

Who knows ?

The actions of a select few individuals may have put rest to any further action.

despite the protests originating from non RST members that sometimes isn't enough.


But I'm sure Muir is there for the benefit of Rangers and Smith, McCoist and Johnston are blowing smoke up our arses.

Im not sure what the non RST bit means but I will say, with regards to Smith, McCoist and Johnston, that while all three have came out and spoke recently, none of them have actually mentioned Muir or that he should be the aim of any protest, nor do I believe their comments have hinted at that.

By the same token not one of them has commented that Muir is getting flack that is undeservered-I believe they are happy to see the pressure go there............and I say that as someone who has defended Muir.


Thats what I should have added to my previous post.

Im far from sticking up for him but until allegations against him are confirmed then Im personally going to reserve judgement.

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Part of AJ interview in the Herald:

What is your message to the fans, particularly the ones who have strong feelings over the presence of Donald Muir on the board?

Right now, we need Lloyds Bank who have been supportive of us. The bank is certainly disciplined and it does not want to be exposed to archetypal football club practices of buying players and not worrying about the next day. It does not want to be dealing with fans’ reactions, either. I am hopeful that the bank will continue to be collaborative in negotiations with potential owners who have an ability to invest in the club. I would hope too that it will be reasonably more flexible on the business plan that both Walter and I are concerned about.

You share those concerns?

These are genuine concerns and we will be addressing them.

With the bank?


Are you hopeful?

The future as far as we are concerned is the next 10 weeks. We have to devote all our resources to that.

Could this be the most important 10 weeks in the history of the club?

It is certainly a very important 10 weeks. I’d rather comment on its importance after the fact than being concerned about it before.

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Part of AJ interview in the Herald:

What is your message to the fans, particularly the ones who have strong feelings over the presence of Donald Muir on the board?

Right now, we need Lloyds Bank who have been supportive of us. The bank is certainly disciplined and it does not want to be exposed to archetypal football club practices of buying players and not worrying about the next day. It does not want to be dealing with fans’ reactions, either. I am hopeful that the bank will continue to be collaborative in negotiations with potential owners who have an ability to invest in the club. I would hope too that it will be reasonably more flexible on the business plan that both Walter and I are concerned about.

You share those concerns?

These are genuine concerns and we will be addressing them.

With the bank?


Are you hopeful?

The future as far as we are concerned is the next 10 weeks. We have to devote all our resources to that.

Could this be the most important 10 weeks in the history of the club?

It is certainly a very important 10 weeks. I’d rather comment on its importance after the fact than being concerned about it before.

Reading between the lines that says to me, if we win the league the bank might loosen the stranglehold on us slightly.

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Any protests shouldn't be directed at Donald Muir. He's the guy who's trying to get us out of the financial grubber. Any protest should be laid squarely at the door of Sir David Murray and his silence since August

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Any protests shouldn't be directed at Donald Muir. He's the guy who's trying to get us out of the financial grubber. Any protest should be laid squarely at the door of Sir David Murray and his silence since August

Muir may or may not be the best target of any protest (ongoing or not) but considering he is a director of Rangers FC, a director of MIH and a former employee of our bank; he's in the unique position of being involved in the day-to-day discussions relating to the business of our club and its parent company while having existing relationships with the bank who is allegedly deciding upon just how we operate in an '8-10 day' business outlook.

SDM obviously remains the owner (and those who under-estimate his continuing influence do so at their peril) and the one responsible for our club's past mismanagement but it is debatable just how effectual a protest directly on him would be.

Generally speaking, the protest of the last week has been moderately successful. It has the answers it seeks to the questions they posted. Unfortunately these answers are open to interpretation and (as the chairman has alluded) they can change subtly on a bi-weekly basis and/or markedly in 10 weeks time.

Ergo, while I don't doubt contacts posted his information from Muir in good faith, I wouldn't recommend anyone open the champagne just yet. By the same token, protesters should consider just how effective their campaign will now be without amending it to place pressure on those 'good bears' supposedly genuinely interested in starting a new era at our great club.


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Typical uninformed post.

Donald Muir is an extremely well respected businessman who has turned around and restructured a number of companies. While most of us don't like what he is doing it will be for the benefit of the club in the long run as it's his most high profile job ever and all the business world will be watching how he turns us around. If he wasn't well regarded the bank wouldn't have accepted our business plan and our situation would probably be even worse.

This is a case of short term pain for long term gain and we will emerge from this as a much more stable club, just look at today's numbers.

It's always darkest just before the dawn.

So what do you KNOW then ? - you have posted a brief biography of Mr Muir and what he has done and what he can do but haven't identified what he IS doing now at Rangers F.C. only what you hope he is doing.

Reading and listening to our current Chairman it comes across that Mr Muir is not working on the behalf of the Rangers (despite his tie and blazer and reported allegiance) it would appear he has another agenda which is being carried out no matter the damage in the long or short term. The current "good" results have been almost written off by the Chairman, the manager and the assistant manager as being meaningless in the scheme of things and the fact we are at a pivotal moment in the clubs history and you are putting your faith on a hired gun that we don't know who is controlling is bizarre ?

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No-one knows what Muir is doing at Rangers and MIH.

Those that claim to only interpret information in such a way that they think they know. The rest of us should maintain a watching brief giving the comments of AJ yesterday with regard to our planning being done on a 8-10 day basis.

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I was under the impression that the protests were because the club was not telling us anything, and so people are left to infer peoples job/motives that yield no information. I don't blame Muir or the bank for the situation, but I'm annoyed that I really have no idea if I should (blame the bank), or if I should direct my ire towards MIH.

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gotta say i dont know how anyone can come to a conclusion that muir is still the bad man here, as no comments or tones of comments in the last few days have implied to me that this is the case, i also said yesterday that these protest are futile and a waste of time, being told to sit on my ass if i want to do fekk all about it. this aint the case, i just feel that protests are not the answer at he moment, certainly not near the club, this is an issue outwith rangers hands, having said this though i do feel there is some sort of actions needed, hence somehow approaching murray for answers, we know this wont happen

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seems clear, donald muir,is trying to get the club in a financial state that will make the club ,viable and buyable,for the op what do you want . murray and lloyds out the only way thats going to happen is if theres a buyer.

that sems to be what muir is trying to acheive.

a bit of alaister johnstons statement that worries me is when he said they were trying to raise a capital investement

that would suggest to me murray would like to keep control, alot of mixed messages i think

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AJ on Muir.....

"He has a twin role, a non executive director of Rangers and on the other hand a representative of Murray, but sometimes the line gets a little vague but we try and deal with that within the boardroom, but in terms of the representation of Murray, he's wearing another hat when he does that" (Obviously meaning not the looking out for the concerns of Rangers FC but Murray)

That alone tells you a lot. AJ would have been quicker calling him a prick who's using the weight of the majority shareholder to strangle the club.

Get this **** and Murray out it's time to ramp it up. A 40 foot by 40 foot banner with Murray out Muir out the enemies within would be a start.

Typical uninformed post.

Donald Muir is an extremely well respected businessman who has turned around and restructured a number of companies. While most of us don't like what he is doing it will be for the benefit of the club in the long run as it's his most high profile job ever and all the business world will be watching how he turns us around. If he wasn't well regarded the bank wouldn't have accepted our business plan and our situation would probably be even worse.

This is a case of short term pain for long term gain and we will emerge from this as a much more stable club, just look at today's numbers.

It's always darkest just before the dawn.

Typicaly uneducated understanding and a willfuly shallow perception of current events.

Uninformed post is correct. AJ was referring to when Muir represents Murray AWAY FROM Rangers.

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