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David Murray [silence is deafening]


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can anybody tell me where and what mr murray is doing at this crossroads of major proportions for our great club.i know that because of rules regarding stockmarket etc info is ltd but to say nothing when hes never been shy in the past.have heard MIH is in serious trouble any info

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The Pied Piper is up in Murray's office getting lessons in how to lead every one and there granny on a merry dance, Pied Piper is particularly interested in the bold Minty's flute, which as well as playing the Sash and Living in the past, blaws smoke and mirrors and also can be used to call his tame media tadgers to heel. :pipe:

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son was telling me this morniing that a top accountant told him lloyds are desperately trying to get the rangers deal done as they are about to decimate mih inthe next 3 weeks. they think the emotive connections with rangers would only increase the bad publicity thats about to come when mih disappears, also said sir tom hunter is in dire straits as well

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