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The Official Thomas Buffel thread


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Ok, it's time we really had this one out (ooer).

I have never seen a player split the fans so effectively as Mr Buffel has. Some fans are of the persuasion that he's a talented and gifted player, who gives the team a lot and has a future at the club.

Others believe he's a monumental waste of space and they probably wouldn't piss on him if he went alight.

This is the thread where everything goes, regarding this guy - make your cases chaps.

I'll begin:

I believe he is a very talented player who used to be guilty of being a tad lightweight, but who has seriously increased his tenacity and works very hard with it. He makes intelligent runs all over the place, uses his pace well, and has impressive vision. Add to that good skill on the ball and for me he's a fine asset to the team.

I recall one of the main criticisms is he has no fight and he's a chicken; allow me to cite a couple of examples in dispute of this off the top of my head.

  • The 3-1 V Celtic at Ibrox. He scored the third, and barged his way past Balde of all players in the process.
  • Match at Ibrox against Motherwell. Got fouled outside the box, fought his way back to his feet, and for the ball, continued his run and slotted it past the keeper.

Just recently at Falkirk he put in so much effort - he got 25 minutes or so and at one point ended up crashing against the advertising boards. And got up and carried on.


So gentlemen, make your cases. The defence rests. For now...

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Good skills, decent ability, suited the 4-2-3-1 formation

Bad consistency, drifts in and out of games, brushed off the ball far too easily and does not suit the 4-4-2 formation whatsoever, which now appears to be our best bet going forward

In short, if we get a bid of a million for him, take it and move on

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Having been away on honeymoon for the last 3 weeks I can't judge his most recent performances however, he's been here for nearly 2 years now so I think I can make a reasonable case for my POV.

Let me first agree with what Danny says:

Buffel is a talented player who can offer a lot to any team. He does have great vision, can score goals and has a good amount of skill and pace to unlock defences. He's also suffered under Eck and PLG in that he's been moved about too much to help achieve real consistency. For that, I sympathise and I still harbour my initial excitement about Buffel deep down.


Watching the less talented Nacho Novo this season has shown Buffel to be the non-committed player he obviously is. Despite his obvious talent, his consistency and work-rate is awful. Yes, we get the occassional glimpse of what he can offer but they are too few and far between for a player who should be the first name on the team sheet every week. Especially when one considers how poor our team has been for the last 18 months.

Unfortunately, the overall package isn't good enough for him to deserve our continued backing for a player who, IMO, underachieves any time he's given a run in the side.

That's why Feyenoord let him go. That's why he doesn't get picked for an average Belgium international squad and that's why if we can get ?1million for him we should replace him with Scott Brown who does have the commitment, work-rate AND talent to get a regular game for our side in the attacking midfield role.

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Very skilful player who does try hard despite what some might claim. Not sure we've ever quite found the right role for him in our team. At the moment it looks like it might be best all round for him to move on, if we get a good offer. I'm sure he would be a class act for some team but it doesn't look like it's really working out for him here. I'd be a bit sorry to see him go but sometimes it's for the best.

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not too sure about buffel myself. Hes a talented player but hes far too inconsistant and lightweight. I have seen him barged off the ball a lot this season just because hes so lightweight. On his day though hes one of the few people at the club who can pick out that killer pass. I think he still has a future at the club but if i a big offer came in for him i would be that sad to see him go.

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As I say, it comes down to the Novo factor in my opinion.

Both Buffel and Novo play in similar positions and with the talent Buffel has he should be ashamed that the likes of Novo gets a game ahead of him. Not beacuse Novo is a better player per se, just that he offers more generally.

Sometimes skill and talent just isn't enough. Especially when a team isn't doing so well.

IF Buffel can change his game so he worked much harder and did more for the team then maybe he would be worth keeping. However, he's been here almost 2 years now and hasn't shown anywhere near enough consistency for anyone to say confidently that he's worth keeping.

I hope he can make me change my mind but one gets the feeling watching Buffel every week that he couldn't really care either way. A great shame as at the start of both the last 2 seasons I tipped him to be PotY on his obvious skill. He's let me down both times and for that I'd rather we 'swapped' him for Brown.

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Danny, you picked a couple of instances where Buffel excelled and i agree with you on those.

However, if you were to go on adding to that list, how far would it go?

That is the problem with buffel, for a man of his undoubted ability, those instances are few and far between

The only way I would keep him is if we went to a system (mayeb 3 at the back) that asked for a midfielder to sit in the hole behind a front 2. I think he could do a fantastic job in that role but unfortunately I cannot see Rangers adopting that type of formation anytime soon.

Thus, I would accept any half decent offer that comes in

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He is the only player on the bench that can turn a game we dont have enough of this sort of player in our squad I am not saying he should start every week but just having him there as an option is handy who else on our bench has the skill to turn games so therefore we should keep him as i feel we would be weakening our squad if we let him go

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He has the skill to add an extra dimension, but has he furfilled his potental? dont know........ but since money is tight, we will have to do with him. If we had money we could add him to the wish list. But defence is a must, then an extra striker would be nice, with big dado on the way out.

But he done much better than Lovenkrands, who replaced in the attacking winger role. Most consistant, which is hard to say.

Especially with wee Burkey out just now.

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I'm in the let him move on camp. I have watched him so many times now and for me he just isn't consistent enough. Whether we like it or not, he is too lightweight for Scottish football. He is one of the few players we might get a half decent transfer fee for so if a decent offer comes in we should take it.

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Seems kinda even so far - not the expected case of him being slaughtered by all and sundry. Maybe overall feeling of it being best if he moved on, but not quite the venemous attacks against him he's received in the past.

I'm sure pb and nva will change that when they show up :lol:

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Seems kinda even so far - not the expected case of him being slaughtered by all and sundry. Maybe overall feeling of it being best if he moved on, but not quite the venemous attacks against him he's received in the past.

I'm sure pb and nva will change that when they show up :lol:

Yeah! even on the guy's who have bothered to respond,this ones been done to death Danny, I think we all know each others thoughts on Buffell/pooffell. :unsure::rolleyes:

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The guy is very technically gifted and when on his game he can make a huge impact . However, I think that he is too soft for the SPL. He shits out of too many tackles and thinks about savin himself rather than give 100% in a tackle (this is why he is better in Europe).

Another problem with Buffel is that he plays best in the floating role behind the two strikers, where he can distribute the ball, create openings and have the odd dig or two. Many times he has been deployed either as a winger or as the speedy forward who latches on to the flick ons from either Boyd or Prso. EITHER OF THESE HE CAN NOT DO. He needs the ball at his feet where he can create things.

Iam not sure what to do with him, cause he can be an asset, but he need to be more consistant if he want a first team place.


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Seems kinda even so far - not the expected case of him being slaughtered by all and sundry. Maybe overall feeling of it being best if he moved on, but not quite the venemous attacks against him he's received in the past.

To be fair Danny, I think most supporters recognise that he's got talent. It's just that they also recognise that he doesn't suit the sort of football we often have to play in the SPL.

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First of all I am rather in shock at seeing this thread posted by you just now.

Secondly if you think the opinion is evenly split, then I think you are an optimist.

Thirdly as PB said this has been done to death.

Fourthly even JA who USED to be a Buffel fan now wants him gone.

Fifthly YOU already know MY view. Buffel has a LOT of TALENT BUT as MOST people can see he is INCONSISTENT, LIGHTWEIGHT and misses chances galore. He is EASILY brushed off the ball and very often just fades completely out of games.

As someone else stated he should be ashamed that he lets the manager pick Novo ahead of him. He drove Eck crazy with his inconsistency. IF he is as good as YOU think why can he never hold down a regular spot in the team?

The MAJORITY all see it and they and I think he should be SOLD to get as much as possible when its still possible someone will buy him.

THAT Danny is my LAST word on Buffel. Ok?


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probly the best technichal player at ibrox at the moment.

he has the ability to tear defences to shreads.

hes a playmaker a type of player we havnt had since ronald de boer left.

he is recently beginning to show some consistency albeit from the bench.

i personally would like to see him starting as much as posible.

i can understand why people might not want him in their starting eleven but not too have him in the squad at all, i dont get.

the arguement that he is too lightweight, his final product is rubbish and he fades out of games dont wash with me. chris burke has these same traits yet he dosnt get any grief.

any way thats just my opinion.

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A typical example of someone who milks it big time...Ruud Guillet was right when he said his comments when he was at Feynoord and we are now seeing the same thing

He contributes about 20% to each game he plays in and if he scores in that game a lot of you for some reason think he is brilliant ????

He deserves no credit from anyone and the people who say he is skillful are just burying their heads in the sand.

Buffoon Buffel a complete waste of space and should never wear a Rangers jersey again

The ones who continue to say he is good are happy to accept low standards for RFC and we are better without them if thats their expectations :D

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A typical example of someone who milks it big time...Ruud Guillet was right when he said his comments when he was at Feynoord and we are now seeing the same thing

He contributes about 20% to each game he plays in and if he scores in that game a lot of you for some reason think he is brilliant ????

He deserves no credit from anyone and the people who say he is skillful are just burying their heads in the sand.

Buffoon Buffel a complete waste of space and should never wear a Rangers jersey again

The ones who continue to say he is good are happy to accept low standards for RFC and we are better without them if thats their expectations :D

just cos another ger disagrees with you, that means they aren't a good supporter <_<

I think Buffel is a good player and useful to have.

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