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Rangers Fans Deserve Better


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If the Rangers takeover doesn't materialise then Andrew Ellis won't be able to complain about the lack of publicity.

To buy the column inches and broadcast coverage he has enjoyed would have cost a fortune in any other business.

In football, though, an expression of interest in buying a club, especially one like Rangers, is a guarantee of vast and free coverage which does the profile no harm at all.

The game is littered with examples of businessmen who would be otherwise invisible, but who acquired sudden fame because of their interest, no matter how serious, in buying a football club.

If you're a Rangers fan how serious do you think Mr Ellis is?

With the stock exchange rules applying, information is at a premium; but it means that a huge amount of publicity is generated for individuals, without them receiving in-depth scrutiny.

Fans in this situation desperately hope for the best, and feel powerless as their club is treated like any other commodity by individuals who, in many cases, may be here today and gone tomorrow.

So far, Rangers fans have watched with mounting frustration as gossip and rumour have masqueraded as hard fact.

RFC, the company controlled by Mr Ellis, said in its statement this week that negotiations with Sir David Murray were at an "advanced stage".

"It is emphasised that this announcement does not amount to a firm intention to make an offer and there is no certainty that any offer will be forthcoming or as to the terms of such an offer," it read.

That looks as clear as mud to me. But what do you think Mr Ellis is up to?

While the indecision and uncertainty goes on, Walter Smith is trying to prepare a team for next season, and Rangers fans are panicking over what the future is for their club.

Rangers fans were once derided for claiming they deserved better, but in this situation they are right.

They do deserve better, much better, from Mr Ellis or anyone else with designs on their club.

So Mr Ellis should remember the old adage: "it's good to talk".

I'm sure Rangers fans are willing to listen.


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rangers hater he may be but he does have a point.

I've noticed over the past few days that nearly every post you make is negative.

Are you genuinely negative about Rangers and how things are at the moment?

Or are you just a generally negative person?

One of the main reasons I follow the Rangers, other than the fact I was born to follow them and it's in my blood, is because I thoroughly enjoy doing so.

I've been through the bad times with the club, as well as the good, and I can honestly say I've enjoyed every single minute of being a Bear.

I'm sorry mate, but if following the Rangers got me into the mess you seem to be in, I just wouldn't bother.

I'd rather do something else with my life and just check the scores every week in the paper.

Lighten up and lets see what happens in the next few days.

No matter what that may be, if anything, the Rangers will survive, and come out the other end of this stronger than ever.

It's the Rangers way.


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rangers hater he may be but he does have a point.

I've noticed over the past few days that nearly every post you make is negative.

Are you genuinely negative about Rangers and how things are at the moment?

Or are you just a generally negative person?

One of the main reasons I follow the Rangers, other than the fact I was born to follow them and it's in my blood, is because I thoroughly enjoy doing so.

I've been through the bad times with the club, as well as the good, and I can honestly say I've enjoyed every single minute of being a Bear.

I'm sorry mate, but if following the Rangers got me into the mess you seem to be in, I just wouldn't bother.

I'd rather do something else with my life and just check the scores every week in the paper.

Lighten up and lets see what happens in the next few days.

No matter what that may be, if anything, the Rangers will survive, and come out the other end of this stronger than ever.

It's the Rangers way.


Thanks Booler....You just saved me from typing that exact response.(tu)

We will never be put under... not by the Press, Ellis, Murray, the bead rattlers or anybody else who thinks we are ready for dying.:mad:

WATP, and don't forget it, young fella.:21:

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rangers hater he may be but he does have a point.

I've noticed over the past few days that nearly every post you make is negative.

Are you genuinely negative about Rangers and how things are at the moment?

Or are you just a generally negative person?

One of the main reasons I follow the Rangers, other than the fact I was born to follow them and it's in my blood, is because I thoroughly enjoy doing so.

I've been through the bad times with the club, as well as the good, and I can honestly say I've enjoyed every single minute of being a Bear.

I'm sorry mate, but if following the Rangers got me into the mess you seem to be in, I just wouldn't bother.

I'd rather do something else with my life and just check the scores every week in the paper.

Lighten up and lets see what happens in the next few days.

No matter what that may be, if anything, the Rangers will survive, and come out the other end of this stronger than ever.

It's the Rangers way.


Brilliant post.

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rangers hater he may be but he does have a point.

I've noticed over the past few days that nearly every post you make is negative.

Are you genuinely negative about Rangers and how things are at the moment?

Or are you just a generally negative person?

One of the main reasons I follow the Rangers, other than the fact I was born to follow them and it's in my blood, is because I thoroughly enjoy doing so.

I've been through the bad times with the club, as well as the good, and I can honestly say I've enjoyed every single minute of being a Bear.

I'm sorry mate, but if following the Rangers got me into the mess you seem to be in, I just wouldn't bother.

I'd rather do something else with my life and just check the scores every week in the paper.

Lighten up and lets see what happens in the next few days.

No matter what that may be, if anything, the Rangers will survive, and come out the other end of this stronger than ever.

It's the Rangers way.


its fair comment mate so ill try to answer properly. but yes the way things are at the moment are terrible and i am hugely negative about that.

generally i would say i am a positive person. but thiers not much to be positive about right now. this talk of murray taking the club of the market worries me as its growing arms and legs. i think and hope its a bluff to hurray things along.

if people are happy that we seem to have money to secure one or two players when hwe are loosing 5 or 6 then its a sad day.

while i understand what you are saying and agree on the whole its that kind of apaty that could destroy the club or certainly wont do it any good.

i may be overly negative certainly but puting your head in the sand wont help either.

your suggestion we will be stronger than ever is baseless

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gunslinger were losing 5 or 6, 4 or 5 of whom never kicked a ball and who where pure shite

they didnt contribute so they wont be a loss to us or the club

the 2 or 3 maybe more we add, WILL contribute, that i can guarantee, it can only make us stronger both on and off the park


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gunslinger were losing 5 or 6, 4 or 5 of whom never kicked a ball and who where pure shite

they didnt contribute so they wont be a loss to us or the club

the 2 or 3 maybe more we add, WILL contribute, that i can guarantee, it can only make us stronger both on and off the park


you cant guarantee it though any new signing is a risk. also we were farily fortunate with injury this year but still had to start an of game with little at right back.

we might be better of if we can bring in 5 players or so and webster but we will be taking aother huge gamble.

all of which i might add isnt necessary as once again we will be paying back 5 times our required debt reduction amount at least.

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gunslinger were losing 5 or 6, 4 or 5 of whom never kicked a ball and who where pure shite

they didnt contribute so they wont be a loss to us or the club

the 2 or 3 maybe more we add, WILL contribute, that i can guarantee, it can only make us stronger both on and off the park


you cant guarantee it though any new signing is a risk. also we were farily fortunate with injury this year but still had to start an of game with little at right back.

we might be better of if we can bring in 5 players or so and webster but we will be taking aother huge gamble.

all of which i might add isnt necessary as once again we will be paying back 5 times our required debt reduction amount at least.

i can guarantee when we sign 2 or 3 new players, they will contribute, were not signing them to sit on the bench

i dont think we were fortunate with injuries last year, we missed loads of players for huge lengths of time

little at rb was 1 simple mistake, which wont happen again

i would love 5 new players but our budget wont allow us to get 5 players of the quality we need(ie better than what we have)

dont know what ye mean about the debt, is the repayments now 5million per year? thats news to me, and anyway, when the takeover goes through before the window shuts, which it will, we wont owe the bank anything, our debt will be gone. it will be upto the new owner to get that 20million he paid for the debt back with whatever way he has planned, we wont be in as nearly as bad a situation were in just now under the LBG, thats for sure.

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gunslinger were losing 5 or 6, 4 or 5 of whom never kicked a ball and who where pure shite

they didnt contribute so they wont be a loss to us or the club

the 2 or 3 maybe more we add, WILL contribute, that i can guarantee, it can only make us stronger both on and off the park


you cant guarantee it though any new signing is a risk. also we were farily fortunate with injury this year but still had to start an of game with little at right back.

we might be better of if we can bring in 5 players or so and webster but we will be taking aother huge gamble.

all of which i might add isnt necessary as once again we will be paying back 5 times our required debt reduction amount at least.

i can guarantee when we sign 2 or 3 new players, they will contribute, were not signing them to sit on the bench

i dont think we were fortunate with injuries last year, we missed loads of players for huge lengths of time

little at rb was 1 simple mistake, which wont happen again

i would love 5 new players but our budget wont allow us to get 5 players of the quality we need(ie better than what we have)

dont know what ye mean about the debt, is the repayments now 5million per year? thats news to me, and anyway, when the takeover goes through before the window shuts, which it will, we wont owe the bank anything, our debt will be gone. it will be upto the new owner to get that 20million he paid for the debt back with whatever way he has planned, we wont be in as nearly as bad a situation were in just now under the LBG, thats for sure.

our debt should be 30 odd million if we are only reducing at 1 million a year. but i dont think we are. but i cant prove it till the accounts come out.

hopefully it wont matter by then.

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our debt should be 30 odd million if we are only reducing at 1 million a year. but i dont think we are. but i cant prove it till the accounts come out.

You are confusing our bank loan with "net debt" as disclosed in the Accounts.

"Net debt" is the net of loans, HPs, overdraft, funds at bank etc.

Our bank loan will, indeed, come down by £1m. Our "net debt" will IMO be about £26m-£27m (subject to player sales/purchases pre 30 June).

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our debt should be 30 odd million if we are only reducing at 1 million a year. but i dont think we are. but i cant prove it till the accounts come out.

You are confusing our bank loan with "net debt" as disclosed in the Accounts.

"Net debt" is the net of loans, HPs, overdraft, funds at bank etc.

Our bank loan will, indeed, come down by £1m. Our "net debt" will IMO be about £26m-£27m (subject to player sales/purchases pre 30 June).


Baffles me how people continue to witter on about the "debt". Fantasy figures and projections etc etc etc

As for Gunslingers comments on coming back stronger. You say its baseless? Well, is it not also baseless that the wont?

Bear in mind, yet again, we begin the season in a position of power, while the only "threat" are still in turmoil. People shit bricks when the borrowed Keane, and, look how well that turned out for them.

The original article? You can feel the fear and hate dripping fom it!

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