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The Founders Trail and Ibrox Stadium Tour 2010. Autumn Dates.


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You said they were "beaten to the gravestone" when commenting on the Vanguard Bears efforts as if they had got there first.

Correct. Nothing about "locating the final resting place of William McBeath". The key word and bone of contention was the "gravestone".

The FF sponsored Founders team won't even discuss the gravestone and FF won't even allow posts about it on their board. Very odd for people demanding the "celebration of the Founders", I'm sure you'll agree.

In what way are they sponsored by FF?

And as far as I know, no one involved in the Founders Trails have any control over what is or isn't allowed to be posted on FF.

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In what way are they sponsored by FF?

And as far as I know, no one involved in the Founders Trails have any control over what is or isn't allowed to be posted on FF.

The Founders Trail is a sticky on the FF board, third one down. I'd say that is sponsoring it.

Be that as it may, it is odd that when outside Dingwall's totalitarian regime on FF they refuse to discuss McBeath's gravestone and they've even refused an invite to the ceremony. Perhaps you don't find this odd at all from a group of people demanding (rightly in my view I might add) the celebration of the Club's Founders. Perhaps they're peeved that VB has demonstrated philanthropy whereas they want others to pay for their research and celebrations. Just a thought, not to be taken as a fact.

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The Founders Trail is a sticky on the FF board, third one down. I'd say that is sponsoring it.

Be that as it may, it is odd that when outside Dingwall's totalitarian regime on FF they refuse to discuss McBeath's gravestone and they've even refused an invite to the ceremony. Perhaps you don't find this odd at all from a group of people demanding (rightly in my view I might add) the celebration of the Club's Founders. Perhaps they're peeved that VB has demonstrated philanthropy whereas they want others to pay for their research and celebrations. Just a thought, not to be taken as a fact.

The Founders Trail is also a sticky on www.dothebouncy.com so what's your point? Are they in on it too? Are they profiteering?

The fact that the guys behind the Founders Trail mainly post on FF is used as a stick to beat them with.

People have been told that MD is not involved and they have been told where the money goes.

If some people are still not happy then so be it. This whole thing is getting rather tedious.

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The Founders Trail is also a sticky on www.dothebouncy.com so what's your point? Are they in on it too? Are they profiteering?

The fact that the guys behind the Founders Trail mainly post on FF is used as a stick to beat them with.

People have been told that MD is not involved and they have been told where the money goes.

If some people are still not happy then so be it. This whole thing is getting rather tedious.

Do you find it odd that the guys behind the Founders Trail refuse to discuss William McBeath's gravestone and refused an invite to the ceremony organised by VB?

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The Founders Trail is also a sticky on www.dothebouncy.com so what's your point? Are they in on it too? Are they profiteering?

The fact that the guys behind the Founders Trail mainly post on FF is used as a stick to beat them with.

People have been told that MD is not involved and they have been told where the money goes.

If some people are still not happy then so be it. This whole thing is getting rather tedious.

Do you find it odd that the guys behind the Founders Trail refuse to discuss William McBeath's gravestone and refused an invite to the ceremony organised by VB?

I don't know anything about any invites or their reasons so I wouldn't like to comment on it.

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The Founders Trail is also a sticky on www.dothebouncy.com so what's your point? Are they in on it too? Are they profiteering?

The fact that the guys behind the Founders Trail mainly post on FF is used as a stick to beat them with.

People have been told that MD is not involved and they have been told where the money goes.

If some people are still not happy then so be it. This whole thing is getting rather tedious.

Do you find it odd that the guys behind the Founders Trail refuse to discuss [/b]William McBeath's gravestone and refused an invite to the ceremony organised by VB?

As i have said on earlier posts William McBeath's gravestone and final resting place IS highlighted on the Founders Trail. :rolleyes:

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I want to join the Fouders Committee, how do I go about that. I can assure that I would be dedicated to it and dont say I have to go on the tour first.

You have to go on the tour first. (tu)


Well at least I got a thumbs up this time.

Glad you got your plumbing sorted.

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The Founders Trail is also a sticky on www.dothebouncy.com so what's your point? Are they in on it too? Are they profiteering?

The fact that the guys behind the Founders Trail mainly post on FF is used as a stick to beat them with.

People have been told that MD is not involved and they have been told where the money goes.

If some people are still not happy then so be it. This whole thing is getting rather tedious.

Do you find it odd that the guys behind the Founders Trail refuse to discuss William McBeath's gravestone and refused an invite to the ceremony organised by VB?

This guy is another dingwall lackey MrSifter

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I don't actually know of any business/project that is not run on the terms of the owners/initiators/board.

It looks to me like the guys who are responsible for the project don't want any involvement with certain sites/people (I may be wrong) and surely this is their right, whether anyone agrees or disagrees?

Continually posting about it probably isn't going to change this, fortunately or unfortunately, however each individual views the issue.

As someone said earlier, they do a good job, and if anyone has issues with it, then meet up, speak, discuss, and hopefully find a solution.

If any side in the matter is unwilling to do this, and this seems to be the case here, then nothing is likely to be solved.

As I said earlier, continually making posts, some of which are derogatory and a bit too personal, will solve nothing.

We're all the same here - followers and supporters of the Rangers - and it's great that we all have differing opinions on such a wide variety of topics.

The Founders don't belong to these guys yet they appear want to monopolise it for themselves. They want support for their scheme yet snub the philanthropy of VB where William McBeath was concerned. I'm led to believe that they were "hopping mad" at Follow Follow towers about being "beaten to the gravestone". The persistant tin rattling and posts selling their wares is interesting. It's the usual Dingwall stuff, give me your money but don't talk back or ask any questions and if you dare go into competition with me I'll crush you.

It is also saddening to say that when poster Red white and Ajax suggested on FF in the event of a league win that Heather Lang (grand-daughter of Peter McNeil) be invited to unfurl the flag he was told by lebluebear the "club can chase themselves, it was us that found her, we're not going to give them her contact details."

Such pathetic little men.

Can anyone on here Confirm or Deny that it was in fact Gary Ralston the writer of the book " The Gallant Pionners " That found the grave of William McBeath ? OR was it in fact someone else from the VB forum, or was it indeed a Joint discovery ?

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I think the arguing over who found graves first or who paid for headstones first or who has this snippet of information and who hasn't really is saddening.

What does anyone have to gain from arguing about this subject on an open forum?

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I think the arguing over who found graves first or who paid for headstones first or who has this snippet of information and who hasn't really is saddening.

What does anyone have to gain from arguing about this subject on an open forum?

Frankly (pardon the pun Frankie), none, but Mr Sifter and others do make a valid point that FF's total blanking of the William McBeath gravestone project is petty in the extreme.

I can understand a certain amount of gainsay will take place due to past histories between certain factions, but to blank out completely any mention of a project because the VB guys are involved is unforgivable.

Shame on them.

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Frankly (pardon the pun Frankie), none, but Mr Sifter and others do make a valid point that FF's total blanking of the William McBeath gravestone project is petty in the extreme.

I can understand a certain amount of gainsay will take place due to past histories between certain factions, but to blank out completely any mention of a project because the VB guys are involved is unforgivable.

Shame on them.

Of course is very disappointing that some will choose to decry/refuse to publicise projects simply because they may have originated from places they have personal issues with. To that end I think most people on RM are already well aware of the hypocrisy of a few key people from FF who are divisive when actually claiming unity.

The point has been made clearly several times so I don't see what anyone has to gain from further arguments about the resting places of our founding fathers.

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This guy is another dingwall lackey MrSifter

He certainly has a dedicated group of Manson-esque followers. They will never criticise nor question him. Obviously the more liberal and free minded realise what such behaviour leads to.

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Can anyone on here Confirm or Deny that it was in fact Gary Ralston the writer of the book " The Gallant Pionners " That found the grave of William McBeath ? OR was it in fact someone else from the VB forum, or was it indeed a Joint discovery ?

Who found the grave is a red herring put out there by one of the FF lackeys. The issue at hand is the lease and the gravestone. I'd have thought anyone marking the grave in an honourable fashion would be a cause for celebration. Not so for the FF Founders Committee. They can't bring themselves to celebrate this because of their flawed personalities. It is very sad but what else can be expected of such pathetic small men?

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It is to RM's credit that they allow threads like this where people are allowed to voice opinions.

More power to their elbow.

The content of the thread may not be to everyones liking, fair enough, but thats what you get with open discussion

I think it reflects very badly on RM.

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The Founders Trail is also a sticky on www.dothebouncy.com so what's your point? Are they in on it too? Are they profiteering?

The fact that the guys behind the Founders Trail mainly post on FF is used as a stick to beat them with.

People have been told that MD is not involved and they have been told where the money goes.

If some people are still not happy then so be it. This whole thing is getting rather tedious.

Do you find it odd that the guys behind the Founders Trail refuse to discuss William McBeath's gravestone and refused an invite to the ceremony organised by VB?

Not in the slightest and this thread is good enough reason for anyone.

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I want to join the Founders Committee, how do I go about that. I can assure that I would be dedicated to it and dont say I have to go on the tour first.

Edit spelling


Why don't you PM Moonlighter?

Oh yes, that wouldn't get lots of attention.....

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Frankly (pardon the pun Frankie), none, but Mr Sifter and others do make a valid point that FF's total blanking of the William McBeath gravestone project is petty in the extreme.

I can understand a certain amount of gainsay will take place due to past histories between certain factions, but to blank out completely any mention of a project because the VB guys are involved is unforgivable.

Shame on them.

Of course is very disappointing that some will choose to decry/refuse to publicise projects simply because they may have originated from places they have personal issues with. To that end I think most people on RM are already well aware of the hypocrisy of a few key people from FF who are divisive when actually claiming unity.

The point has been made clearly several times so I don't see what anyone has to gain from further arguments about the resting places of our founding fathers.

I don't disagree with your last paragraph Frankie but (there's always a 'but') certain people have made their bed and have linked themselves to one side of the Rangers family - is it any wonder others are suspicious of their intentions?

Sadly, it is for similar reasons that I distanced myself from the RST.

No lessons are being learned....and that is sad. :(

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I don't disagree with your last paragraph Frankie but (there's always a 'but') certain people have made their bed and have linked themselves to one side of the Rangers family - is it any wonder others are suspicious of their intentions?

Sadly, it is for similar reasons that I distanced myself from the RST.

No lessons are being learned....and that is sad. :(

I left the RST after a board member beat-up a member at one of the meetings. Shocking behaviour that was swept under the carpet.

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I don't disagree with your last paragraph Frankie but (there's always a 'but') certain people have made their bed and have linked themselves to one side of the Rangers family - is it any wonder others are suspicious of their intentions?

Sadly, it is for similar reasons that I distanced myself from the RST.

No lessons are being learned....and that is sad. :(

Just because some people are determined to not learn lessons, doesn't mean the rest of us can't.

Moonlighter has been pretty clear about where the money goes and provides what seems to be a good service. Yes, it is unfortunate that he won't utilise the whole online community or contribute to other similar projects but that is his personal prerogative. I'm sure people can make up their own minds as to why that may be the case.

Now, the point has been made several times over the last few months and there will never be a conclusion which satisfies everyone. As such, I politely ask everyone to move on and take the debate into areas where the resting places of our founding fathers are not used as tools in some sort of inter-site fall out.

That goes for everyone.

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I don't disagree with your last paragraph Frankie but (there's always a 'but') certain people have made their bed and have linked themselves to one side of the Rangers family - is it any wonder others are suspicious of their intentions?

Sadly, it is for similar reasons that I distanced myself from the RST.

No lessons are being learned....and that is sad. :(

Just because some people are determined to not learn lessons, doesn't mean the rest of us can't.

Moonlighter has been pretty clear about where the money goes and provides what seems to be a good service. Yes, it is unfortunate that he won't utilise the whole online community or contribute to other similar projects but that is his personal prerogative. I'm sure people can make up their own minds as to why that may be the case.

Now, the point has been made several times over the last few months and there will never be a conclusion which satisfies everyone. As such, I politely ask everyone to move on and take the debate into areas where the resting places of our founding fathers are not used as tools in some sort of inter-site fall out.

That goes for everyone.

There-There! (Sorry, I meant 'Hear-Hear!') ;)

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Would a pinned (and locked) post similar to the Tour advert on FF not suffice? That would stop their incessant tin rattling with new threads.

Who knows, they might even make a donation to RM for the free advertising.

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