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Crime of the century ?


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How do you feel about embra mick suggesting you're an earl minst, that must be a first :D

Manti thats a classic but i had a run in with him the other night in the off topic board. But as i say i can look in the mirror every mornig and know that i have not sold our fans down the river, something he will never be able to do.

Indeed hermano....

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Pretty sure he was asking me, there.

Any plans to answer me?

EDIT: I see that you've mentioned Father's Advice; Daddy's Uniform and #1 Platoon.

You are under the impression that these songs are about the Paramilitary group of the later 20th Century rather than the 1912 UVF.

Just a few things - can you give me a line in any of those songs which refers to the later paramilitary group? For your case to be sound that would be a minimum.

Secondly, while I concede that those are the most popular at games, there are others, more sung in Clubs and on busses, but they do appear at games; usually away and generally sung by small numbers - Englishmans Betrayal comes to mind. The point is there are other songs which are sung which could only be about the original UVF.

Why do you assume the worst about your fellow bears?

As for Father's Advice:

My memory it strays back again to nineteen forty one.

When Ulsters shores were threatened by the Jackboot of the Hvn

Gusty Spence was 8 in 1941.

How can that song possibly be about his version of the UVF?

Those are the lyrics to 'Daddy's Uniform' I believe.

And if you read them they say 'My memory strays back again....' indicating that he is remembering back to 1941 so it's unlikely that it's about the 1912 U.V.F since his memory is straying back to 1941. Anyway all three of these songs were written during the troubles and, all pedantry aside, I think we both know why.

We cant go pointing fingers at Celtic fans for singing about the I.R.A - they use the same excuses, by the way, that they are singing about the original I.R.A - while we still indulge in our own para-military sing-a-longs.

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The old support would have strung you hanwringers up at the nearest lampost on Copland Road, you are everything thats wrong with our support and should hang your heads in shame.

There's a couple on here have never been anywhere near Copland Rd minstral.

Manti i just can believe that Rangers fans would behave in the manner that they 2 are.

Who's the 2 ?.

Willybear and Edinburgh Mick.

This is a bit silly. If you read through this thread you will see I have debated patiently (one instance aside) without resorting to name calling, I would appreciate it if people would extend me the same courtesy.

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Good to see you back Outlaw (tu)

:lol: Cheers, looking at this one though, will be about 15 mins before I am called a bheast! Seems to be even more anti-everything on here now. Troubling Wilberly seems to have gotten all his mates to join up :lol:

''Troubling Wilberly''

Well, that's a new one.

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They dont have any relevance to anything anymore - the War is over and these groups are nothing more than glorified criminal gangs and drug dealers

Quite frankly you absolutely disgust me.

You enjoy a freedom which was earned by those young men.

It will always have a relevance.

How do I have a freedom earned by the U.V.F of Gusty Spence (That's who I am talking about NOT the original Ulster Volunteers)?

It is even more disgusting to compare the two.

Are you for real son?

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It's patently obvious that there are people within our club, in the boardroom and in the stands, who want to see an end to any connection Rangers has to Protestantism, the OO, Loyalism, Ulster etc. and are quite happy to allow our enemies to do their work for them.

Correct - and I am proud to be one of them - we are first and foremost a FOOTBALL club. Our GREAT traditions are founded in our sportsmanship, integrity, and will to win.

Take the religion out and we are still the greatest football team (IMHO). If there was no football but only the religion Ibrox would be deserted.

No I beg to differ.

You should not be proud...you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself.

And it has nothing to do whatsoever with the fact that you wish to see and end to Rangers connection with Protestantism/Ulster etc etc. Each to their own.

What you have done in this thread is almost justified a case, or tendered a plea in mitigation, for those reptiles who peddle lies about our club. Those who would dismiss the GREAT traditions you yourself highlight - sportmanship, integrity and will to win. I havent heard any journo speak of those great traditions of our club for many a year...not since the likes of Hugh Taylor or Bob Cramspey. God rest their souls.

What you have most certainly done is exonerated our current guardians from any sense of responsibility in defending such great traditions simply because a few idiots occasionally break into a banned song.

It would appear to me you are almost opposing the saying "two wrongs make a right".

Tell me something Bluepeter9 .....when did you last hear the likes of Spiers/Anna Smith/Mcnee or Keevins even mention the huge steps this club has taken in the last few years to tackle religious bigotry. Or mention the many awards we have won or commendations from UEFA ?

Like me save you the research - never.

As Spiers condemned every man woman and child within Ibrox labelling them "Bigotted troglodytes" guys like you are giving them all the justification they need by suggesting until we are perfect we cannot defend ourselves.

Absolute nonsense.

Im not asking Murray to defend bigotted chants or singing or justifiable criticism thereof - Im asking him to defend this club from the blatant lies that have been told by elements of the media.

D'art - it funny that your opening post was having a dig at Traynor and yet your arguments are all about spiers (Anna Smith is just the opposite side of our bigots coin - a green bigot with an agenda - so what! strangly she is entitled to an opinion and is so our of kilter most people will laugh at her - to take her seriously is to give her more credit than she is worth.) and McNee and Keevins have both written articles cndeming Celtic support. Traynor has written out against them.

Let me ask you this - Give me an article that you think the club should have come out against and what you would have them say. (and just to make if challenging - not Anna Smith! LOL)

If you feel stringly about Spiers etc. - hound them - why hide behind the club, go direct to him, his editor, online with the publications etc.

You know as well as I that there is an element of our support who do and will continue to let us down - they make it easy for these columists to air these views.

I reiterate Rangers would still be strong without and psuedo religious connections.

Well at least BP9 you seem to know something of Ms Smith's shall we say..."colourful" past. But before you dismiss her out of sight as laughable...how many of the Mail's readers are aware of her membership of certain organisations ? She writes for a national newspaper with a respectable circulation...I would not dismiss her so lightly. In fact a quick reveiew of her article stats is quite interesting. For a social/political commentator she ventures quite regularly into the area of sport...and no prizes for guessing who more often than not is her subject matter. Suprising really considering the abnormally high rate of cardiac deaths...particularly in areas of social deprivation in Scotland...our child proverty figures and high levels of drugs misuse and our poor standard of housing.

Yes I did start with Traynor ...purely because imo he offered the most recent example of the imbalannce I referred to in my article. Furthermore the publication he writes for offers a good example of how their conduct with regard to reporting can be challenged by club and fans working together in partnership.

Im aware that there have been a no. of articles by messrs Keevins and McNee etc in which they have reported unsavoury behaviour by the other side. However I would maintain there is far from a lack of parity overall.

Spiers I would set aside from the rest. His articles have been a constant drip drip drip or chip chip chip away at Rangers for several years now. I would even suggest he revels in the noteriety of it all. And believe me I have already involved myself in "hounding". The problem is that so long as our club remain silent he can marginalise the only people who challenge him...his "paranoid beserkers" comment being a good example of this. I have little doubt Spiers is still smarting from the end of his cosy little relationship with SDM...when the latter referred to him as "The Judas Iscariot of Scottish Journalism". You know how the saying goes...Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

As to articles I think the club should have challenged...well I dont have a yearly bus pass which allows me to jump on the offended bus every time a negative story about Rangers come out. Im more concerned about the pattern of behaviour and articles than one single article itself....though Smith's comment in the Mail on Sunday which accused us of "cultivating sectarianism" etc etc would have proven worthy.

I realise you asked me not to include Smith...and to be honest its not about one single article. Spiers articles for instance show a catalogue of imbalance as well as lies. The News of the World has also featured several false stories designed to paint a picture of us as mindless bigots....the ground being cut in the shape of the sash...Egss Benedict etc etc. So its not really about one article but more a collection of articles which are designed to tarnish the image of our club.

But let me give you an example where we did challenge but too little too late. After Joke McConnell and his cronies had fallen from power SDM gave a speech at which he more or less rubbished Scotlands Secret Shame and highlighted Scotlands real shame - viz the things Smith should probably be addressing if she wasnt so busy concentrating on Rangers - ie drugs abuse etc etc.

Why did he not make this speech during McConnell's leadership ? Was there anyone in Scotland who didnt know that McConnells war on sectariansim was merely to deflect the actions of his national party regarding another war - one which was illegitimate and proving very very unpopular in the polls.

Had Murray taken the trouble to challenge the press I think he would not have found himself isolated, but had the full backing of a united Rangers support.

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The thing is uggy, pretty well everybody round here knows that minstral's a good bear.

I have no doubt he probably is a Bear.

I wish this cunt would get a ban :anguish:

Same , ever since he posted that we should grass our own fans in !

there is no way he is one of us, he a liar, bullshitter and a taig, I dont care what anyone says. :angry: Id quite happily swing him about like an empty tracksuit. :angry:

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Do you understand that songs about wars and ulster have no part in RFC?

I don't agree with that statement, whatsoever.

You seem to have trouble accepting that others have a different viewpoint to you?

No trouble at all. So, can I ask why you don't agree with it?

The fans are the club, and their views are a part of who we are. You can't just dismiss something as unimportant, purely because you don't agree with it.

I heard about this thread, popped in to have a look, and, hilarious! Seems to be some newer people as well as the obvious ones who like to go on rants whenever someone makes a post like this! Although, I see that now they go as far as to call Minstral a bheast?? That seriously may be the most amusing thing I have ever read on here!

caseyjones, Your post here, that I am replying to, is, quite simply... how it is! Great words.

Unfortunately, thats EXACTLY what "some" poeple do. It seems their sole aim in life is to make others who dont agree with their point of view, to feel wrong, and, try to force them to become outcasts in their own circles. Tragic really. I wonder if these people think the founders, and, the likes of Mr Struth are also "wrong"? And would they insult both their memories, and, would they TELL them they were wrong? I believe the Queen is also the head of this religion in this country, perhaps, since its SO important to them, they should write to Buckingham Pallace, or perhaps go down there and protest about how wrong it is, and, how it has no place in modern society.

Outlaw they can call me a beast if the like, but the one thing i can do is look in the mirror every day and know that i have sold our fans down the river. The thing is that they cant as they are willing to betray everything that generations of bears helped build, just to appease our enemies who hate us.

Why have you sold the fans down the river?

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The thing is uggy, pretty well everybody round here knows that minstral's a good bear.

I have no doubt he probably is a Bear.

I wish this cunt would get a ban :anguish:

Same , ever since he posted that we should grass our own fans in !

there is no way he is one of us, he a liar, bullshitter and a taig, I dont care what anyone says. :angry: Id quite happily swing him about like an empty tracksuit. :angry:

Lol dennis. Another who can't accept someone has a different opinion.

I am Proud to be a Rangers supporter knowing i do no harm to our club.

If only you could all say the same

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Good to see you back Outlaw (tu)

:lol: Cheers, looking at this one though, will be about 15 mins before I am called a bheast! Seems to be even more anti-everything on here now. Troubling Wilberly seems to have gotten all his mates to join up :lol:

And, by the way, us - attach label here - types do not have one generic opinion.

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Good to see you back Outlaw (tu)

:lol: Cheers, looking at this one though, will be about 15 mins before I am called a bheast! Seems to be even more anti-everything on here now. Troubling Wilberly seems to have gotten all his mates to join up :lol:

And, by the way, us - attach label here - types do not have one generic opinion.

It wouldn't suprise me that its all you with different usernames chating to yourself :rolleyes:

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I just wish Edin-Bear-ugh all the luck in continuing to display his disdain for the traditions of our Supporters at Ibrox.

I am proud of our traditions. Just not what shite has now tarnished it

What shite is that ?

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I just wish Edin-Bear-ugh all the luck in continuing to display his disdain for the traditions of our Supporters at Ibrox.

I am proud of our traditions. Just not what shite has now tarnished it

So what traditions are you on about.

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I just wish Edin-Bear-ugh all the luck in continuing to display his disdain for the traditions of our Supporters at Ibrox.

I am proud of our traditions. Just not what shite has now tarnished it

What shite is that ?

He doesn't like God save the Queen being sung by the Rangers support for starters, claims to have booed it at Ibrox.

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The thing is uggy, pretty well everybody round here knows that minstral's a good bear.

I have no doubt he probably is a Bear.

I wish this cunt would get a ban :anguish:

Same , ever since he posted that we should grass our own fans in !

there is no way he is one of us, he a liar, bullshitter and a taig, I dont care what anyone says. :angry: Id quite happily swing him about like an empty tracksuit. :angry:

Lol dennis. Another who can't accept someone has a different opinion.

I am Proud to be a Rangers supporter knowing i do no harm to our club.

If only you could all say the same

I can accept different opinions, Like TravellingWilbeary, at least he has the respect to debate it rationally, unlike you ya tube, that sits in his box room, bamming TRUE bears up. you are a moron that should never(and probably have never) graced the stands at Ibrox stadium.


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I just wish Edin-Bear-ugh all the luck in continuing to display his disdain for the traditions of our Supporters at Ibrox.

I am proud of our traditions. Just not what shite has now tarnished it

What shite is that ?

He doesn't like God save the Queen being sung by the Rangers support for starters, claims to have booed it at Ibrox.

BS he wouldn't get out alive.

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I just wish Edin-Bear-ugh all the luck in continuing to display his disdain for the traditions of our Supporters at Ibrox.

I am proud of our traditions. Just not what shite has now tarnished it

I take you back to a few weeks ago.


Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:28 AM

prod nane o ur pish. sing me a song, one where theres no pope of rome

now, you said on this thread, you "DIDNT LIKE THIS PISH", correct? but it is fine when you are pished. <cr>

you tool.

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Good to see you back Outlaw (tu)

:lol: Cheers, looking at this one though, will be about 15 mins before I am called a bheast! Seems to be even more anti-everything on here now. Troubling Wilberly seems to have gotten all his mates to join up :lol:

And, by the way, us - attach label here - types do not have one generic opinion.

It wouldn't suprise me that its all you with different usernames chating to yourself :rolleyes:

I dont have that much time on my hands :lol:

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