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Journalist Says Fare Have Broken The Law.

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Just a thought, has anyone sent this latest info to UEFA

Not yet Mate I have to give them the opportunity to respond to my request but that Option may be reached soon via the SFA who I will be contacting also.

That will be their responsibility if they choose to expose this to them .

I also have the option of the Police although it hasn't reached that stage yet. I just have to go through the Stages of the procedure first.

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Not yet Mate I have to give them the opportunity to respond to my request but that Option may be reached soon via the SFA who I will be contacting also.

That will be their responsibility if they choose to expose this to them .

I also have the option of the Police although it hasn't reached that stage yet. I just have to go through the Stages of the procedure first.

Leave no stone unturned, no avenue unexplored.

I personally would contact the lot one after the other in the order of your choosing but I would contact the lot missing noone out.

at least the new regime will be behind you.

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Thought I would give everyone on here an update on this post with regards to the Topic of FARE and the situation of them giving out my Personal Data.

Since my Last post of which I attached , a letter from no other than CFC Chairman ,stating Celtic Fans have A Tradition Blah blah blah .After my Complaint to FARE.Ref Hearts v Celtic

Since then I have contacted FARE too ask them under the Freedom of Information act 2000, who did they gave my Personal Data to and who handed it over to CFC.I have Emailed them Twice within the past Five Days and received no Reply .

Now either they are adopting the Dignified silence Treatment and hoping I am going away, or they are just Getting a Letter out to me .

I think the Former.

I have told them that if they do not respond to my request with regards to my Data being given out, I am going to contact the Information Commissioners Office.

To date still no response .

Interesting Isn't It?

Just thought I would update all Interested.I a am not going away till I get some answers.Cheers.

Well done M8

But FARE don't answer questions they only make accusations, indeed they're the only organization that I know that can make accusations without supplying proof or details of who their agents are, I think the last organization that opparated that way had a boss called Hitler.

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Thought I would give everyone on here an update on this post with regards to the Topic of FARE and the situation of them giving out my Personal Data.

Since my Last post of which I attached , a letter from no other than CFC Chairman ,stating Celtic Fans have A Tradition Blah blah blah .After my Complaint to FARE.Ref Hearts v Celtic

Since then I have contacted FARE too ask them under the Freedom of Information act 2000, who did they gave my Personal Data to and who handed it over to CFC.

I have Emailed them Twice within the past Five Days and received no Reply .

Now either they are adopting the Dignified silence Treatment and hoping I am going away, or they are just Getting a Letter out to me .

I think the Former.

I have told them that if they do not respond to my request with regards to my Data being given out, I am going to contact the Information Commissioners Office.

To date still no response .

Interesting Isn't It?

Just thought I would update all Interested.I a am not going away till I get some answers.Cheers.

bringing this organization down would be a monumental achievement with priceless benefits for rangers and our supporters. i urge you to stay with it and thank you for your effort.


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Thursday, 30 June 2011


RANGERS have been handed explosive ammunition to blow FARE out of the water.

For FARE could now have broken the law, and be facing criminal charges.

And if the Scottish Football Association does its job, it could also lead to a UEFA probe into how FARE operates.

In breaking their own rules of disclosure, FARE have also snubbed the Data Protection Act.

And that is what could lead to FARE, and its chief executive, Piara Powar, being charged.

On a footballing level, it also means, FARE now stands accused of being an organisation which is not even-handed.

FARE was the shadowy set-up which reported back to UEFA, regarding songs Rangers fans were singing in Eindhoven last season.

This led to UEFA imposing sanctions against Rangers, including banning their fans from travelling for this season’s first away leg in Europe, plus the threat of closing Ibrox.

However, FARE have continually refused to name their undercover operator in Holland, leading to suspicions that it could have been an agent provocateur.

But when FARE received a number of complaints regarding the IRA repertoire of songs in praise of ethnic cleansing bellowed when Celtic played Hearts at Tynecastle last season, Piara Powar acted in an entirely different way.

He passed the complaints on to the Scottish Football Association, Show Racism the Red Card, and the controversial, Nil By Mouth.

That led to four people, who complained to FARE about the behaviour of Celtic supporters, getting a letter from…


Which means their personal details, home address, etc, were passed on by FARE.

That is, despite the FARE complaint form clearly stating….


Not one of the people who filled in that FARE complaint form gave that consent for their names and addresses to be forwarded to anyone.

So they were all stunned to get a letter, at their home, with the official Celtic letter head, signed by chief executive, Peter Lawwell.

Now, there is no suggestion that Celtic have done anything wrong in all of this. Indeed, they have been caught up in a fiasco of FARE’s making.

Nor, I might add, even a hint that the SFA would have passed any personal details to Celtic.

Which leaves the finger of suspicion pointing at the respected, Show Racism The Red Card set-up, and the controversial Nil By Mouth.

For the question is…who was it who passed on these personal details to Celtic?

And how many people have now had access to the home address of the people who complained to FARE?

For there must now be a danger those personal details could have fallen into the wrong hands, and put those who complained in danger.

It is an astonishing way for FARE to act.

For an organisation which behaves in such a secretive way when it investigates Rangers, they appear to have been eager to disclose everything, regarding similar complaints against Celtic.

This development gives all the appearance of having sinister undertones, and calls into question whether or not FARE is fit for purpose?

No doubt, when the fall-out from this latest FARE fiasco reaches volcanic proportions, Piara Powar will run for cover.

He has form for doing that.

But this time Piara Powar could be in real trouble. For if the people whose private details were revealed, wish to complain to the police, then Powar and FARE could face prosecution under the Data Protection Act.

There is also the matter of why FARE attempted to involve the Scottish Football Association.

For the complaints about Celtic fans related to an SPL match, and it is the SPL who had jurisdiction.

This once again shows just what a bunch they are at FARE. Haphazard, hardly begins to describe the way they go about their business.

However, now that the SFA is aware of this, there must surely be fears inside Hampden about the way its member clubs are being treated by FARE.

And the way is therefore open for the SFA to make their fears known to UEFA, and to request that FARE be thoroughly investigated by Michel Platini.

The SFA have a duty to their member clubs, regarding how they are treated in Europe.

The SFA should also ask that, until a probe into FARE is completed, UEFA exclude FARE from involvement in any European ties involving Scottish clubs.

For this shadowy, and perhaps even sinister organisation, FARE, simply does not appear to behave in a fair fashion.

Indeed, they may even have broken the law.

the most important thread on the site.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just astonishing the amount of idiots on this thread that saw fit to have a go at the OP in one way or another when he was making a very serious comment..clowns .

who needs fucking enemies ? honestly .

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  • 1 month later...

Just got this update from the ICO with regards to the situation with FARE, and my personal Data.

Took a while in coming, but getting there.

2 September 2011

Case Reference Number RFA0407569

Dear Mr

Thank you for yourcorrespondence dated 29 July 2011, regarding Football Against Racism in Europe(FARE).

The matters you haveraised will be assigned to one of our complaints resolution teams before beingallocated to a case officer who will respond in line with our current servicestandards.

Should you wish tocontact us about this matter please quote the above case reference number.Failure to do so may delay the processing of your request.

If you require anyfurther advice or assistance please contact our Helpline on 0303 123 1113.

Yours sincerely

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No doubt i'll get horrid abuse for this but a few weeks back my mums pal whos a tim scout asked my granda to come down to the Peedodome for a free tour and my granda asked me to come along with him as he wanted me to take pictures(part time photographer) and shit to i agreed to go, we done the usual shite and walked in on liewell having a meeting in the board room(his eyes are even more slandy in person), when in the dressing room the one of the other scouts tryed to hand me commons top and said try it on i said no thanks mate i'd rather it was Jelavics and to my amazement he turned round and called me a dirty orange bastard!!!!! Needless to say i returned the abuse and called him a peedo bastard and he laughed it off but it got me thinking here....i hate nothing more than a grass but should i call the papers and tell them of my experience and maybe pass some of the sectarian flack back over in the taigs direction??

Edit: me being a joiner noticed how shabby the interior is cheap as chips pencil round skirting and missing ceiling tiles all over the camp

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No doubt i'll get horrid abuse for this but a few weeks back my mums pal whos a tim scout asked my granda to come down to the Peedodome for a free tour and my granda asked me to come along with him as he wanted me to take pictures(part time photographer) and shit to i agreed to go, we done the usual shite and walked in on liewell having a meeting in the board room(his eyes are even more slandy in person), when in the dressing room the one of the other scouts tryed to hand me commons top and said try it on i said no thanks mate i'd rather it was Jelavics and to my amazement he turned round and called me a dirty orange bastard!!!!! Needless to say i returned the abuse and called him a peedo bastard and he laughed it off but it got me thinking here....i hate nothing more than a grass but should i call the papers and tell them of my experience and maybe pass some of the sectarian flack back over in the taigs direction??

Edit: me being a joiner noticed how shabby the interior is cheap as chips pencil round skirting and missing ceiling tiles all over the camp

Get them telt.

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  • 4 months later...

post-57085-0-83054900-1326907337_thumb.jpost-57085-0-83054900-1326907337_thumb.jpost-57085-0-77130400-1326907291_thumb.jRight this is the Final response I have had from the Information Commissioners Office with regards FARE's shenanigans from last years Hearts V them Game at Tyne when their so called wonderful Fans where attacking the Stewards .

I received the first letter of their investigation on the 3rd October 2011.

And then I got the final one on the 20th Dec 2011 so it has taken a long time ,and FARE's reluctance to cooperate was the big delay .

However it now lets them know that we are watching them, and if I hear any further Terrorist Chants will be contacting them, and the other agencies to complain further .

A lot of guys on here may put up with the vile chanting, and Terrorist songs that Emits from the Breeze block but I am not ,and it proves that they have, and did indeed break the Data Protection act.

Its not a one way situation and we must fight for what is right and not take everything like the last regime at Ibrox.

Follow Follow .


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Nacho - breaching the data protection act is a criminal offence

The Procorator Fiscal or the CPS should be looking to prosecute FARE if they have misused your personal data

I would be pushing for a prosecution as its in the public interest and it is very topical at the moment

The Daily Mail in particular have a bee in their bonnet about this and would be very interested

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Although it looks like nothing will happen in terms of punishment this is good in terms of FARE breaking the rules when they hold themselves up as moral guardians and in terms of well basically "getting it right up them"

I find the biggest message in this whole affair is how blatantly FARE are what many of us suspected, a pro Celtic anti Rangers group made up of Celtic fans, I mean the proof is in the pudding, they specifically send someone along to catch Rangers out and report it to the authority straight away, yet when they get reports against Celtic they don't take it to the authority, instead they pass it on to the club.

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