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Journalist Says Fare Have Broken The Law.

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Vested interest via Celtic ??

To me, the links are akin to 6 degrees of separation, just because the main person is married to a Celtic supporting wife, do we seriously contend that their decisions are influenced by the spouse, I just can't see it myself .

As for the business links, again .. i think they are tenuous at most & paranoid proclomations at worst and all this is being used by some who refuse to beleive that we DO have an small but nonetheless unsavoury element within our support who seem to value the singing of certain songs over the clubs health & reputation.

Subsequent to our dealings with FARE, a few people decide to complain about celtic, to an organisation who main focus is on Europe, in the hope of highlighting the bias that they beleive occurs within FARE.

Now, the issue of handing over your personal information, that is certainly worth highlighting but it shows they are not a very clever organisation rather than a biased one.

Of course, this is all my opinion ... so I expect a few detractors to point me in the errors of my view !!

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I think the links are tenuous at best as well.

However, the very fact these links exist and are easily laid next to a less than equitable approach from a less than credible organisation, it perhaps makes them worth highlighting.

Do I think Celtic FC or FARE make decisions because one or the other orders them to? No.

Do I think there may exist unhealthy relationships that may result in unfair information gathering? Yes.

Are FARE a fair and trustworthy organisation worthy of UEFA funding and backing? Given the information outlined above, I'd suggest that's debatable.

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I would suggest that there is an open eye when the scum play in europe this season as we all know that when the time comes the scum will be in the spotlight, thats one way to show an bias within this organisation, They have to take the same action with all clubs if found to be doing summit in europe, if people really wanna show the hypocracy, watch, listen carefully and action

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Your either singing rascist/bigoted songs or not, it doesnt matter whether you are in Scotland or Macedonia FARE have created a rod for their own back.

You cant say we heard songs from one group of fans and want action and have heard the same type of songs from another set of fans and not want action because of juristiction. That is bollocks and no one can hide behind it.

If they really want to target the alleged sectarianism in Scottish football why werent the letters sent to the relevant people ie the SPL or the church or George Galloway or Phillus foolofshite, everyone knows why..... they have an agenda. Why were they sent to Celtic i will tell you why, its evidence that they have done something with it, akin to passing the hot potato.

I am not one for singing the songs, not that i havent and dont in my own space but wouldnt do it at Ibrox because it would harm the club. They also dont offend me when they sing their songs, i see it as a wind up and 90 minute bigotry. For anyone to say that they dont see a link between these organisations is piss poor, sorry lads.

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Ace.... i dont think this post is about them singing the songs and not getting hammered and us poor down trodden getting it in the neck.

Its about the impartial organisation FARE having a vested interest via collusion with Celtic.

All people want is transparency, if we sung a banned song then hands up, but we have to see that the same rules apply for everyone who sings songs that offend.

Well said. The work many of us do behind the scenes isn't to allow us to sing Sectarian songs despite what many think on here. It is about exposing the shady goings on behind the scenes. The collusion and double standards we are subjected to. If we fcuk up then we deserve what we get. If others fcuk up then we expect to see the same rules apply to everyone not just us.

And isn't it interesting that NONE of the tabloids or broadsheets has commented on any of Leggat's blogs despite the wealth of facts presented in them. Not all of them are brilliant but i would say a large percentage of them merit a tabloid running with his claims and actually doing what they are supposed to do...Investigate Stories.

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Adoniram, i like what he writes ok its slanted to suit but it at least sets the foundation for a fightback having a public platform as such.

It might not be up to the same eloquent standards as other journalists but at least it tackles this issue from our perspective.

As i said in other posts, great work to all concerned and keep it up.

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I would suggest that there is an open eye when the scum play in europe this season as we all know that when the time comes the scum will be in the spotlight, thats one way to show an bias within this organisation, They have to take the same action with all clubs if found to be doing summit in europe, if people really wanna show the hypocracy, watch, listen carefully and action

You in the industry Chef, you may know a friend of mine has a nice eatery in the city.

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Adoniram, i like what he writes ok its slanted to suit but it at least sets the foundation for a fightback having a public platform as such.

It might not be up to the same eloquent standards as other journalists but at least it tackles this issue from our perspective.

As i said in other posts, great work to all concerned and keep it up.

We know he's not perfect and has many faults but like you said he is the ONLY voice in the media telling it exactly like it us.

That alone should set alarm bells ringing in the heads of even the most moderate of Rangers fans.

Why is no other journalist or tabloid even picking up on this FARE accusation if even to investigate it and perhaps discredit what Leggat has stated? Or god forbid back him up and expose this sordid little cabal of bigots?

Could it be they know already and by doing so they risk exposing Celtic directors to possible prosecution and sanctions on the club itself for clandestinely getting another member club in to trouble?????

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The moment that a politician inferred that anyone could be arrested, for singing their national anthem, in their own country, was the moment this whole farce was exposed for being just that, a farce.

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If fare are not UK based then they are not covered under UK legislation I.e. The data protection act

Well their complaints office for the UK is based in London:


Reporting abuse and discrimination in football

FARE believes that a key factor in tackling discrimination in football lies in setting out a positive vision of an inclusive sport. However, not everybody shares our vision and it is important to tackle discriminatory abuse and practices and far-right activity wherever they emerge.

Reporting abuse and discrimination is one means through which we can highlight issues and challenge denial. Statistics are helpful resources to measure progress and recognise further actions to be taken.

Amateur players, fans, professional footballers, clubs and FA’s all have a key role to play in tackling abuse and discrimination, from the grassroots through to professional clubs and national sides.

FARE can help you to make reports, ensure appropriate action is taken and help you raise issues of concern. Even if action is not possible in each case it helps us to build up a picture of what is happening and where.

Reporting an incident

You can make reports to us by sending us an email with as many details as possible. However we prefer it if you can complete the incident report form to allow us to collect a consistent level of information. Once filled in send to info @ farenet.org

FARE staff have been trained to assist with your complaint appropriately and sensitively. Complainants will be asked to give us as much detail as possible, to enable us to take the best course of action and make a detailed report.

If possible, you should always report abuse to the appropriate authority immediately when it occurs, in professional football to a representative of a club or team such as a steward. In amateur football, tell the referee, a club official, a league representative or your regional football body.

What if my report is an emergency?

If something happens that needs immediate attention, it should be reported directly to a steward or police officer.

Always remember the police have a responsibility to act on all reports they receive, regardless of where they take place. If for example, you are abused whilst playing in an amateur league fixture then the police should be informed.

How does FARE deal with reports?

FARE believes that every complaint is important. We will refer it to a national level NGO who have a knowledge of the situation on the ground, or raise the issue with the appropriate authorities.

As a campaigning and advisory network, we cannot take legal action or bring football sanctions ourselves. Our ability to get results on local or national level incidents is limited, but we will work with NGO partners to do as much as we can.

What happens when we get a report?

Stage 1 – Incident form is received and acknowledged. We will set out the process throiugh which we wil deal with the report. Timelines and outcomes you can realistically expect.

Stage 2 - Details will be forwarded on to an NGO partner or to the national FA. If the incident took place in a UEFA Champions League or Europa League match, details will be sent to UEFA.

If the incident took place at an international match, it will be referred to UEFA or FIFA, whoever has jurisdiction over the match.

Stage 3 - The appropriate authority are asked to respond. FARE will send a reminder after 1 month if no response is received.

Stage 4 - FARE will keep the complainant informed of any updates.

Useful Contacts

List of European Union national equality bodies dealing with Gender discrimination

List of European Union national equality bodies dealing with race, ethnic and religious discrimination

FARE postal address

PO Box 67536




Email: enquiries @ farenet.org


UEFA (Union des associations Européennes de football)

Route de Genève 46

CH-1260 Nyon 2

Tel. +41 22 994 44 44


Download the FARE reporting form

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Well their complaints office for the UK is based in London:


Reporting abuse and discrimination in football

FARE believes that a key factor in tackling discrimination in football lies in setting out a positive vision of an inclusive sport. However, not everybody shares our vision and it is important to tackle discriminatory abuse and practices and far-right activity wherever they emerge.

Reporting abuse and discrimination is one means through which we can highlight issues and challenge denial. Statistics are helpful resources to measure progress and recognise further actions to be taken.

Amateur players, fans, professional footballers, clubs and FA’s all have a key role to play in tackling abuse and discrimination, from the grassroots through to professional clubs and national sides.

FARE can help you to make reports, ensure appropriate action is taken and help you raise issues of concern. Even if action is not possible in each case it helps us to build up a picture of what is happening and where.

Reporting an incident

You can make reports to us by sending us an email with as many details as possible. However we prefer it if you can complete the incident report form to allow us to collect a consistent level of information. Once filled in send to info @ farenet.org

FARE staff have been trained to assist with your complaint appropriately and sensitively. Complainants will be asked to give us as much detail as possible, to enable us to take the best course of action and make a detailed report.

If possible, you should always report abuse to the appropriate authority immediately when it occurs, in professional football to a representative of a club or team such as a steward. In amateur football, tell the referee, a club official, a league representative or your regional football body.

What if my report is an emergency?

If something happens that needs immediate attention, it should be reported directly to a steward or police officer.

Always remember the police have a responsibility to act on all reports they receive, regardless of where they take place. If for example, you are abused whilst playing in an amateur league fixture then the police should be informed.

How does FARE deal with reports?

FARE believes that every complaint is important. We will refer it to a national level NGO who have a knowledge of the situation on the ground, or raise the issue with the appropriate authorities.

As a campaigning and advisory network, we cannot take legal action or bring football sanctions ourselves. Our ability to get results on local or national level incidents is limited, but we will work with NGO partners to do as much as we can.

What happens when we get a report?

Stage 1 – Incident form is received and acknowledged. We will set out the process throiugh which we wil deal with the report. Timelines and outcomes you can realistically expect.

Stage 2 - Details will be forwarded on to an NGO partner or to the national FA. If the incident took place in a UEFA Champions League or Europa League match, details will be sent to UEFA.

If the incident took place at an international match, it will be referred to UEFA or FIFA, whoever has jurisdiction over the match.

Stage 3 - The appropriate authority are asked to respond. FARE will send a reminder after 1 month if no response is received.

Stage 4 - FARE will keep the complainant informed of any updates.

Useful Contacts

List of European Union national equality bodies dealing with Gender discrimination

List of European Union national equality bodies dealing with race, ethnic and religious discrimination

FARE postal address

PO Box 67536




Email: enquiries @ farenet.org


UEFA (Union des associations Européennes de football)

Route de Genève 46

CH-1260 Nyon 2

Tel. +41 22 994 44 44


Download the FARE reporting form

Lost me at far right, that is a political statement that infers should you have certain political beliefs you are a rascist or bigot.

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Thought I would give everyone on here an update on this post with regards to the Topic of FARE and the situation of them giving out my Personal Data.

Since my Last post of which I attached , a letter from no other than CFC Chairman ,stating Celtic Fans have A Tradition Blah blah blah .After my Complaint to FARE.Ref Hearts v Celtic

Since then I have contacted FARE too ask them under the Freedom of Information act 2000, who did they gave my Personal Data to and who handed it over to CFC.

I have Emailed them Twice within the past Five Days and received no Reply .

Now either they are adopting the Dignified silence Treatment and hoping I am going away, or they are just Getting a Letter out to me .

I think the Former.

I have told them that if they do not respond to my request with regards to my Data being given out, I am going to contact the Information Commissioners Office.

To date still no response .

Interesting Isn't It?

Just thought I would update all Interested.I a am not going away till I get some answers.Cheers.

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Thought I would give everyone on here an update on this post with regards to the Topic of FARE and the situation of them giving out my Personal Data.

Since my Last post of which I attached , a letter from no other than CFC Chairman ,stating Celtic Fans have A Tradition Blah blah blah .After my Complaint to FARE.Ref Hearts v Celtic

Since then I have contacted FARE too ask them under the Freedom of Information act 2000, who did they gave my Personal Data to and who handed it over to CFC.

I have Emailed them Twice within the past Five Days and received no Reply .

Now either they are adopting the Dignified silence Treatment and hoping I am going away, or they are just Getting a Letter out to me .

I think the Former.

I have told them that if they do not respond to my request with regards to my Data being given out, I am going to contact the Information Commissioners Office.

To date still no response .

Interesting Isn't It?

Just thought I would update all Interested.I a am not going away till I get some answers.Cheers.

Keep at the bastards

This is how these race card players operate with a permanent chip on their shoulders total hypocrites.

well done pal No Surrender.

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Thought I would give everyone on here an update on this post with regards to the Topic of FARE and the situation of them giving out my Personal Data.

Since my Last post of which I attached , a letter from no other than CFC Chairman ,stating Celtic Fans have A Tradition Blah blah blah .After my Complaint to FARE.Ref Hearts v Celtic

Since then I have contacted FARE too ask them under the Freedom of Information act 2000, who did they gave my Personal Data to and who handed it over to CFC.

I have Emailed them Twice within the past Five Days and received no Reply .

Now either they are adopting the Dignified silence Treatment and hoping I am going away, or they are just Getting a Letter out to me .

I think the Former.

I have told them that if they do not respond to my request with regards to my Data being given out, I am going to contact the Information Commissioners Office.

To date still no response .

Interesting Isn't It?

Just thought I would update all Interested.I a am not going away till I get some answers.Cheers.

Good for you mate, keep at them (tu)

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Sounds like they could be in hiding, or desperately searching for a scapegoat or just waiting for a reply from Liewell and his advice on how to handle this corrupt show. Nonetheless stick at it mate and well done.

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