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Uruguay - Just Over Half The Population Of Scotland....


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....yet it produces world class footballers, it is one of the most succesful countries in international football. it has won the Copa America 15 times, more times than any other country.

How come Scotland can't produce these sort of players? Oh and don't give me the "it's a poor slum country and they play football on the streets in their bare feet" pish, because that's what it is, PISH. Uruguay is the most economically developed country in South America. Why are they producing class, and we're producing Scott Browns? Maybe our coaches should be taking a look at what they're doing, because for 2 time world cup winners and 15 time Copa America winners (including current winners) , they must be doing something right?

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You could argue that Scotland as a nation is still producing talented players in some of the biggest teams in Europe. Like Charlie Adam at Liverpool and Darren Fletcher at Man Utd. We are competing club wise as a nation at the top level.

Both Domestic level is roundabout the same, Rangers and Celtic / Peñarol and Nacional compete in the Copa Libertadores and us with the UEFA European competitions to the same success. Good in the past, but now have the odd final chucked in.

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....yet it produces world class footballers, it is one of the most succesful countries in international football. it has won the Copa America 15 times, more times than any other country.

How come Scotland can't produce these sort of players? Oh and don't give me the "it's a poor slum country and they play football on the streets in their bare feet" pish, because that's what it is, PISH. Uruguay is the most economically developed country in South America. Why are they producing class, and we're producing Scott Browns? Maybe our coaches should be taking a look at what they're doing, because for 2 time world cup winners and 15 time Copa America winners (including current winners) , they must be doing something right?

Perhaps Scotland has become a nation of whiny, gay, picked upon buck passing, amateur alcoholic, wannabe thug, overweight, unhealthy, layabout neddoids. Or blame England.

Cold dark nights is another faggy excuse. It'll be someb'dy else's fault sure!

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Do Uruguay not have those things or something?

Not to the same extent as kids do here i would guess! The internet must play a part in it, young guys would rather sit about on their smart phones than do some excercise!

You cant put it down to one thing really , i think when it comes to football here we have a natural defeatest attitude del amitri's song for the world cup "dont come home to soon" being a perfect example of this!!

I personally would put it down to our attitude as a country fair enough not all of us are the same and there are many individuals who are completely devoted to football never touch a drop of booze growing up and dont go off the rails but there are so many young sporting guys and girls who get into booze and fags at a young age and dont really give a fuck about footy and see it as an invonenience more than anything, im pretty sure this wont be the case in uruguay perhaps the cool thing to do there is to play as much football as possible and be the best which seems to be lacking amongst the youths here!!

Football wise scotlands best players are fit/stong guys who do alot of running but have nothing like the technical ability these south americans seem to posses, this is another issue!!

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I suppose they still have a lot of the poverty that we used to have and have a better climate than we ever had but it is remarkable just how many genuinely world class players they produce (tu).

I think the SPL will probably produce a lot of scott brown's because the only thing it excels at is mediocrity :anguish:

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The problem with this country is that all the best players never get to make it to professional level because of "their bad knee injury they got just before they went pro".

Being serious though I think it is a combination of having an awful mentally, poor coaching, lack of ambition and the fact that our government doesn't consider "football" to be a job. Our government would rather force a talented kid to sweep the streets just to improve unemployment rates.

It scares me to think how many really good prospects have slipped through our countries fingers simply because the government hasn't supported football at the most basic levels i.e. School and local communities.

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I would say that its down to a lack of decent coaching. I was playing 7's today and my team ran out of ideas so hit the long ball every time despite the fact it wasn't working.

What we need is for coaches to be involved from a very young age to get players playing short passing moves instead of humping it up the field.

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