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Why Is Ally Slated And Lennon So Loved


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I know of a few decent Parkhead Corinthians fans who only care about the football and they HATE Lennon. They tell me he embarrasses their club with his actions and words. But i also know of a few idiot Parkhead Corinthians fans (don't we all :rolleyes: ) you know, the ones who wear Ireland tops with their strong neddy scottish accents and claim to be bitter caflicks but never go to chapel. What I'm trying to say is that Lennon is loved by the bigots in the support at Parkhead Corinthians, which the last time i noticed, was the MAJORITY. We judge Ally on footballing terms only.

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Now that the bullets and bomb thing hs gone away you watch the tarriers turn on him, they are looking at their team now and its dawning on them they are shite, Lennon and the taig board are if for a rough ride this season.

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There are more than a few that I work with. a couple are ok. To begin with they were all your typical mhanks and loved Lennon but as I got to know a couple of them well they will admit that it's OF bravado, the same way id never critisice Walter Smith or our players in front of them.

Privately they don't rate Lennon at all. They admitted that Lennon appeals to the lowest common dominator of their support but they all think he doesn't have a clue and point to his record in 'big games'.

McCoist is in another league in terms of the way he conducts himself. Dignified and with class and I think this further annoys the more intelligent mhank as they know themselves that Lennon is just a scum bag ned and a bigot.

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I expect there are celtc fans who whine about lemon and want him removed, because tbh apart from all the other shite surrounding the biggoted little fuckwit, how can anyone have trust in a manager who makes the kind of comments he did after the St Johnstone game where he basically said his players were a bunch of schoolboys and then after being trounced by Sion he claims they were brilliant. But Lemon has played a good game emotionally, he acts like your average tim, dresses like them and talks like them and then of course he had the whole 'death threats' pish to fall back on whenever anyone says anything against him.

The tims are happy not winning because it fits their victim complex and they can kid themselves on that if it wasnt for the fact they were cheated by this that and the other they would never ever have lost a match, and lemon fits right into that picture. Rangers fans never have and never will accept that being second best is good enough and that is why we demand so much from those at the club and that includes McCoist. Being a legend as a player has bugger all to do with being a manager, ask John Grieg. So until Ally actually wins the league - because cups at the end of the day are worthless without titles - you will still get people who want to slate him for everything and anything. In fact even then...

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why is it we are so quick to get on allys back when the tims will not say a bad word about lennon his record for a Parkhead Corinthians manager is abysmal in i think 8 comps since he came he has been totally embarressed in most of them ie ross county,braga,utrecht,inverness,sion. could go on but they love him and we all know how so lets get behind an absolute legend....

The fans were starting to get on Lemmon's back last December if they hadn't got a couple of injury time goals at home to St Johnstone he may well have been out of the job by now, but they did then followed that up with a win at ibrox as they went on an undefeated run including another win over us and papping us out the Scottish cup. Thats not to mention all the crazy shit that involved Lemmon last season on and off the pitch especially between January and March.

Fuck knows why Ally has got as much stick in his 1st month of his debut season, but i will say it seems to be on the messageboards that he is get peltered majority of the people ive spoke to are still backing him despite the Euro disappointment.

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I know many celtic fans who wanted Lennon to walk after last season, he's not so loved as you think


People need to realise this is Ally's debut season as a manager. It would be ridiculous to think he will romp every game, take us to European glory and stroll along laughing. People need their heads checked.

Before the season started i thought Ally would be bringing through the youth players and building for the future maybe even sacrificing a few results here or there just to get the youth through..but no...to be honest who would let him? Not us anyway. Unfortunately at Ibrox everyone expects you to win the game, no matter what the long term value of it is. If he put out a fresh young squad of players we havent heard of before and they lost the game people would be calling for his head. Yet those same people will turn round and say "blah blah blah is good enough, bring in the youth players" he will never be able to win. Look how long Mowbray was given to build a team at the tic?

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The full house against Well last season says otherwise.

He got that response because of all the crap with the bullets and stuff, dont think otherwise...it gave them something to focus on because they certainly werent celebrating the league

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they love lennon because hes an irish catholic bigot. Also to be fair they were awful when he came in and he has turned them round. Not saying they are good but they are miles better than they were when monkeyheid was in charge. Any teams supporters would like a manager who has made a club better. Thats where ally has a problem, we have been used to success under walter so we demand that it continues.

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I know many celtic fans who wanted Lennon to walk after last season, he's not so loved as you think


People need to realise this is Ally's debut season as a manager. It would be ridiculous to think he will romp every game, take us to European glory and stroll along laughing. People need their heads checked.

Before the season started i thought Ally would be bringing through the youth players and building for the future maybe even sacrificing a few results here or there just to get the youth through..but no...to be honest who would let him? Not us anyway. Unfortunately at Ibrox everyone expects you to win the game, no matter what the long term value of it is. If he put out a fresh young squad of players we havent heard of before and they lost the game people would be calling for his head. Yet those same people will turn round and say "blah blah blah is good enough, bring in the youth players" he will never be able to win. Look how long Mowbray was given to build a team at the tic?

McCoist is one of the few people who would be given the time to build a young team even if the results weren't great. Instead what we get is the same tired set-up favoured by Smith.

The latest in a long line of missed opportunities by Rangers.

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McCoist is one of the few people who would be given the time to build a young team even if the results weren't great. Instead what we get is the same tired set-up favoured by Smith.

The latest in a long line of missed opportunities by Rangers.

Hopefully given time(bit more than 9 games anyway) McCoist will be able to gradually build his own team including some of our young players and take our style of football in a different direction.

The majority of our team just now have been playing Smith's style of football for 3 years now it would have been foolish of Ally to come in completely change the style the players are used to all within 9 games.

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They where on his back, and then a couple of brainless fuckers started sending him fake bombs etc. And now everyone see's him as a victim, and timmy love him and won't say a bad word against him.

Absolutely spot on mate. Lennon and RAceltic were under severe pressure until those morons sent parcels.

Irish republicans are expert at taking advantage of such propaganda opportunities and using it for their own gains, you only have to remember how the hunger strikes galvanised the republican movement.

Lennon was let off the hook by those arseholes including the prick at Hearts but if things don't go smoothly for RAceltic i'm sure we'll see his true colours and behaviour rise to the surface again. This time just stand back and let him self destruct.

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