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Battlefield 3 Beta


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Its 1.3gb and is worthy every megabyte. To sum it up..

The good

The gameplay, the sounds and the graphics

The bad

The fucking idiots who think they are still playing Call of Duty. Seriously stop fucking camping in some wee cranny in the middle of nowhere, you are no use to your team doing this. If your attacking, attack the fucking base or at the very least offer some real support.

The ugly

Not really a fan of the map.. It's pretty linear, as such there's not many vehicles, if any.

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Its 1.3gb and is worthy every megabyte. To sum it up..

The good

The gameplay, the sounds and the graphics

The bad

The fucking idiots who think they are still playing Call of Duty. Seriously stop fucking camping in some wee cranny in the middle of nowhere, you are no use to your team doing this. If your attacking, attack the fucking base or at the very least offer some real support.

The ugly

Not really a fan of the map.. It's pretty linear, as such there's not many vehicles, if any.

The people who still think they are playing Call of Duty will always be there because they think the game will be the exact same but it's nothing like it. Battlefield takes a lot of teamwork and communication as you know yourself if there is none of that you will get hammered time and time again. Call of Duty is the only shooter I know that takes no teamwork to win a game whilst Battlfield, Halo etc take immense amount of teamwork to win.

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People are moaning about the graphics being dogshit.. Completely forgetting that its been compressed to the max to lower the file size.

It looks pretty decent in my opinion.. The wide open area's with foliage and trees are a bit meh, but the subway and area's with buildings are great. Will hopefully look alot better in the final release!

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Its 1.3gb and is worthy every megabyte. To sum it up..

The good

The gameplay, the sounds and the graphics

The bad

The fucking idiots who think they are still playing Call of Duty. Seriously stop fucking camping in some wee cranny in the middle of nowhere, you are no use to your team doing this. If your attacking, attack the fucking base or at the very least offer some real support.

The ugly

Not really a fan of the map.. It's pretty linear, as such there's not many vehicles, if any.

Sweet, can't wait!

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Just played it quickly there. Not quite sure what I'm doing, but it just seems a more polished, better version of Medal of Honour. Looks great from what I've played of it so far. Not sure I like stabbing being R2, crouch being R3 though. Little awkward.

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Just played it quickly there. Not quite sure what I'm doing, but it just seems a more polished, better version of Medal of Honour. Looks great from what I've played of it so far. Not sure I like stabbing being R2, crouch being R3 though. Little awkward.

You should be able to change the button configuration?

I can see why you would think its like Medal of Honor, but trust me the full game will be a lot different! I reckon the made a poor choice with using Operation Metro as the BETA map.. Don't get me wrong I like the infantry based maps but they really don't show people what Battlefield is really about.

Rush is kinda like search and destroy.. If your attacking you need to blow up the 2 mcomm stations(A and B on your map). If you blow both of them up the defence fall back to another base and another 2 mcomm stations appear. Rinse and repeat until you've taken all of their bases(usually 3)

Defence win by getting 100 kills and defending the mcomms.

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You should be able to change the button configuration?

I can see why you would think its like Medal of Honor, but trust me the full game will be a lot different! I reckon the made a poor choice with using Operation Metro as the BETA map.. Don't get me wrong I like the infantry based maps but they really don't show people what Battlefield is really about.

Rush is kinda like search and destroy.. If your attacking you need to blow up the 2 mcomm stations(A and B on your map). If you blow both of them up the defence fall back to another base and another 2 mcomm stations appear. Rinse and repeat until you've taken all of their bases(usually 3)

I'll have a look tomorrow.

I'd never played Battlefield before tonight, and so the closest to that was MoH- made by EA as well was it not? I like what I played of it though.

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