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Bookie Roulette Machines


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Lost nearly £200 on tuesday night, in a crazy blur :( Ive been up all season so far on coupons and stayed away from them, so a was a bit annoyed!

Thats how easy it is mate. One staurday i was pratted put 8 quid on 5 teams. 225 back and lost 185 quid in 4 spins. :(

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Apparently each Ladbrokes machine is averaging 866 quid profit per week

I really dont see how people think they can win on these machines in the long term. I was in the Ladbrokes on Friday night, one machine took 4,880 quid and there was another 3 still to be emptied. They would not be in the shops if you could beat them. Sometimes i put 2 quid in and can take 80 or 90 but i dont forget the times i had put in 2 and 300 quid and got fuck all.

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For anybody who enjoys playing these machines DON'T! These machines are the crack cocaine of gambling and will eventually get a grip of you. I once blew 1600 quid on these machines in no more than an hour and a half! I started of putting a couple of quid in then a few month later it could be the monthly wage in a day. At the end of the day if you can play them and control it you won't do too bad but if you get addicted and compulsive they will take every penny you have.

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Too true mate, av seen maself throw in 400 in a day which is half my monthly wage. Won today a wee bit 30quid up from a tenner. Do u think the machines follow certain patterns? Or just whatever number fucks you?

in all my time playing these machines I have never managed to work out any patterns to win a suppose it just comes down to catching it at right times mate. I enjoy playing roulette but only in casinos now as those machines fucked my life up for about 5 years!

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Too true mate, av seen maself throw in 400 in a day which is half my monthly wage. Won today a wee bit 30quid up from a tenner. Do u think the machines follow certain patterns? Or just whatever number fucks you?

in all my time playing these machines I have never managed to work out any patterns to win a suppose it just comes down to catching it at right times mate. I enjoy playing roulette but only in casinos now as those machines fucked my life up for about 5 years!

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There is no pattern.

Think of it like a box, and every nth of a second the number in that box changes, when you press the button, you get whatever number is in the box at that moment.

The Roulette wheel is just a graphic to make it interesting - the little bounces from number to number are just for excitement.

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How did you play?

Were you betting red/black, odd/even...? Or were you spreading across numbers?

No mate i hammer certain numbers, but as i only had a score i done a 14 quid bet with £1 on 3 and £3 on 26 3 came in so i stuck another 3 quid on 26 as its right next door and it was the next number out. I then had a fiver on 20 and £4 on 1 in the next 2 spins. The most i bet in a spin was 33 quid

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