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Apple TV and Google TV to bid for the EPL?


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Well fellow Bears not sure where to post this but put it in the Bears den as I think it will affect the Rangers, will the next TV deals kill off our abilty to compete for players??

Over the last couple of years on here I've had a chuckle to myself when someone posts aye when Sky pull the plug the EPL is fcuked...yea right! Sky aint even in the picture as to making the EPL bubble bursting. The other line I've heard is that the SPL should be demanding more from TV rights, no way should the EPL command 39 times more revenue than the SPL (approx £594 Million v £15 Million per season) aye right again.

Both are missing the point in the true worth of the EPL, Its not about how many watch the EPL games on a weekly basis its all about how many subscribe to SKY a month and give them a minimum of £1000 a year for TV, Broadband and the phone. The glue that holds this all together for SKY is the EPL and without the EPL quite simply SKY is a busted flush and would not survive. If SKY lost the EPL 90% of their subscribers would disappear overnight which is why the price of the EPL deal is so overpriced. 20 years ago SKY/BSB paid something like 20 times what channel 4 paid for live Italian sunday football and they were laughed at all over the media, who's laughing now!

So where am I going with Google and Apple TV? Well Apple are going to launch Televisions in 2012 and Google TV will be with us in 2013. Both will obviously be smart TVS with internet as their main hub and both WILL bid for the next deal for the EPL due quarter 1 2103, if you dont believe me google it.

Both Apple and Google TV will use the some strategy that SKY have used, The EPL will drive up sales of their products and let them control the market which in turn means that the price of the Domestic TV deal is likely to at least double from the last deal in 2010 which was worth £1,782 billion. SKY will do anything to protect their investment and with Al Jazeera alos rumoured to be looking to enter the UK domestic market the bidding prices are going to rise dramatically.

The current overseas TV deal is separate from this and was signed at £1.4 Billion in 2010, the value of this has already doubled and will again show a huge jump in the new deal in 2013 as this is also expected to be over £3 Billion. This is only the start of it with the overseas deal as the big 6 will look at different terms this time. The last overseas deal was split equally between the clubs in 2010 but that will change as the top 6 will take the majority of it. Unlike the domestic deal no one is interested in watching anyone but the top 6 clubs. Bertie in Bolton signs up to domestic SKY to see Boltons games but no one outside the UK will subscibe to the EPL to see Bolton so they have no value in the Global deal. The big clubs will expoit this taking an even bigger share of the cake. The next global deal will also have the likes of YOUTUBE entering the market showing live games globally on smart TVs on YOUTUBE again driving the value of the deal up.

But the big question for me is...where does that leave Rangers?? If we cant compete for players just now what will happen from 2013 on? Or could it mean that with the big clubs taking more of the cake there will be less money floating about the bottom half of the EPL meaning we can compete with these clubs now?

Where is the EPL going? Well with the gap about to grow stronger between the top 6 and the other clubs its surely on its last legs long term as they wont offer any competition. Rangers need to be ready for the inevitable breakdown of domestic leagues, I fear its already too late.

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EPL has nothing to do with us. They can have all the money in the world, they will still only be able to field 11 men! There will always be a place for clubs like Rangers in world football, it will just not be amongst the big boys, much like it is now. The price we pay for being Scottish, eh, its the card we have been dealt, we must do the best with what we have. Thats life i am afraid, pointless worrying about it or spitting the dummy.

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It is a worry as the ell will alsways remain an extremely attractive package while sol attendances and viewing figures continue to dwindle.

I understand the ell deal has always been fairly well distributed and certainly there is a much fairer split of cash across the division in comparison to the likes of la liga and even the spl.

So ultimately a new and better epl tv deal looks like it could put us even further off the mark in terms if competing for players against epl clubs which I think should heighten the need for us to be looking at other options which could be one or a combo of; negotiating our own tv deal and binning the spl package, continuing to look at options to join the English leagues or looking at another league set up e.g. The Atlantic league which has reared it's head from time to time over the past few years.

That said, there is of course the recent European court ruling involving the pub landlady and sky which ruled that she was entitled tonibtain a Greek sky box to show epl games in the uk. This should see the new epl deal reduced slightly in terms of the foreign tv income however there is no likelihood of the bubble bursting.

For now we are very much left as the beggar at the door of the wealthy mans house when it comes to tv revenue and we will continue to see teams from England and other leagues with no history or pedigree of any note able to pay many times more for transfer fees and wages whilst the standard of player we are able to attract continues to diminish.

Cheery thoughts eh?

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I dont get the hype for the EPL, yes there are some cracking teams and really good matches but on the flip side theres a whole heap of awful games, how they can hold the interest of a worldwide audience after the fanfare of the initial advertising blitz has worn off is beyond me, add all the different time zones as well (i'm sure the Aussie bears watch us in the middle of the night)

So all the families round the world turn off their national sports, cricket,base and basketball etc etc to settle down to watch a poor EPL game, i know its not the EPL but ive just about managed to stay awake watching Birmingham v Wolves, and i'm an avid football fan, am i just being thick or how does it work, and where do the estimated viewing figures come from?

Anyone know how many pro footballers there are in the world? after the first 400 - 500 we should have the pick of the stall, glass half full here.

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I dont get the hype for the EPL, yes there are some cracking teams and really good matches but on the flip side theres a whole heap of awful games, how they can hold the interest of a worldwide audience after the fanfare of the initial advertising blitz has worn off is beyond me, add all the different time zones as well (i'm sure the Aussie bears watch us in the middle of the night)

So all the families round the world turn off their national sports, cricket,base and basketball etc etc to settle down to watch a poor EPL game, i know its not the EPL but ive just about managed to stay awake watching Birmingham v Wolves, and i'm an avid football fan, am i just being thick or how does it work, and where do the estimated viewing figures come from?

Anyone know how many pro fooballers there are in the world? after the first 400 - 500 we should have the pick of the stall, glass half full here.

sorry mate but have to disagree with u there. the EPL is by far the best league in world football. I live in Canada and the ratings to see games here (even between wolves and Bolton) are thru the roof. The hype is justified because the ratings say so

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sorry mate but have to disagree with u there. the EPL is by far the best league in world football. I live in Canada and the ratings to see games here (even between wolves and Bolton) are thru the roof. The hype is justified because the ratings say so

Fair enough but we will have to disagree on the by far the best league in the world bit, so question for you, what would make the average Canadian watch the Wolves - Bolton game for example, when theres ice hockey to be watched? i dont dispute your ratings but its the great appetite for the EPL i dont get, i have lived around the London area for 20+ years and have seen my share so i'm not posting as an aggreived Scot moaning about getting the crumbs from the Sky table.

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Well fellow Bears not sure where to post this but put it in the Bears den as I think it will affect the Rangers, will the next TV deals kill off our abilty to compete for players??

Over the last couple of years on here I've had a chuckle to myself when someone posts aye when Sky pull the plug the EPL is fcuked...yea right! Sky aint even in the picture as to making the EPL bubble bursting. The other line I've heard is that the SPL should be demanding more from TV rights, no way should the EPL command 39 times more revenue than the SPL (approx £594 Million v £15 Million per season) aye right again.

Both are missing the point in the true worth of the EPL, Its not about how many watch the EPL games on a weekly basis its all about how many subscribe to SKY a month and give them a minimum of £1000 a year for TV, Broadband and the phone. The glue that holds this all together for SKY is the EPL and without the EPL quite simply SKY is a busted flush and would not survive. If SKY lost the EPL 90% of their subscribers would disappear overnight which is why the price of the EPL deal is so overpriced. 20 years ago SKY/BSB paid something like 20 times what channel 4 paid for live Italian sunday football and they were laughed at all over the media, who's laughing now!

So where am I going with Google and Apple TV? Well Apple are going to launch Televisions in 2012 and Google TV will be with us in 2013. Both will obviously be smart TVS with internet as their main hub and both WILL bid for the next deal for the EPL due quarter 1 2103, if you dont believe me google it.

Both Apple and Google TV will use the some strategy that SKY have used, The EPL will drive up sales of their products and let them control the market which in turn means that the price of the Domestic TV deal is likely to at least double from the last deal in 2010 which was worth £1,782 billion. SKY will do anything to protect their investment and with Al Jazeera alos rumoured to be looking to enter the UK domestic market the bidding prices are going to rise dramatically.

The current overseas TV deal is separate from this and was signed at £1.4 Billion in 2010, the value of this has already doubled and will again show a huge jump in the new deal in 2013 as this is also expected to be over £3 Billion. This is only the start of it with the overseas deal as the big 6 will look at different terms this time. The last overseas deal was split equally between the clubs in 2010 but that will change as the top 6 will take the majority of it. Unlike the domestic deal no one is interested in watching anyone but the top 6 clubs. Bertie in Bolton signs up to domestic SKY to see Boltons games but no one outside the UK will subscibe to the EPL to see Bolton so they have no value in the Global deal. The big clubs will expoit this taking an even bigger share of the cake. The next global deal will also have the likes of YOUTUBE entering the market showing live games globally on smart TVs on YOUTUBE again driving the value of the deal up.

But the big question for me is...where does that leave Rangers?? If we cant compete for players just now what will happen from 2013 on? Or could it mean that with the big clubs taking more of the cake there will be less money floating about the bottom half of the EPL meaning we can compete with these clubs now?

Where is the EPL going? Well with the gap about to grow stronger between the top 6 and the other clubs its surely on its last legs long term as they wont offer any competition. Rangers need to be ready for the inevitable breakdown of domestic leagues, I fear its already too late.

firstly, youre spot on about the sky thing.

secondly i dont think apple will bid for EPL rights. they will simply pay a lesser fee to incorporate skygo into their smart tv.

thirdly, if Apple did decide to bid for it, they could beat sky hands down. apple are MUCH richer than sky.

fourthly, i cannot see clubs selling their own rights as the majority of the EPL (outside the top 6) would not vote in favour of this as essentially they would make nothing in comparison to the current deal.

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firstly, youre spot on about the sky thing.

secondly i dont think apple will bid for EPL rights. they will simply pay a lesser fee to incorporate skygo into their smart tv.thirdly, if Apple did decide to bid for it, they could beat sky hands down. apple are MUCH richer than sky.

fourthly, i cannot see clubs selling their own rights as the majority of the EPL (outside the top 6) would not vote in favour of this as essentially they would make nothing in comparison to the current deal.

Its coming...


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hmmm. thats certainly more up to date than the ones i read a couple of days ago


another one claiming a more likely option (imo):

While Apple may not be bidding for live Premier League games, it may have plans to show sports content over here in the U.K. as it does in the U.S. Perhaps, instead, it is considering a deal with BSkyB to show match highlights and reports.


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I don't see too much changing.

I doubt there will be a global deal with youtube showing games but you have been going on about this for years.

If the money gets too ridiculous then someone will step in because it will kill 99% of the game.

And when it comes to the internet and Football, I dunno but it will only really benefit the big clubs and unless there is some sort of breakaway League then I don't see it happening because none of the smaller clubs will go for it.

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EPL is vastly overrated -- but it doesn't matter. The promotion is second to none. What gets me is that people think the SPL is a 2 horse race.. but the EPL is what? A 2-3 horse race? Best league in the world? Arguable at best imho.

Anyway, there is too much money to be made and I'm not surprised that cash rich companies like Apple/Google are interested. Rangers? Well, as many posters have already said.. teams can only field 11 players. It is the scouting department's job to find players that are EPL 'class' for SPL wages :-)

Link: http://forums.appleinsider.com/showthread.php?t=140307

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Fair enough but we will have to disagree on the by far the best league in the world bit, so question for you, what would make the average Canadian watch the Wolves - Bolton game for example, when theres ice hockey to be watched? i dont dispute your ratings but its the great appetite for the EPL i dont get, i have lived around the London area for 20+ years and have seen my share so i'm not posting as an aggreived Scot moaning about getting the crumbs from the Sky table.

while its true that the EPL or Football for that matter will never replace hockey here in Canada. There are soo many ex pats here and now a surge in young fans who tune in every Saturday morning at 7am or 10 am to watch the EPL. I just watched the wolves Birm game and although that wasn't a good advert for the game, the festive period provided several amazing games

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I dont get the hype for the EPL, yes there are some cracking teams and really good matches but on the flip side theres a whole heap of awful games, how they can hold the interest of a worldwide audience after the fanfare of the initial advertising blitz has worn off is beyond me, add all the different time zones as well (i'm sure the Aussie bears watch us in the middle of the night)So all the families round the world turn off their national sports, cricket,base and basketball etc etc to settle down to watch a poor EPL game, i know its not the EPL but ive just about managed to stay awake watching Birmingham v Wolves, and i'm an avid football fan, am i just being thick or how does it work, and where do the estimated viewing figures come from?

Anyone know how many pro footballers there are in the world? after the first 400 - 500 we should have the pick of the stall, glass half full here.

Its not a new product globally and they are beyond the initial advertising Blitz. The global deal in 2010 was double the value of the previous one and the one in 2013 will be at least double. Thsi is where most of the income growth is going to come from. I was in Hong Kong in May and there were pubs everywhere advertising the EPL

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