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This time, we better get it right if there are several bidders.

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If you notice one thing about the "media" over the last day or two, there does seem to be a disappointment about how diplomatic and almost humanitarian this administration process. There seems to be a perceptible level of disappointment that there aren't swinging cuts.

I believe that the media interest, admittedly inadvertently and even moreso, the fan response, has led the administrators to see this as a special case of a business which is not only a viable going concern, but a huge part of humanity all across this wide world. Ally this with the need to get as much as possible for creditors and HMRC's softening in order to get at least some return, then our club was in not really going to end in liquidation, as the Administrators said at the start, despite all contrary media claims, liquidation was not a likely outcome at all.

At this point, we have to give special credit to the players. Let's just say it as we should say...

Thank you guys!

Thank you ever so much for your sacrifice to save the club. It will never be forgotten.

We should also thank Ally. Could we have a better man in place at this darkest point in our history? Known for the light that he brings to his surroundings, his composure and dignity through the darkness already marks him out as a Rangers manager of some repute. Indeed, do not underrate his intelligence. We know he's sharp with a line, but he must be sharp of mind in a business context to play such a key part in bringing about what has been the most positive day of recent weeks- a day that secures our immediate future. We should appreciate all the attributes of his personality and character that have made him play such and effective key role though all the trauma.

Thank you Ally.

So here we are, safe for the time being, with the possibility of a new future with a new owner. It's time to make the right noises. Even if the RST, RSA and others are already in bed with Ticketus, they should want the bet outcome for the club and not be too married to the idea that their own bid is the best.

However, being one part of a very likely official bid, does give them a place at the table. If they want that which is objectively best for the club, then they should welcome full transparency, and show us what their bid, along with their partners can bring both in the initial bid and also in the long term future. The need to provide the evidence.

Furthermore, by taking this step, they can also, at the very least, pressure the other bids to show their hand publicly too. All fans should be able to see the options. This time we can raise our voices and pressure the SFA and the Administrators by making it clear how we view the bids.

This time we need to see the facts. We need to know where we're going before we get there in a live report from outside a court in Edinburgh. We need to know the facts.

Will the Blue Knights and the fan groups along with Ticketus give us the facts? I think we must demand them. If the Administrators can see the facts of the bids, we must too. No bidder should be doing this their own ego or profit. This is, make no mistake, a national treasure, for both Scotland and Britain.

We need to know the facts. We won't be fooled a second time. Show us the money!

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If there are several, broadly similar cash bids, it would be easier for us to comment, thereby influence the decision, if each bid group provided a manifesto style document to explain their vision, ethics and strategy for taking the Club forward.

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If you notice one thing about the "media" over the last day or two, there does seem to be a disappointment about how diplomatic and almost humanitarian this administration process. There seems to be a perceptible level of disappointment that there aren't swinging cuts.

I believe that the media interest, admittedly inadvertently and even moreso, the fan response, has led the administrators to see this as a special case of a business which is not only a viable going concern, but a huge part of humanity all across this wide world. Ally this with the need to get as much as possible for creditors and HMRC's softening in order to get at least some return, then our club was in not really going to end in liquidation, as the Administrators said at the start, despite all contrary media claims, liquidation was not a likely outcome at all.

At this point, we have to give special credit to the players. Let's just say it as we should say...

Thank you guys!

Thank you ever so much for your sacrifice to save the club. It will never be forgotten.

We should also thank Ally. Could we have a better man in place at this darkest point in our history? Known for the light that he brings to his surroundings, his composure and dignity through the darkness already marks him out as a Rangers manager of some repute. Indeed, do not underrate his intelligence. We know he's sharp with a line, but he must be sharp of mind in a business context to play such a key part in bringing about what has been the most positive day of recent weeks- a day that secures our immediate future. We should appreciate all the attributes of his personality and character that have made him play such and effective key role though all the trauma.

Thank you Ally.

So here we are, safe for the time being, with the possibility of a new future with a new owner. It's time to make the right noises. Even if the RST, RSA and others are already in bed with Ticketus, they should want the bet outcome for the club and not be too married to the idea that their own bid is the best.

However, being one part of a very likely official bid, does give them a place at the table. If they want that which is objectively bet for the club, then they should welcome full transparency, and show us what their bid, along with their partners can bring both in the initial bid and also in the long term future. The need to provide the evidence.

Furthermore, by taking this step, they can also, at the very least, pressure the other bids to show their hand publicly too. All fans should be able to see the options. This time we can raise our voices and pressure the SFA and the Administrators by making it clear how we view the bids.

This time we need to see the facts. We need to know where we're going before we get there in a live report from outside a court in Edinburgh. We need to know the facts.

Will the Blue Knights and the fan groups along with Ticketus give us the facts? I think we must demand them. If the Administrators can see the facts of the bids, we must too.

we can only hope for transparency , but with the Administrators and Ally vetting we can only hope they do the right deal

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Fair enough people who are considering a bid deserve their privacy, but once they have decided they are seriously interested it should be declared publically. Enough of the secret behind closed doors shit, surely the fans deserve to know.

Who are all these prospective buyers,

how much and precisely where is the money coming from, no mafioso please russian or otherwise.

What are their plans now and for the future

etc. etc.

I would suggest Messers Clark and Whitehouse remember no fans no club and the fans have had their fill of the mushroom treatment.

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Feel alot better more positive today and the players have done their bit .

The administrators are ticking all the box,s for me and are doing like the advert what it says on the tin .

Impressed with what they achieved up to now and the next step is to find the right bid for the club.

The most important decisionn the clubs history .

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Feel alot better more positive today and the players have done their bit .

The administrators are ticking all the box,s for me and are doing like the advert what it says on the tin .

Impressed with what they achieved up to now and the next step is to find the right bid for the club.

The most important decisionn the clubs history .

I tend to think the same but I'm gonna retain a healthy dose of scepticesm with everything and everyone involved in our club after recent events.

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The administrators remit is to get the best value for the creditors not what is best for the club in the long run. They will not take into account fans perceived approval or disapproval of any bid that is tabled.

In an ideal world there would be transparency from prospective owners, but in reality they are not obligated to do so and if they decide to tell us nothing we will have to live with it and the endless speculation from newspapers and forums will continue to fill that particular vacuum.

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The media reaction on Friday was nuts, most Rangers fans were full of joy at the day, and in the evening press conference someone accused the administrator of making the club less attractive to buyers by not making huge redundancies, lovely question from a sports hack who knows nothing of finance.

We need to make sure that the bids that come in are based on two things, firstly sustainable funding plan for the actual takeover, and required investment, and two, a forward plan that makes even a hint of sense, with a transparent strategy.

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