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I'm with you. I don't think Bomber has money or backers. All good the old players coming out saying they are behind him but we need money not good sentiments.

All very well dreaming about these 'Rangers men' at the helm.

Shyte is a 'Rangers man' so we were told

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I am on the fence, will be happy with either if they sort out the mess we are in.

I don't understand the villification of Green through all this, he is the ONLY one who has put his money where his mouth is. And I can't think of any blatent lies he has told. It honestly baffles me.

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I am on the fence, will be happy with either if they sort out the mess we are in.

I don't understand the villification of Green through all this, he is the ONLY one who has put his money where his mouth is. And I can't think of any blatent lies he has told. It honestly baffles me.

The thing i dont get is posters lying all the time on Green but then questioning Green and saying he lies they must not read their own stuff.

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I am on the fence, will be happy with either if they sort out the mess we are in.

I don't understand the villification of Green through all this, he is the ONLY one who has put his money where his mouth is. And I can't think of any blatent lies he has told. It honestly baffles me.

Must admit brown and his speech got me on my high horse, I bought it.

But then I thought, Green knows what he is doing, and he probably envisaged all this shit being thrown his way.

He'll not be afraid to make unpopular decisions, but in the long run the doubters will see he was right to do so

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We have heard a lot of bluster and promises from a fkn ton of people over the past years and so far Green is the ONLY one to deliver any of those promises.

He said he would have the funds for an 8.5M CVA and would try his hardest to get one - He tried and HMRC fucked us.

He said thafailing a CVA we would automatically go into a newco and he would pay 5.5M for all our assest - this happened.

He said he would reveal his investors after the takeover was complete - done

There are probably more but you get my point.

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True Rangers men (women) back the Club.

You don't back the Club by withholding or not renewing ST's

You don't back the Club by criticising the folk who are trying to revive it.

CG & Co have done nothing wrong, so I back them.

I've renewed my ST, so backing the CLUB.

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I wouldnt say "fuck bomber" but Im not ready to condemn either him or Green.

The main argument seems to be that some supporters seem willing to give Brown and his mystery backers a pass whilst Green and his, don't.

I understand this desire to be vigilant, its obvious where it comes from and I cant say I blame anyone for it. What I would say though is lets get some straight answers from everyone and then we can move forward.

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aye i agree with you there mate,i think green should be given a chance as to my mind he hasn't done a lot wrong,yet.

I pray the trust I'm putting in Greem isn't misguided. Nobody can blame us for having that little niggle in the back of our minds at times. But from now on I'm willing to ignore it to fully back him. DO NOT FAIL US CHICO!

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Too many smoke and mirrors from the pair of them.

I liked Green, well, when he first rode in at least. He had this I'll take no shite from anyone attitude.

Now it seems he has no fight, will accept any punishment from that shower of wankers.

I cant support that.

He needs to show more backbone . Am I wrong?

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i couldnt give a fuck who is in charge as long as they do right by the club and fans and its getting on my tits big time all the ex players etc shouting do this or that and doing fuck all but front so called bids time for them to put up or fuck off

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I am on the fence, will be happy with either if they sort out the mess we are in.

I don't understand the villification of Green through all this, he is the ONLY one who has put his money where his mouth is. And I can't think of any blatent lies he has told. It honestly baffles me.

A c.v.a is possible

19 transfer targets(4 at the euros)haha

Players have to transfer to the newco

theres 3 to start with doh

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Too many smoke and mirrors from the pair of them.

I liked Green, well, when he first rode in at least. He had this I'll take no shite from anyone attitude.

Now it seems he has no fight, will accept any punishment from that shower of wankers.

I cant support that.

He needs to show more backbone . Am I wrong?

I think Green probably knows what the fans want but at the end of the day he'll do what the club needs instead, remember, a successful team means a successful investment. He'll swallow his pride and accept Div1 imo

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Mr Green ,through Malcolm Murray, has done enough this week to allay most of my fears about the way we are going.

The real problem we have as a support is that Craig Whyte has destroyed our faith in whoever will be in ownership of our club. He has made us think that everyone has a motive to harm us and ruin our club.

That is his legacy to us - The dirty theiving bastard.

Fuck him

Now is the time for a brand new start, this is the beginning of our campaign towards Championship Number 55. Lets be united for that.

Rangers belong to all of us. 1872 - Forever

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Mr Green ,through Malcolm Murray, has done enough this week to allay most of my fears about the way we are going.

The real problem we have as a support is that Craig Whyte has destroyed our faith in whoever will be in ownership of our club. He has made us think that everyone has a motive to harm us and ruin our club.

That is his legacy to us - The dirty theiving bastard.

Fuck him

Now is the time for a brand new start, this is the beginning of our campaign towards Championship Number 55. Lets be united for that.

Rangers belong to all of us. 1872 - Forever

Yeah fuck frog eyes, I've got more of a gripe with Murray though

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A c.v.a is possible

19 transfer targets(4 at the euros)haha

Players have to transfer to the newco

theres 3 to start with doh

The CVA was possible, just not probable to anyone who had an idea of HMRC's thinking, which Im sure Charles Green did not.

Who's to say we aren't looking at players? We haven't even got a league to play in but the playing staff turned up for training; if they are doing their jobs in those circumstances why is it so hard to believe the scouting network wouldn't be the same?

He claimed under TUPE that the players would have to transfer, most of the legal experts that have had a say on the matter since last week have said the same thing. Also, considering the players who left were behaving as if they were transferring, ie, using club facilities and services, it looks like Green may have a pretty strong case. Or Rangers have a pretty strong, I should say.

Browns men werent going to pay Naismith 15 grand a week to pay in the 3rd Div. so Green, Brown or Blue Knights it doesnt matter; those players were motivated by money and would have left regardless.

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All I would say to Bomber is remember the 6 P's.

Prior Preparation Prevents a Piss Poor Performance

Don't tell us not to renew ST's because "we'll set up a bank account" the money can go into. This is the kind of thing that should be ready and waiting before you tell supporters to with hold desperately needed cash from Rangers.

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