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Why doesn't Charles Green end the debate?

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All Ally McCoist wants is details on who owns Rangers.

If Ally gets the written assurances he has asked for he will then call on fans to buy season tickets.

Charles Green can end John Brown's investigation by taking him to court for all the serious allegations made.

He will not be doing any such thing though.

Charles Green has until the end of the month to produce the 20 million promised.

I believe he guaranteed 30 million but that changed once we knew SPL was not an option.

I believe he then promised 20 million by the end of the month.

Hopefully this will not be a bank loan in the name of Rangers.

The 11 million alleged to have been invested is hopefully not a bank loan in the name of our club either.

John Brown hosted a meeting on Sunday for supporters clubs and groups.

A huge number of ex players were in attendance and an even bigger number also submitted their support in writing and apologies for not making the meeting.

John Brown gave a short presentation and this covered his proposals as well as the current board situation and their takeover.

Since the the formation of Newco Sevco and the £5.5 buyout,Rangers have lost a huge sum of money as a result of players leaving the club as well as losing the SPL place and the SFA license.

All youth players and their parents are worried sick about their future now that the players have become free agents with no clarification of their contract situation.

Were redundancies outlined to staff on Monday night?Before investment of the 20 million?

At the recent RFFF Ally McCoist could not ask all fans to buy season tickets as the doesnt fully trust the new board yet.

With regards to Bomber's plans, he will set up an independant bank account this week for investors to pay into.

The plan is for wealthy people and ex players to contribute £40k each to reach £10m to buy out Charles Green's consortium.

Fans would be asked to pay a yearly £100 membership after full details of Bomber's investors were produced.

Season tickets sales of around £12m to £14m as well as sponsorship and commercial deals would top up the investment.None of this would happen until full disclosure.

The essential aim of the project is to remove Charles Green and Craig Whyte and protect the assets and build the club back up again.

Charles Green will own 10% of Rangers after a successful stock market floatation with AIM.

John Brown is 100% certain that Craig Whyte is pulling the strings behind Charles Green and that they are in it together and anyone who supports "Green" is being disloyal to the Club.

Douglas Park and Jim McColl were offered 50% of the new company for £6m and then when they asked for documentation proof, they were never supplied with this.


John is 100% certain that Craig Whyte is detailed in a signed letter with the first charge over the assets.

Charles Green can take John Brown to court over allegations of Whyte's role.

John asked Charles Green after the recent RFFF meeting to see the documents and Charles Green agreed to this. John has since left 18 messages for Malclom Murray to arrange the meeting and this has not yet happened.

Anyone who thinks the documents brought to the meeting are enough evidence is deluded.

John wants the names behind the names behind the names of any front company listed.As does Ally McCoist.

John is unsure of the cost to buy the club from Charles Green as they have not yet got round the table to discuss fees.

It is not known if their is a price to be met as well as the undertaking to meet Craig Whyte's demands thus ensuring he comes out of it safe and sound from any debt collectors chasing undisclosed agreements with for example Ticketus.

Any potential deal will have to take into account the Ticketus debt and that this may be repaid over 10-20 years.

Should any new buyer not take this debt of over 20 million on then no deal.

There are 1 or 2 possible bids going in for the club this week.

John Brown is not the only one trying to save the club.

When John did meet Malcolm Murray recently, MM was not aware of a bid of £8.7m made to Charles Green the previous day.

Going forward, John would offer Ally McCoist a 5 year contract, pay back all of the small creditors of the oldco and give back the debentures to the former owners of these.

His structure of the new set up would make sure that they ring fenced the major assets - Training ground, stadium and car park.

Brown is a waste of space, he has had plenty of opportunity to show us the money tell us your backers, why did you refuse to look at the paperwork whe n offered? Why. Did you stick up the fingèrs to the fans you know want to bankroll you ? How much are you making from this ? O

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We don't have any debt to Ticketus for a start. Not a bean. Is Brown another one of these "Rangers men" who seem to want to give millions of pounds to Ticketus that we don't owe them ?

Even Ticketus have told us we don't owe them it.

Is Brown trying to sell us the notion that the players would have stayed for him ? :lol:

Pretty much every charge that Brown has fired at Green could be equally levelled at Brown.

Where is his transparency ? What shadowy figures are behind him ? Why does he associate with gangsters ?

His pie in the sky fantasies about ex-players chucking money in and fans rushing to top it up and then give their ST money to a man who won't name his consortium is outrageously hypocritical.

I don't trust Brown. I've checked on google and companies house and there is little history of profitable business activity.

He's just another Blue Chancer looking to buy the club with other peoples money.

Worse than that, he's rocking the boat in the middle of a tsunami.

I can't believe anyone takes the twat seriously. <cr>

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Brown is a waste of space, he has had plenty of opportunity to show us the money tell us your backers, why did you refuse to look at the paperwork whe n offered? Why. Did you stick up the fingèrs to the fans you know want to bankroll you ? How much are you making from this ? O

tell us your backers

"I cant tell you because they are tainted by their support of teams wearing green but a will tell you this, ah want my grandweans watching a team bankrolled by Sellic and Hibs fans"

why did you refuse to look at the paperwork whe n offered

"a will tell you this, ah dont need to look at no paperwork coz ah no it would be a forgery and Whyte still owns the club."

Why. Did you stick up the fingèrs to the fans you know want to bankroll you

"a will tell you this, that was a V for Victory sign so it pure wiz coz even back then i knew i wiz gonna one day be standing here telling you this coz we are the peepul"

How much are you making from this ?

"a will tell you this, am unemployed, have no money and am unemployable. Am gonna chuck in £40k, well somebody is gonna do it fur me, then pay it back through ma wage that i get from the club that will be £40k more than am worth, which is about a pound a week."

"a will tell you this, youze are aw mugs and disloyal. Am the only freak show in toon so gie me yer money"

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Though not being a fan of bomber's consortium which indeed has borne many of the hallmarks of TBK, why is he getting the support of so many ex players as I would doubt they are puting their name forward purely on the grounds of being part of the same team years ago.

I would also ask those who are so quick to heap scorn onto the OP that I remember the dogs abuse I received when I joined the forum over my criticism of craig whyte by the "in craigy boy we trust" brigade, yeah well nuff said.

There is nothing I would like more than be able to trust green totally and all the grief of the past few months was over so the only concern was securing Rangers moving back up league to it's rightful place at the top of the SPL.

Whether it just a result of what happened with whyte I don't know but there is too much information coming out about green and co that is setting alarm bells ringing with me.

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Though not being a fan of bomber's consortium which indeed has borne many of the hallmarks of TBK, why is he getting the support of so many ex players as I would doubt they are puting their name forward purely on the grounds of being part of the same team years ago.

Actually, they are. (tu)

If most of them knew how much of a dik he is making of himself right now, they would run a mile. (tu)

He needs to be canned and replaced with an ex player or manager who can handle himself better in the spotlight (tu)

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Though not being a fan of bomber's consortium which indeed has borne many of the hallmarks of TBK, why is he getting the support of so many ex players as I would doubt they are puting their name forward purely on the grounds of being part of the same team years ago.

How many of these ex-Rangers a fully up to speed with what is going on and how many have just jumped on the Brown bandwagon believing there must be some substance to both his bid and his allegations?

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Actually, they are. (tu)

If most of them knew how much of a dik he is making of himself right now, they would run a mile. (tu)

He needs to be canned and replaced with an ex player or manager who can handle himself better in the spotlight (tu)

I agree he would certainly not be my choice for such a public position, more like a PR disaster area. But I still maintain there are questions that must be answered if green is to attain the trust he desires.

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The simple answer is that for some Charles Green can do nothing to end the debate ... some people just refuse to listen and when won avenue closes the find another and another and another.

In my opinion.. He's just busy getting a 3rd division team on the park :craphead:

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Brown is a waste of space, he has had plenty of opportunity to show us the money tell us your backers, why did you refuse to look at the paperwork whe n offered? Why. Did you stick up the fingèrs to the fans you know want to bankroll you ? How much are you making from this ? O

Why do we care :sleep1: 3 2 1

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The OP's statement is as accurate as a me pissing against a 30mph headwind after 20 beers.

Its devoid of facts and brimming with paranoia.

I wish "new posters" would at least make their own fairy tales up rather than cut and paste them from deluded peoples' blogs.

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tell us your backers

"I cant tell you because they are tainted by their support of teams wearing green but a will tell you this, ah want my grandweans watching a team bankrolled by Sellic and Hibs fans"

why did you refuse to look at the paperwork whe n offered

"a will tell you this, ah dont need to look at no paperwork coz ah no it would be a forgery and Whyte still owns the club."

Why. Did you stick up the fingèrs to the fans you know want to bankroll you

"a will tell you this, that was a V for Victory sign so it pure wiz coz even back then i knew i wiz gonna one day be standing here telling you this coz we are the peepul"

How much are you making from this ?

"a will tell you this, am unemployed, have no money and am unemployable. Am gonna chuck in £40k, well somebody is gonna do it fur me, then pay it back through ma wage that i get from the club that will be £40k more than am worth, which is about a pound a week."

"a will tell you this, youze are aw mugs and disloyal. Am the only freak show in toon so gie me yer money"

Appreciate you clearing up my concerns:-)

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