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Regan. From Cricket to Football

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From Damien VB

Ever wondered why Stewart Regan managed to come from a cricketing background to being head of Scottish football?

Apparently in a phone call he was ‘invited’ to apply for the position. Now who phone Mr Regan at this time is unknown, but most certainly do have a connection to Celtic FC.

Now the selection process included Eric Riley (Celtic FC director) as well Paul Nolan (Nolan Partners) at the behest of George Peat.

Well, could it be it was suggested to him by Kevin Reid, his friend and son of the then current Celtic chairman Dr John Reid?

Could it have been Peter Lawell himself, having worked with Stewart Regan together at Coors/Carling?

Now you would maybe think there is some paranoia going on here, but let’s look at some issues concerning Regan:

Neil The Bigot’s punishments, where the rulebooks state he should have had upto 18 matches banned from the touchline, he gets a slap on the wrist.

He forces one of our top referees to resign over a ‘joke’ email concerning The Pope.

He ridicules the rememberance of our fallen soldiers by comparing them to ‘toast’.

He favourites tweets whereby a Rangers player should be hung.

He also warned Scottish football players that they may be under threat if they played for Team GB.

Now those are just some general accusations. But we have to look at his affects on Rangers FC. Since it has been known that Rangers have been in difficulty it should have been the remit of the SFA to aid and assist a member club. There has been not one positive action towards Rangers from the SFA since this whole debacle started. No financial, moral or sporting aid whatsoever. Wasn’t financial aid offered to Dundee, Livingston and Motherwell?

It has been claimed by James Traynor and Keith Jackson that Regan knew of Whyte’s non-payment of PAYE/NI over a year ago, yet he sat on it. Why did he do this?

This claim is alledgedly backed up by emails between Regan and Lawwell in which this non-payment was discussed, however this has still to be proved.

Now as a club in trouble, yes we were expected to face punishment. But the SFA saw fit to launch a tribunal and find us guilty of bringing the game into disrepute. This kangaroo court fined Rangers £160000 and put in place a 12 month transfer embargo. Pretty harsh when you consider not only was the punishment illegal, it hadn’t been used against any other team that found itself in the same position as Rangers. It is also strange that considering Regan found Whyte as ‘not fit and proper’ in Ocotober 2011, why did he wait until Rangers were in administration before taking the actions he did?

Rangers took this decision to court where it was indeed found to be illegal and the judge in question stated that the tribunal look at the situation again.

This case has yet to be heard having been adhourned for reasons unknown.

Now moving on and after a fiasco of voting here there and everywhere Rangers find themselves as members of The Scottish Football League and have been ‘invited’ to play in the Third Division.

You’d think that would be an end to it but no. Regan will not transfer Rangers license to ‘newco’ unless they accept the punishments stated above as well as paying off ALL footballing debts. Now, those punishments are STILL illegal and as far as I am aware Rangers paying off debts from the oldco could lead to more legal problems in terms of other creditors laying claim.

Emails were leaked stating certain punishments Rangers would receive if the SFL were to vote them into the First Division. Regan has so far survived this leaked email, even though it was produced ‘before’ Rangers were looking at liquidation.

Why has this happened? Why weren’t Rangers just demoted straight to the Third Division like what happened when Livingston were liquidated. By the book and as per precadent. Quite simply, there was a bloodlust. Regan

employed by supporters of Celtic FC for the benefit of Celtic FC couldn’t be seen to just allow Rangers to go away and return back fighting. He more or less at his masters calling had to put the final nail in Rangers coffin.

To add insult to injury, a draft report now states that one condition of Rangers entering the second tier of Scottish football was to relinquish 6 league titles and 4 Scottish cups. Again being found guilty without trial for the use of ‘dual-contracts’.

One also has to consider the law firm being used to investigate the dual-contracts/EBT situation at Rangers. Harper MacLeod? Oh wait, aren’t they Celtic’s lawyers? Doesn’t seem very impartial does it. But then again, we’ve

seen the links above between Regan, the SFA and Celtic so why wouldn’t Celtic’s lawyers be in the mix their somewhere.

Now taking a step back, let’s look at what Rangers have actually done wrong.

Currently the situation is clear that Rangers are only guilty of non-payment of PAYE/NI since the Craig Whyte tenure began. And bear in mind, Regan was informed and knew about this at the time, he also knew Whyte was not fit and proper 5 months before the club entered administration. The question still remains, as he had a duty of care to his member clubs, why did he allow this to continue? Was he influenced by anyone?

At every turn Catholic-raised Stewart Regan has looked to put roadblocks up in front of Rangers FC. I mention his religion because I fear that not only is his hatred inspired by those who are driving the agenda, I also think his hatred is driven by bigotry. His every action can’t be those of incompetence although from the outside looking in that is the only way you could be able to explain it, his every action is driven by hatred and we can see it.

Just a shame that the media in Scotland are too scared to report it.

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This whole email thing should be investigated by the authorities, it seems fairly evident that there is a bias against Rangers eminating from the SFA, normally a member of an association would be given as much help as they could, look back at Uefa cup final and how we were ordered to play so many games in such a short period of time, look at this season we went in to admin the SFA should have helped us again like they had done for other clubs in the past but no, yet again they seem more interested in burying us. We have no one who is willing to stand up for us.

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Can someone post all media contacts in the UK and lets all bombard them with the same story?

Good chance it will do hee haw but any efforts are better than none. And you never know, maybe just one will actually run with it.

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Can I ask the OP to delete out the lines:

Well we know he used to work for Nolan Partners.

So why would Paul Nolan ask one of his own employees to apply for this position?

As I was questioned on this and can't find the link where I found it. However it'll be re-insered if/when I do find it.

Thanks ;)

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Currently the situation is clear that Rangers are only guilty of non-payment of PAYE/NI since the Craig Whyte tenure began. And bear in mind, Regan was informed and knew about this at the time, he also knew Whyte was not fit and proper 5 months before the club entered administration. The question still remains, as he had a duty of care to his member clubs, why did he allow this to continue? Was he influenced by anyone?

Another falsehood we need to rebut. PAYE/NI was paid on time to HMRC through to September 2011 when the first payment was missed and subsequently not paid again until March 2012 when the administrators had taken over.

Not much better but it can be argued payment was missed when Europe was no longer achievable. Did Craig Whyte have an agreement with HMRC to continue to trade to January in order to sell players to repay? If not, why did HMRC allow the non-payment to carry on for as long as it did?

Certainly the club was hauled over coals for the 'deliberate' non-payment, I wish Craig Whyte would comment on whether HMRC were aware of the non-payment and the reasons for their continued acceptance of the situation.

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Can someone post all media contacts in the UK and lets all bombard them with the same story?

Good chance it will do hee haw but any efforts are better than none. And you never know, maybe just one will actually run with it.

While I understand the reasons for mentioning his religion, I feel this will scupper any chance of the press picking it up. It's excellent in its factual content, I'd leave the religious victimisation to the Tims.

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the collusion against Rangers by Lawell & Regan is killing our club. What are we goign to do to stop it? Bout time we got some leadership & made a stand.

We need a good journalist to fight our corner, but alas, i believe our modern media press are all owned by left footers.

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I think the link is lost a little bit in the OP re his appointment.

The Commmittee set up to appoint someone was headed by C*ltics Eric Rilley...fact

The Committee chose Nolan Parners as the recruitment agency....fact

Nolan Partners already were the recruitment agency for C*ltic....fact

Nolan Parners MD is Paul Nolan,Best friends of the Ce*ltic Chairman at the time Dr Reids son Kevin...fact

Regan recieved a call asking himn to apply for the job....fact

Regan and Lawwell already had a business relationship....fact

Paul Nolan friend of Dr Reids son and a C*ltic fan managed the interviews....fact

Paul Nolan chose Regan for the role....Fact

Paul Nolan advised the SFA committee led by C*ltics Eric Rilley on his decision...fact

The committe led by C*ltics Eric Rilley accepted the decision....fact

Eric Rilley is an executive director at C*ltic and recieves £250k a year...fact

Eric Rilley recieves no salary from the SFA....FACT

Eric Rilley knows who pays his wages....fact

and there you go!

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It's not much guys but emailed over 50 editors and newspapers outside this taig infested little country, from ulster to Dorset to London, may well have no effect but i would rather try and fail than not try at all. Watp no surrender

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I think the link is lost a little bit in the OP re his appointment.

The Commmittee set up to appoint someone was headed by C*ltics Eric Rilley...fact

The Committee chose Nolan Parners as the recruitment agency....fact

Nolan Partners already were the recruitment agency for C*ltic....fact

Nolan Parners MD is Paul Nolan,Best friends of the Ce*ltic Chairman at the time Dr Reids son Kevin...fact

Regan recieved a call asking himn to apply for the job....fact

Regan and Lawwell already had a business relationship....fact

Paul Nolan friend of Dr Reids son and a C*ltic fan managed the interviews....fact

Paul Nolan chose Regan for the role....Fact

Paul Nolan advised the SFA committee led by C*ltics Eric Rilley on his decision...fact

The committe led by C*ltics Eric Rilley accepted the decision....fact

Eric Rilley is an executive director at C*ltic and recieves £250k a year...fact

Eric Rilley recieves no salary from the SFA....FACT

Eric Rilley knows who pays his wages....fact

and there you go!

Thanks ;)

As for the religion bit, this is my personal view and if people wish to share this omitting that then they are free to do so. If it's deemed unsuitable for RM too I have no objection to it being removed from the OP.

I think Regan is working to an agenda, I also think he's a bigot. I won't be swayed on that.

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We need a good journalist to fight our corner, but alas, i believe our modern media press are all owned by left footers.

journalists and the media in this country are a cesspit. the dirtiest industry going up their with prositition & traffic police.

it's time for the fans to bite back.

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where is our man in all of this if the conspiracy goes to the top of the SFA surely then http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campbell_Ogilvie knows all about it and can stop it dead in its tracks reagan might be top man but the SFA is full or people appointed by him and Gordon Smith before him 5 years of Rangers men in there and why not a single one of them feeding us information or making a stand

disgusting really is it not?

Get back to RTC where you belong TAIG.

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