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Rangers' SFA membership


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A stand-off over media rights and a possible stripping of titles threatens to scupper Rangers' hopes of Scottish Football Association membership.

The SFA said on Friday that the new Rangers agreed to a transfer embargo in return for a license to play.

BBC Scotland understands two obstacles remain before a deal can be agreed.

Rangers want the Scottish Premier League to drop their investigation into dual contracts and the SPL want the SFL to hand over Rangers' media rights.

There must be a five-way agreement between the SFA, SPL, Scottish Football League, old Rangers and new Rangers before any deal is ratified.

Rangers crisis explained

Rangers went into administration owing up to £134m to unsecured creditors and will eventually be liquidated

As a result its registrations with the Scottish FA and Scottish Premier League were terminated

Charles Green led a consortium which bought Rangers' assets for £5.5m

The former Sheffield United chief executive is reforming Rangers as a new company

But the 'newco' did not get the required votes for re-admittance to the SPL

Instead, the new Rangers are due to start life in Division Three

The SPL want an independent commission to rule on whether Rangers broke the rules during previous campaigns by paying players with so called side contracts.

They are due to hand over their findings to that commission on 10 August.

But Rangers fear an independent commission could strip them of titles and believe they have already been sufficiently punished.

The Rangers manager Ally McCoist has already said that he will never accept the stripping of titles.

It is understood the club will not sign up to the agreement with that threat hanging over them.

However, the SPL are digging their heels in over media rights.

It is believed broadcasters are not keen to sign up to an SPL deal without having the rights for Rangers in the Third Division.

For that reason, the SPL want the SFL to hand over the rights for a price.

They say that without the broadcasting deal in place, they cannot pay the SFL their annual £2m settlement fee that was agreed back in 1999 when the top clubs split from the league to form the SPL.

But Rangers and the SFL want to hold onto the rights and all parties are currently at a stand-off.

Talks will continue next week to try to find a solution but several parties involved believe a deal is a long way off.

Rangers are due to play their first match against Brechin in the Ramsdens Cup next weekend but that match cannot go ahead without SFA membership.

Mexican stand off :rangers:

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Coisty said he actually walked out of the last meeting,, so I would have to agree that things do seem along way from getting sorted out. I dont get tho why the SPL are able to be involved in this,, I know why they are just not why they are allowed to be there in the first place if you know what I mean. Its the SFA we are applying for membership of,,, what the fuck does that have to do with the SPL???

When any of the other teams that did a newco like Gretna etc,, when they applied for their new SFA Membership ,, where the SPL involved then????


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You can almost feel the panic from the SPL haha. They say it will affect SFL clubs too, but the SFL clubs dont even bat an eyelid lol. Then they roll out good old fashioned blackmail. What a fine upstanding organisation. Good to see the board dont seem to be budging on the matter, ball looks to be in our court (hopefully).

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If the SPL continue as they are then they will get some heat from Dundee. OUr share has to be transferred to Dundee to allow them to play in SPL. So SPL are not just threatening our future but that of Dundee as well. It would be potentially chaos for them but I fear that there might be some kamikaze goings on.

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If the SPL continue as they are then they will get some heat from Dundee. OUr share has to be transferred to Dundee to allow them to play in SPL. So SPL are not just threatening our future but that of Dundee as well. It would be potentially chaos for them but I fear that there might be some kamikaze goings on.

Also the teams moved up from div 3 and 2. :lol:

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A stand-off over media rights and a possible stripping of titles threatens to scupper Rangers' hopes of Scottish Football Association membership.

The SFA said on Friday that the new Rangers agreed to a transfer embargo in return for a license to play.

BBC Scotland understands two obstacles remain before a deal can be agreed.

Rangers want the Scottish Premier League to drop their investigation into dual contracts and the SPL want the SFL to hand over Rangers' media rights.

There must be a five-way agreement between the SFA, SPL, Scottish Football League, old Rangers and new Rangers before any deal is ratified.

Rangers crisis explained

Rangers went into administration owing up to £134m to unsecured creditors and will eventually be liquidated

As a result its registrations with the Scottish FA and Scottish Premier League were terminated

Charles Green led a consortium which bought Rangers' assets for £5.5m

The former Sheffield United chief executive is reforming Rangers as a new company

But the 'newco' did not get the required votes for re-admittance to the SPL

Instead, the new Rangers are due to start life in Division Three

The SPL want an independent commission to rule on whether Rangers broke the rules during previous campaigns by paying players with so called side contracts.

They are due to hand over their findings to that commission on 10 August.

But Rangers fear an independent commission could strip them of titles and believe they have already been sufficiently punished.

The Rangers manager Ally McCoist has already said that he will never accept the stripping of titles.

It is understood the club will not sign up to the agreement with that threat hanging over them.

However, the SPL are digging their heels in over media rights.

It is believed broadcasters are not keen to sign up to an SPL deal without having the rights for Rangers in the Third Division.

For that reason, the SPL want the SFL to hand over the rights for a price.

They say that without the broadcasting deal in place, they cannot pay the SFL their annual £2m settlement fee that was agreed back in 1999 when the top clubs split from the league to form the SPL.

But Rangers and the SFL want to hold onto the rights and all parties are currently at a stand-off.

Talks will continue next week to try to find a solution but several parties involved believe a deal is a long way off.

Rangers are due to play their first match against Brechin in the Ramsdens Cup next weekend but that match cannot go ahead without SFA membership.

Mexican stand off :rangers:

This is solely the work of the SPL, a league which cast us out and should have no further input or bearing on proceedings. If you wanted our monies, you had your ticket and tore it up. Hell mend yeez!

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Im not as confident that the ball is in our court. Got a feeling the SPL just wont play ball if they dont get what they want (or more accurately NEED),, They really must be at the brink , and would just as might kill off oor membership chances if theyre going down themselves.

And what will the SFA do?? We pretty much know already whose side they are on,, but depriving 30 clubs for the sake of 12??

Its all well and good saying they have to stand up for these clubs , and that they shouldnt pay the price for the misdoings of another club. BUT if they hare solely financially dependent on that club then they only have themselves to blame for living outside their means and spending money they didnt really have.

After all the shite they have given us about spending what we didnt have ,, hell mend them. If they where that badly in need of us then its the SPL that regan and the SFA should have been threatening. Just remember they could have taken the decision away from the SPL Chairmen in the first place and we wouldn't all be where we are now,, the fans threatening to boycot their own clubs would only have had the SFA or an independent SPL Board to blame for keeping in a newco,,, but they bottled it and handed to the clubs who where then hounded by mob rule. That alone should cost them their right to a job, as they have by doing so seriously brought Scottish football to the brink.

I dont see any way out of it all at the moment. Perhaps if they drop their double contracts witchhunt then we might concede to give em some access to our media rights,, but I cant see why the SFL would go for that either. And if Doncaster agree's to drop his titles hunt he will have Liewell kicking off,, so lose lose.... Fuck knows

Rangers should just form a breakaway setup with the SFL,,, but for that to happen the SFA would basically have to cut the SPL away,, and even tho that might be better for the greater number of clubs in Scotland,, such is their level of corruption I dont see that happening.

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Coisty said he actually walked out of the last meeting,, so I would have to agree that things do seem along way from getting sorted out. I dont get tho why the SPL are able to be involved in this,, I know why they are just not why they are allowed to be there in the first place if you know what I mean. Its the SFA we are applying for membership of,,, what the fuck does that have to do with the SPL???

When any of the other teams that did a newco like Gretna etc,, when they applied for their new SFA Membership ,, where the SPL involved then????


supposedly we need to reach an agreement with SFA, SPL, SFL and the past operating company of Rangers. We were kicked out of SPL, by what amounts to, opposing fans. NO NEGOTIATIONS TOOK PLACE.

We were invited to register with the SFL with member clubs voting on where we arrive. NO NEGOTIATIONS.

Rangers have acted with the utmost dignity and humbly accepted others taking their turn in the driver seat. Once we were accepted to the 3rd Div Rangers fans, instead of feeling downtrodden and demoralized, started to make statements surrounding their undying resolve to support this club back to the top. Media companies realized that being on-board this trip may prove to be historical and ofcourse a friggin big payout.

The SPL and their member clubs, boards, and fans got THEIR way. Now they see the first step to less financial returns this year and it is causing them, quite understandably, some torment. These teams are turning to the SPL to get themselves more money from the cash cow that has been the real financial support for these fucks for decades, the supporters of RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB.

I think its time we sent the message without compromise....NO NEGOTIATIONS. We accepted the signing ban, that's it finished as far as we should be concerned, lets play ball or refuse Rangers Football Club the right to do so. We have already been offered membership in the SFL. This one would be a crippler for the SFA, SPL and SFL. Legally they would be in shit, which means financially too.

If it comes to a year of friendlies with added insurance being paid by RFC for players and visiting teams due to no league membership, I say we can live with that and survive. We must be adamant that this targetory attitude is unacceptable. WE ARE THE PEOPLE is not just a saying, it is a REASON. You dont merely support Rangers, You Are Rangers. Lets let them know that we will keep this institution afloat no matter what - as long as they dont capitulate and drop any of our history, or take further finances. If they go to the negotiating table with that knowledge of the backing, then the power transfer would be almost immediate.

Rant Over....In Ally I Trust!!

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Obviously I'm thick or maybe it's just that my head has been spinning reading to much of these shenanigans, but have I got this right?

The SPL didn't want us,[or didn't need us] ok I get that, but they have a contractual agreement with the SFL that they give them 2M pounds per season, so far so good.

And because their cunning plan to have us back in the SPL within 1yr. has backfired they are indicating that they cannot afford to meet with their aforesaid agreement to the SFL, now comes the fly in the ointment.

So the SPL are saying to the SFA " don't give The Rangers a membership until they agree to sign over their media rights, we need it to survive".

So my question is this? what the fuck is in this for the SFL, If they agree they get the 2M they are due anyway, if they don't then The Rangers are denied membership but the SFL are still due their 2M, if the SPL cannot pay their contacted payment then the SPL might then cease to exist, correct me if I'm wrong but is this not what the directors of the SFL want? ie. the opportunity to create one body that covers all of Scottish football.

The way I see it is that the SFL have nothing to lose, sure it would be a Major bonus to have The Rangers playing in the SFL with the cash that goes with it, but they don't have it now so how are they any better off selling out to the SPL.

I hope that the SFL stand their ground here and don't shite it over the chance of losing out on 2M, this is their opportunity of getting one body to cover all the leagues in Scotland and fuck over a corrupt body who don't give a fuck about them anyway.

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