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Adrian Durham

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A few weeks ago I was listening to Talksport and Adrian Durham said something that I thought was apt to repeat given a lot of threads lately.

He said something a long the lines of:

Rangers are Rangers and for anyone to call them any different are only doing so out of hatred or jealousy.

Haul him in front of the SFA for this slanderous outburst, at once!

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We know who we are, those on here who feel a need to ask constantly need a wee slap, those who believe Timmy propaganda and thr Timmy pals need to give them a slap.

I suspect the obligatory thread asking for clarity today.

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We know who we are, those on here who feel a need to ask constantly need a wee slap, those who believe Timmy propaganda and thr Timmy pals need to give them a slap.

I suspect the obligatory thread asking for clarity today.

I don't get annoyed at anything that mob say tbh. When our own supporters ask these question It pisses me off.

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We ARE still Rangers, right? :unsure:

We better be. I've spent years teaching my Grandson that all things good are Rangers good. Helping him understand true beauty, wonderment and positivity has been a labour of love.

He loves Aston Martin cars for example - because they are not just good, but Rangers good.

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Who cares what anyone else says, we know who we are and thats all that matters.

I couldn't care less what some bitter pricks have to say about our club because they know hee haw about us.

Maybe if we all dont care mate it will all go away then eh????

All the constant attacks on our club,our fans ,everything we love about about our beloved club.

Yeah ill say to and see if i get repped .I dont give a fuck what they say either.

That aint going to help us though is it ???

Of course it isnt so ive decided to go on the attack calling stations ,bosses and doing my bit in this war.

And lets have no doubts about it.Its a WAR and we better start fighting back

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maybe if we all dont care mate it will all go away then eh????

For my entire life people who have been jealous of my club and it’s achievements have been speaking shite about this club, years before I was here it was the same.

The Rangers are the most important and successful team in the land so it’s to be expected there will be people out there who will try to damage the club with slander and bigotry, if you take offense at every turn then I suggest you get a thicker skin.

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Maybe if we all dont care mate it will all go away then eh????

All the constant attacks on our club,our fans ,everything we love about about our beloved club.

Yeah ill say to and see if i get repped .I dont give a fuck what they say either

That aint going to help us though is it ???

Of course it isnt so ive decided to go on the attack calling stations ,bosses and doing my bit in this war.

And lets have no doubts about it.Its a WAR and we better start fighting back

It's always been the same though, when your team is at the top then it attracts the element who are out to hurt the club.

We are fighting back, Charles Green and Ally McCoist have done and said more than Murray did in his entire era at the club.

If people choose to be hurt by idiots who say we are not Rangers anymore then that's up to them but I don't let it get to me because I know the truth.

Company names come and go but the football club and it's fans stay the same.

I will fight for my club by attending every single home game I can get to, buying club merchadise and by belting out my teams name in the stands. I have no time in debating stuff with tims who are at the wind up and have no clue what they are talking about.

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Maybe if we all dont care mate it will all go away then eh????

All the constant attacks on our club,our fans ,everything we love about about our beloved club.

Yeah ill say to and see if i get repped .I dont give a fuck what they say either.

That aint going to help us though is it ???

Of course it isnt so ive decided to go on the attack calling stations ,bosses and doing my bit in this war.

And lets have no doubts about it.Its a WAR and we better start fighting back

None of this shit is new. Its all been said every year Ive been a supporter for nearly 20 years.

No-one but them believes it. The only reason the papers bother with it is to try and save their own arses from oblivion. Take note of that mate: the only people buying these papers and watching these news cast, and believing it, are the ones who for the 20 years Ive watched Rangers, at least, have been saying the very same media were biased against them.

They are the village loons.

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We better be. I've spent years teaching my Grandson that all things good are Rangers good. Helping him understand true beauty, wonderment and positivity has been a labour of love.

He loves Aston Martin cars for example - because they are not just good, but Rangers good.

Brilliant. I'm nicking this off you haha.

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We better be. I've spent years teaching my Grandson that all things good are Rangers good. Helping him understand true beauty, wonderment and positivity has been a labour of love.

He loves Aston Martin cars for example - because they are not just good, but Rangers good.

Reminds of Oscar Wildes quote

"My tastes in life are simple,I only like the best"

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I think he is talking shite, there maybe some that do it out of hatred or jealousy but a fair few do it because they know it winds some of our fans up. Would we honestly be any different if celtic or any other SPL team had to go down the newco route? I'd be giving celtic fans pelters, not through hatred or jealousy though.

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For my entire life people who have been jealous of my club and it's achievements have been speaking shite about this club, years before I was here it was the same.

The Rangers are the most important and successful team in the land so it's to be expected there will be people out there who will try to damage the club with slander and bigotry, if you take offense at every turn then I suggest you get a thicker skin.

Its nothing to with having a think skin bud, Ive got as thick a skin as the next bear but We!!, ahem no ,lets put it this way some of us have to do the fighting back.

Remember when we were winning everything under Murray and turning a blind eye to our enemies.

Think you will find a lot has changed since then and if you cant see that mate then we will agree to disagree.

Agree with plenty of the stuff you have to say but on this one i wont change .ITS WAR

Thankfully it appears Adrian is in our camp

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I think he is talking shite, there maybe some that do it out of hatred or jealousy but a fair few do it because they know it winds some of our fans up. Would we honestly be any different if celtic or any other SPL team had to go down the newco route? I'd be giving celtic fans pelters, not through hatred or jealousy though.

bollocks mate ,absolute bollocks ....with respect :rolleyes:

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Its nothing to with having a think shin bud, Ive got as thick a skin as the next bear but We!!, ahem no ,lets put it this wasy some of us have to do the fighting back.

Remember when we were winning everything under Murray and turning a blind eye to our enemies.

Think you will find a lot has changed since then and if you cant see that mate then we will agree to disagree.

Agree with plenty of the stuff you have to say but on this one i wont change .ITS WAR

We are fighting back though and it's great to see.

Ally and Charles have been out in the last few weeks telling it like it is and we have seen how that has gone down in the biased media. Too many of them got used to Murray's 'bow down' attitude and this has riled them to the point they are making ludicrous claims against our club.

There are people at the club who are willing to fight our corner now and let us do what we do best...supporting our great club.

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We better be. I've spent years teaching my Grandson that all things good are Rangers good. Helping him understand true beauty, wonderment and positivity has been a labour of love.

He loves Aston Martin cars for example - because they are not just good, but Rangers good.

Haha, that's quality and I'm stealing it. My old faither used to say something similar. If something wasn't quite right, he'd fix it and say "There - that's a bit more Protestant!". Always made me smile.

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We are fighting back though and it's great to see.

Ally and Charles have been out in the last few weeks telling it like it is and we have seen how that has gone down in the biased media. Too many of them got used to Murray's 'bow down' attitude and this has riled them to the point they are making ludicrous claims against our club.

There are people at the club who are willing to fight our corner now and let us do what we do best...supporting our great club.


Cant disagree with any of that.Green has won me over big time.

Its seems he has done the same with Ally amd many others too.

Long may it continue but i do expect many more battles.

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