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charles green ill continue fighting


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CHARLES GREEN has claimed Scottish football authorities have an agenda against Rangers.

The outspoken chief executive made the accusation during a rousing speech to supporters outside Ibrox and warned Scottish football: You won’t take the p*** out of Rangers!

Green, already facing an SFA charge for claiming bigotry was behind the decision to dump Gers in Division Three, vowed to continue fighting the governing bodies regardless of the consequences.

He said: “We’re not having, excuse my French, people taking the pee out of us any more. It’s finished.

“I’ll give you an example. This morning, I had a phone call from the SPL telling us we can’t put our old games on the website because we don’t own the archive rights.

“They said ‘And by the way, Charles, don’t get angry. You shouldn’t think we’re being vindictive, it’s just what the agreement says’.

“I think there IS an agenda. There’s battles to be won

“When everyone was against us, we stayed. While ever that lot are against us, I’m not leaving. I am going to get fined every week, I suspect, or I’ll get banned.”

Green, speaking to fans queueing for season tickets, revealed he’ll sit with fans at Saturday’s clash with East Stirling.

He said: “I’m going to be in with the Blue Order guys. I want to see every part of the stadium.

“I’ve been in the boardroom and that’s boring, so I’m going to come in amongst you at the games to understand issues and see how we can make it better.”

keep up the good work charlie

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