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I have fired off the E-Mail below to stirling Albion , should I get a response i will post on reciept .

To whom it may concern ,

It would appear that your club secretary has used the term ‘H***’ in reference to Rangers supporters on a web board used by your club / Fans .

Firstly I would point out the use of this terminology is consider highly offensive by the authorities and secondly I would have expected far better an attitude to be displayed by a club official , after all I feel sure that your club will be looking to maximise your revenue when Rangers visit .

With the above in mind I feel forced to ask , do you feel that a person with such views should hold office at your club ?.

Also as is being highly muted by many Rangers fans , a boycott could well take place and this I know would have a major impact on the revenue potential on the day , again surely putting the persons office in doubt in my opinion .

Mr Dick King should be taken to task regarding not only his choose of words but the fact he has as good as branded us all as animals , something I and many many thousands of other fans will take high offence at .

I will not be surprised to see no action taken and Mr King will carry on about his business , but of this be aware he has SHAMED YOUR CLUB and DEMONISED OURS and on both counts it is unacceptable .

On a personal level I will not attend , I cannot and would not deem to speak for my fellow fans I can only hope they feel the same and boycott the game and your clubs earning potential .

I would ask if such a term was used at Mr King would he sit back and say nothing , I would dare to answer no !! , he would be doing his upmost to have us dragged before at the very least the Football authorities .

I look forward to your reply.

A Rangers Supporter

A Duncan

Oh Yes Aged 50 !.

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It's the authorties you should have got in touch with. All you'll get from him is a grovelling apology about being caught up in the excitement of the event.

He'd probably tell the police the same thing, but if he were let off, scott free, it would be another nail in they coffin of our detractors and the unhealthy and unfair campaign against us.

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Did you actually spell it as H***?

No I spelt the word out , I also sent a seperate e mail explaining and outlining I had spelt the word out rather than leave blanks so there could be no misunderstanding , Also said I am not using the word in any way to offend but to allow clarification of my complaint .

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It's the authorties you should have got in touch with. All you'll get from him is a grovelling apology about being caught up in the excitement of the event.

He'd probably tell the police the same thing, but if he were let off, scott free, it would be another nail in they coffin of our detractors and the unhealthy and unfair campaign against us.

More than happy to recontruct the mail and send it to the authorities but do you think they would take one bit of notice ,

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It seems to me we have too many people declaring boycotts on our behalf. If people choose to threaten boycotts at every slight, no-one will bother their arse come the day.

Who really gives a shit what King Dick says anyway.

If we must e-mail every bugger, use spell check. :P

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It seems to me we have too many people declaring boycotts on our behalf. If people choose to threaten boycotts at every slight, no-one will bother their arse come the day.

Who really gives a shit what King Dick says anyway.

If we must e-mail every bugger, use spell check. :P

I dont see where I declared a boycott on anything other than my own Behalf , re the spell check there wis steam coming from the fingers , so there I am indeed at (FAWLT) .......... smart arse :P

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Dear Sirs,

I would like to request what the S.F.A stance is on the derogatory remarks made in relation to the fans of my club Rangers, from Stirling Albion official Dick King. The term used is widely known as Scotland as a bigoted statement, and I as a firm believer in the anti-bigotry campaign (believe me I have spoke out at Ibrox against some of our own supporters use of bigoted terms) would like to see a statement of intent from the S.F.A that this sort of remark, no matter how big or small a club may be will not be tolerated.

The S.F.A have just last week cautioned our chief executive, Charles Green, for mentioning that there may be some bigotry involved in relation to other clubs actions against Rangers. Now whilst I felt his comments were ill advised, surely we have just seen from a club official a racist, bigoted slur on supporters of one of your member clubs.

I have found this highly offensive and look forward to the S.F.A following the duty of rightful governance and charging the club and official with bring the game into disrepute, anything less is nothing more than double standards.

Yours faithfully,

E-mail to SFA

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If people are going to fire of emails of complaint to officialdom they should recognise the limitations of their English (putting it nicely). Get someone to edit it first.

I hope you are not the person to check it :lol:

Pot. Kettle. Black.

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I hope you are not the person to check it :lol:

Pot. Kettle. Black.

I don't see how you work that out. I haven't posted any thing to compare as far as I can remember. To what are you referring to with the pot, kettle, black comment?

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More than happy to recontruct the mail and send it to the authorities but do you think they would take one bit of notice ,

I don't think he would be charged with anything, but because I don't think he would be, it would at least highlight the inequity of the law itself and the way it's mainly spoken about in terms of Rangers supporters.

The last persson to refer to us as H*** was speaking to me without knowing I was a Rangers fan, but nearing the end of the chat, I said well thanks for calling me a h**, but it's ignorant bleaters like you that give all football fans a bad name. I'm not one that uses that language myself and what others sayh in private conversation doesn't worry me too much either, but this guy has went on a public web site. What's good for the goose and all that I'd say.

Fire off the complaint and let's see if you get the 20 questions treatment as to how 'offeded' you are? If you do get a hard time, or completely ignored, it would point out quite a few discrimitory factors within the present law.

Next letter, to Fat Eck himself methinks!

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I have just e-mailed this to the Chairman at Stirling Albion.

For the attention of Mr Stuart Brown.

Dear Sir,

With reference to the derogatory comments attributed to Mr Dick King in today's national press, I wish to voice my disgust and disappointment if these stories are true.

Firstly, as a representative of your club, Mr King should know better than to make such remarks public.

Secondly, his reference to inappropriate behaviour of Rangers fans at a friendly match are in direct contradiction of the comments at the time from Mr Paul Goodwin, whom I believe is the Stirling Albion press officer.

Lastly, (and most importantly) the use of the term "H***" to describe Rangers fans and the football club is considered sectarian in such context, which is a criminal offence.

As a Rangers fan of very many years, I am aware that our club has an element of support which leaves a lot to be desired in many ways, however I have never been to any ground where every one of the opposing fans was beyond reproach. We all have our problem supporters, it is simply a question of scale.

In our current situation, we Rangers supporters are enjoying our football and travels in Division 3 and the vast majority hope to win new friends on our journeys. The comments supposedly made by Mr King do nothing to help build bridges and maintain harmonious relations with other fans.

In conclusion, I would hope that Stirling Albion FC investigates this matter and issues an appropriate statement once such enquiries are swiftly concluded.

Yours sincerely,

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