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This so called "gulf in class"


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Chatting with fellow bears in work and got to discussing the difference between the SPL and Division 3.

The so called gulf in class is minimal at best, all these folk who spout otherwise are kidding themselves on.

Oh and as of now Irn-Bru Division 3 > SPL.


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I had the same discussion with a bloke in my work today...he is an Aussie with no interest in Scottish football but for hearing me crap on about it, but he has been watching a few Rangers games since the drama unfolded back in February and i made him watch the highlights of the 3-2 game against the scum. Even he made the comment that the difference is minimal and that it is purely a fitness issue plus Div 3 having a couple more hatchet men in each side.

Just re-iterates to me that for a club of our stature and support, we need to come up with another structure for better competition if we are to prosper over the long term.

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Spot on with this thread.

I have to admit that I'm absolutely astonished at the lack of difference between the leagues. As previously mentioned, it's mainly down to fitness levels that there's any class. I'm not sure whether that bigs up our division or shits all over the "quality" (snigger) in the SPHell.

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I maintained this all along , and when I stayed in Cumbernauld in 2002 I used to visit Broadwood regularly and watch Clyde in the 1st Div , trust me there where some well organised Teams, and QOS where one of the best to watch .The League was very competitive, and was full of Journeymen, and experienced Players .As you say Fitness was the big leveller and was the only thing that affected those Teams Performance against Bigger Clubs.

The so called Gulf is not as wide as a lot think .

The Amalgamation of the Leagues should happen now , and reconstruction, to include more Teams in the Top League should happen IMO. They deserve it, and for me it would make the League more Competitive .The SPL is Finished .

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There used to be a massive gulf in class between the top and bottom, now there simply isn't. The big difference for the lower sides is part time football, the players currently in the SPL really on average have no more talent than any other division in the country, that is the standard they have now.

When asked on the BBC about the gulf in class, I really wish Big Lee has said, Well sure there is a gulf, but I think with lots of hard work Motherwell can bridge the gap ;)

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Its all down to two things imo, fitness and money. The players in the lower leagues, for the most part, are at a similar skill level to the average SPL player. As the media are so fond of reminding us a lot of these guys are tradesman; plumbers, joiners, sparkys, etc. and are earning good money at their chosen trade topped up with a small wage from the football. If these guys were to become full time footballers they would take a big drop in overall earnings and as such choose to stay where they are.

As a result of staying part time their fitness levels are lower than full time players but in matches against us the 'cup final effect' negates this lack of fitness as we have seen several times already this season.

Some of the tackling can be questionable but you can't argue with the overall skill levels we have come up against so far.

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