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IPO Update from CG

Sea Bear

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Taken from the official site

CHARLES GREEN has revealed that £17million has been pledged so far in terms of the Rangers share issue and insists that any fan who follows through is guaranteed shares.

The announcement was made last week of the IPO with the intention of raising £20million and the response from supporters has been huge.

Charles Green told RangersTV: “It has been very encouraging and I’m now seeing the passion and commitment of Rangers fans financially. We see it on the terraces, of course, but in these difficult financial times the response has been amazing.

“In the last figures I saw a couple of days ago over 8000 fans had registered – with some 20000 fans on the website – and we have pledges of around £17million.

“And by the time we get to the cut-off date that figure will have risen.

“I would like to stress that any fan who backs up his or her pledge with a cheque will get their shares.

“I have had some calls from people concerned about that because we said the IPO would be up to £20million but fans will get their shares.

“It’s much better than I expected. I don’t think anyone could have predicted the response and it’s testimony to what Rangers fans are about. They can see that the club is going in the right direction and this really is the icing on the cake.

“I don’t think there is any doubt that we will know exceed our expectations.

“Ally McCoist and I were at the AIM dinner last week following the announcements and we got a fantastic ovation and following the formalities we were chatted up by fund managers who are interested in meeting us when we do the formal roadshow which will be in about two weeks’ time.

“I said back in May that would IPO and that we would have a very diverse share base where there wouldn’t be control for one person.

“To my mind this is the most important and last step of promises we made in May.”

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Taken from the official site

CHARLES GREEN has revealed that £17million has been pledged so far in terms of the Rangers share issue and insists that any fan who follows through is guaranteed shares.

The announcement was made last week of the IPO with the intention of raising £20million and the response from supporters has been huge.

Charles Green told RangersTV: “It has been very encouraging and I’m now seeing the passion and commitment of Rangers fans financially. We see it on the terraces, of course, but in these difficult financial times the response has been amazing.

“In the last figures I saw a couple of days ago over 8000 fans had registered – with some 20000 fans on the website – and we have pledges of around £17million.

“And by the time we get to the cut-off date that figure will have risen.

“I would like to stress that any fan who backs up his or her pledge with a cheque will get their shares.

“I have had some calls from people concerned about that because we said the IPO would be up to £20million but fans will get their shares.

“It’s much better than I expected. I don’t think anyone could have predicted the response and it’s testimony to what Rangers fans are about. They can see that the club is going in the right direction and this really is the icing on the cake.

“I don’t think there is any doubt that we will know exceed our expectations.

“Ally McCoist and I were at the AIM dinner last week following the announcements and we got a fantastic ovation and following the formalities we were chatted up by fund managers who are interested in meeting us when we do the formal roadshow which will be in about two weeks’ time.

“I said back in May that would IPO and that we would have a very diverse share base where there wouldn’t be control for one person.

“To my mind this is the most important and last step of promises we made in May.”

If it's ok with you Charlie, think I'd just prefer to send the cheque

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We all know Charles has been playing to the gallery a bit recently but the diffrence between his interviews and the rats interviews is astonishing, Charles always comes across well and sincere while bug eyes couldnt look more uncomfortable if he had tarantulas munching his bollocks whilst the pope did the fandango up his arsehole.

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“To my mind this is the most important and last step of promises we made in May.”

Well if you're sticking to your promises then make us more, Charles.

And on that note, if that's the last step... what's next?

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17 million divided by 8 thousand equals an average of £2125 per fan

I'm in for £1000 - did anyone here offer significantly more than that?

I'd guess the majority went for £500, so that would indicate either that some people went in for a fair few bob more, or some non-fan investors are looking to put a few bob more in, or there were a few timposters skewing the results, or a combination of all of that.

Even if the timposters are trying to skew the results, I'm still pretty confident the issue will be a success.

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Good to see that the share offering is on track and looks like it will meet expectations. It's important that pledges are followed up by actual share purchases and that those who are not able to take part in the IPO are then given every opportunity to buy shares to whatever amount they can afford afterwords through normal broker services. Pledges are only meaningful if they are translated into actual purchases. I'm hoping that as many Rangers fans as possible get shares.

It's not shares for shares sake. For me this IPO is all about getting Rangers as cash rich as fast as possible and for Charles and the board to work to then get even more cash by whatever sensible commercial deals they can achieve.

A healthy balance sheet with a growing substantial income should be powerful influences at the bargaining tables of whatever emerges for domestic / european league reconstructions and in any event is needed to build the strongest possible financial security for Rangers and to ensure we can keep the best players and buy the best to get us back to the very top.

As for Charles' bit about the last step of the promises made in May, I'll be interested to see what happens next and what Charles has to say after the IPO. At that point we might be seeing:

  • Rangers with a strong cash reserve, commercial deals (strips, projects around Ibrox, internet content sales of games where SPL has no media rights etc) being worked through: the financial future looking much brighter (Orange even!).
  • Team working hard to win promotion and to win cup games.
  • Young players responding to the challenge of regular first team football and the future stars of Rangers starting to emerge as a force to be reckoned with
  • the outcome of the Nimmo commission (we already know what they want to do but it'll be 'official' by then
  • the outcome of the BTC?

I speculate - maybe then, from a position of financial strength, Charles might turn his sights morfe towards taking head-on the SFA and SPL for their role (active and incompetence) in pursuing an anti-Rangers title stripping agenda and to force the pace on domestic and european league reform. I'll watch this space with interest but in the meantime, I'm setting aside as much money as I sensibly can to buy the shares.

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Due dilligence being done on all potential share holders.In other words weeding out the scum.CG ssn 9.35pm

Was wondering that myself, indicated numbers for registering over 70000, don't have a clue how that is going, thought it would start at 1 and go from there, but maybe a system is in place that is weeding out the obsessives, ie registered email addys with the club as a first check, know my acknowledgement was 24 hrs later coming through started to think that was because the club had a .com and I registered with a .uk with the rest of the addy being the same, know others had the acknowledgement very quickly.

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