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Do you have any idea what actually happens in our training sessions? If not, then why do you feel qualified to opine that it needs improvement?

Its the trendy thing to do on forums. Criticise the manager, training methods, tactics but don't criticise the players. Dean Shiels is the new Ronald de Boer dont'cha know?

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i would say that mentioning double sessions is criticising the players the most, i.e that they are fucking awful enough that they need 2 sessions a day

Maybe its the simple fact that its not the players ability that is in question. It is their desire and motivation. Extra training sessions isn't going to change that. I don't enjoy my job. Do you think that doubling my hours would make me enjoy it more and try harder at work?

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Do you have any idea what actually happens in our training sessions? If not, then why do you feel qualified to opine that it needs improvement?

No I don't know what happens in the training sessions. However I can tell when a team are giving 100% and not the fucking 80% we are getting at the moment. Maybe you would choose to give them an extra hour off each day for being top of the third division. However there might be more thumb injuries due to Twitteritis.

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Its the trendy thing to do on forums. Criticise the manager, training methods, tactics but don't criticise the players. Dean Shiels is the new Ronald de Boer dont'cha know?

I am criticising the players for not trying hard enough. Talking of training do they practice passing the ball to each other, if not they bloody well should.

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I dont agree with the double training, however motivation is the key here the problem is for some of these well paid players is they are dead certs to start games because the squad is small, I think one of the reason the young guns are doing better is down to them having to fight for a started place in the first 11 in my opinion

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No I don't know what happens in the training sessions. However I can tell when a team are giving 100% and not the fucking 80% we are getting at the moment. Maybe you would choose to give them an extra hour off each day for being top of the third division. However there might be more thumb injuries due to Twitteritis.

Ah, the old 'I don't have a clue but I'll make something up anyway' argument.

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I am criticising the players for not trying hard enough. Talking of training do they practice passing the ball to each other, if not they bloody well should.

So pray tell oh tactical genius, how does doubling their training time improve the level of effort they give?

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As Charles himself might say: Eh, by gum, there's trowble at mill lads.

I don't know if anyone else see's it, but some of the ref decisions make the make the team's heads go down.

There be trouble in store, but I definitely think we need to make comment of how we're being treated by SFA employed refs.

Although I wouldn't normally go on about the refs, this is not normal times and some of their decisions have been rank rotten, so much so that I believe some of them have cost us games, certainly points. Even if we're not playing great, neither are our opponents.

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Because none of us are at Murray Park on a daily basis, saying our training needs improvement is just as valid as saying it doesn't.

I personally don't think it should require double training sessions for defenders to be able to head a ball and mark the player they're supposed to mark and professional players to be able to play five and ten yard passes to a team-mate that don't fall two yards short of their intended target. Basic fundamentals of the game should be ingrained into any professional footballer, they shouldn't have to putting in 9-5 shifts five days a week. To me, certain players just look like they can't be arsed or don't have the stomach for the fight and if that is the case it's a deeper problem than not spending enough time on the training field.

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So pray tell oh tactical genius, how does doubling their training time improve the level of effort they give?

Run faster, into open spaces to receive ball, close down the opposition quicker, go past people quicker, hit the bye line more often, go the full 90 minutes plus etc., etc
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I would shake up the team a bit, give McKay and Aird starts against Alloa and drop Black and Shiels to the bench, maybe give Cole if fit and Gasparotto at least places on bench and give Emilson and maybe Perry a rest depending on whos ready to replace them. Team needs rotation and its good for players to see they need to fight for their jerseys.

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Your ascerbic wit needs some polishing. Your the one that is in Never Never Land.

For someone who's persisting in not interacting with me, you seem to be interacting with me quite a bit.

Also, apparently it's not me who has problems understanding the English language.

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So pray tell oh tactical genius, how does doubling their training time improve the level of effort they give?

It might give them twice the level of basic skills & fitness they possess, which would put them a bit further down the road to adequacy.

Or do you think they're fit enough & skilful enough already?

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bollocks about being unfit, what a fucking joke theyve been playing for years its not an issue, i play 11's but smoke like fuck and i do some amount of running around on a smaller park that effectively demands more from the players so dont give me that pish,

also if anyone mentions this bollocks gelling of players, feck off, same applys you kick a ball in its simplest form, how many of you actually play football?

if you jump into a team do you and your team mates suddenly become shit because you "need" to gel?

my arse stop following the stupid pundit talk thats their shitey buzz words, its guys kicking a ball, no gelling or lack of fitness is an excuse, pitiful.

the team is poor and needs a kick up the arse, not fucking excuses, yes im raging and ranting, but im sick of people allowing these overpaid players to basque in crap excuses.

I pay good money which goes in theyre pocket each week, i work harder for my money, and what we bers are being served up is third rate, minus wallace and the young lads, not seeing much happening.

and Kyle is the biggest waste of space ever i dreaded the transfer talk of signing him and when it came true i felt like i was in a coma for a week!!!

worst rangers player ever, worst shcotland player ever and just...well...a "waist"

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