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I don’t think for one moment that anyone is trying to dress it up anymore. We all know it, and we’re all just getting on with it.

This is quite possibly the worst Rangers team any of us have ever seen.

For a club that has been blessed with some immensely talented footballers, this is quite the opposite in many regards. Week in, week out, the script pretty much takes the same narrative; a goal lost here and there leading to 90 minutes of scrapping it out with 11 amateurs on the other team. It has been difficult to watch, and that is putting it lightly.

And yet each of these weeks, there is only one consistency – the fans.

Following on from the Berwick game, there was widespread debate, condemnation and silly squabbling amongst the fans over singing. I will admit I was a part of it; I used my own personal blog to discuss the matter, and quite openly shared my views across forums and social media. However, it is far too easy to jump upon an issue to discuss when it is cast in a negative light, and if Berwick showed anything, it showed how rare these negative issues have cropped up this year.

As in the whole, our fans have been nothing short of incredible.

In reality, a line like that is a throwaway when used in most regards. Every set of fans believe they have the greatest, and it all can get a bit clichéd. When you are at the top of the game, fighting for titles and playing at a highly competitive level, fans are easy to come by. Everyone is your best friend, and life looks rosy.

However, can any set of fans truly say their mettle has been tested until they have been as low as they can go? Can you truly say you have followed your club through “thick and thin” until you have been to the wall and back again?

The fans have stood through the trials of the past year, and they still stand strong. Crowds have held a consistent attendance of 45,000, with 38,000 season ticket holders. Very little has changed from SPL-winning seasons. It has also shown that it really isn’t even about the football anymore – this is something else.

We have had years of Champions League football and league winning triumphs. We have had the delights of Van Bronckhorst, De Boer, Mols, Jelavic and many more. The slightly older amongst us have had the likes of Gascgoine, Laudrup and the likes as weekly treats as fans lapped up nine-in-row. This has been time for the fans to give something back – to repay the club that has treated them so incredibly well over the years. At the highest point, they were there without a question being asked. This season, this was when the fans were needed like never before. If the fans hadn’t “follow followed” the call to arms that was sent out not much more than a few days before the start of the season, it is all quite possible there no longer would be a Rangers. There has been a sense of unity and togetherness amongst the fans that has rarely been experienced before. Sure, differences of opinions may remain, and it is inevitable that fans will have their altercations, but that common goal remains the same.

From the singing section that create excellent atmosphere and colour for the ground, to the other fans that have simply paid their ticket fee, each and every one has contributed to this unique journey. We must ask if Bill Struth could ever have imagined his inspiring words could be so prophetic. When he spoke of the “trials to be overcome”, did he ever truly believe that the trials would ever be so tough and challenging? And would there ever have been doubt that the fans would rise to such challenges in such an astonishing manner?

When the history books are thrown open in years to come, this period will stand out amongst all others. The SPL victories and runner up spots will look like a “run in the mill” average year. The future generations will want to hear about will be those where the ‘Gers had to return to humble beginnings – trips to East Stirling and Montrose being reminiscent of those Gallant Pioneers who just longed to play their football wherever they were allowed. This year has shown that very little changes – give the Rangers a patch of grass to play upon, and watch thousands flock to see it.

The seasons that follow will never be a better time for fans to rediscover what football is all about. Success and silverware may be the ultimate goal, but it is not the roots of the game. It will be the ideal reminder that one’s support of a club is for reasons other than defiance or for glory, but for the love and passion involved. It may seem difficult to believe now, but in years to come, this time will be reminisced upon with fondness and poignancy. There will be no other time quite like the time the fans were needed to guide Rangers Football Club back to the top.

And won’t it be great to say you were a part of it?


"When the history books are thrown open in years to come, this period will stand out amongst all others. The SPL victories and runner up spots will look like a “run in the mill” average year. The future generations will want to hear about will be those where the ‘Gers had to return to humble beginnings – trips to East Stirling and Montrose being reminiscent of those Gallant Pioneers who just longed to play their football wherever they were allowed. This year has shown that very little changes – give the Rangers a patch of grass to play upon, and watch thousands flock to see it."

Wow; great article.

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Enjoyed reading that :)

The seasons that follow will never be a better time for fans to rediscover what football is all about. Success and silverware may be the ultimate goal, but it is not the roots of the game. It will be the ideal reminder that one’s support of a club is for reasons other than defiance or for glory, but for the love and passion involved. It may seem difficult to believe now, but in years to come, this time will be reminisced upon with fondness and poignancy. There will be no other time quite like the time the fans were needed to guide Rangers Football Club back to the top.
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Pride, passion, pure ecstasy - it has been ever present in my time watching Rangers.

1968 it started with Colin Stein banging in a hat-trick on his and my Ibrox debut - marvellous

73 - Big Tam scored THAT goal and I was overjoyed

1978 - Davie Cooper's first season and a treble led to 12 years of marvelling at Coop's supreme talent

1983 - Big Jock (the one and only) came back and the passion screamed out - fantastic

88 - August - Ray Wilkins - 5-1 and the start of 9 in a row - unimaginable joy

93 - I was in Leeds and we proved we were the British Champions - still sends a tingle through me

98 - Advocaat, another treble on the way and 7-0 against St Johnstone 8/11/98 - never forget that

2003 - blow me - another treble completed under Big Eck - arguably the most satisfying of them all

2008 - Manchester and the incredible achievements of that season - 9 games in 24 days that May (first time we heard the integrity word!) I will never forget the 1-1 draw with Motherwell at Ibrox - arguably the most passionate night I can ever remember at Ibrox

2013 - don't know yet - a long way to go still but one thing is certain - passion, character, love, ecstasy - that is why we go and don't let any bugger forget it - We Are the people!!

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Pride, passion, pure ecstasy - it has been ever present in my time watching Rangers.

1968 it started with Colin Stein banging in a hat-trick on his and my Ibrox debut - marvellous

73 - Big Tam scored THAT goal and I was overjoyed

1978 - Davie Cooper's first season and a treble led to 12 years of marvelling at Coop's supreme talent

1983 - Big Jock (the one and only) came back and the passion screamed out - fantastic

88 - August - Ray Wilkins - 5-1 and the start of 9 in a row - unimaginable joy

93 - I was in Leeds and we proved we were the British Champions - still sends a tingle through me

98 - Advocaat, another treble on the way and 7-0 against St Johnstone 8/11/98 - never forget that

2003 - blow me - another treble completed under Big Eck - arguably the most satisfying of them all

2008 - Manchester and the incredible achievements of that season - 9 games in 24 days that May (first time we heard the integrity word!) I will never forget the 1-1 draw with Motherwell at Ibrox - arguably the most passionate night I can ever remember at Ibrox

2013 - don't know yet - a long way to go still but one thing is certain - passion, character, love, ecstasy - that is why we go and don't let any bugger forget it - We Are the people!!

Nicely put, we need something positive to think about anyway!

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How could I miss out 72!? I did one thing every 5 years or the thing would have been miles long. I missed out several trebles, I missed the pride I felt attending the 2011 memorial for The Ibrox Disaster, being part of the Rangers family, Gazza, Laudrup, all sorts of players past and present, the people I've met at games, the laughs I've had - from Govan to Tottenham, Everton, Newcastle, Old Trafford, Turin, Kaiserslautern, Maribor, Brechin last August - I could write a book!!

The truth is this Club has been the only ever present passion of my life since I was a wee boy! 45 years and counting - if I map out the most important things in my life - Rangers are a prime feature, the happiest memories in my life - Rangers are a prime feature - the best trips, the saddest events, the joys.... Someone said it before - more than a Club - a way of life! We are chosen - and we are fortunate to be chosen!

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You are quite right Misteral - if I knew how to I'd add ECWC Win in!

Thinking back on that night - if I remember correctly - I had to listen to it on a dodgy old MW radio as believe it or not - it wasn't live on the telly (even then BBC/STV had an agenda against us perhaps?) and the confusion over whether the full time whistle had gone was dreadful! It is a bit dim in my memory but were Wales not playing a Home International at Hampden that night. I seem to recall having to wait till 11.30 or thereabouts for scratchy black and white highlights on STV? Crazy thing was the next week Ajax beat Inter Milan in The EC Final and it was live on both channels and in colour!!! You couldn't make it up could you?

I do remember standing in the old Enclosure the next night when we paraded the trophy on an old Ford lorry! Yep - magical memories!

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You are quite right Misteral - if I knew how to I'd add ECWC Win in!

Thinking back on that night - if I remember correctly - I had to listen to it on a dodgy old MW radio as believe it or not - it wasn't live on the telly (even then BBC/STV had an agenda against us perhaps?) and the confusion over whether the full time whistle had gone was dreadful! It is a bit dim in my memory but were Wales not playing a Home International at Hampden that night. I seem to recall having to wait till 11.30 or thereabouts for scratchy black and white highlights on STV? Crazy thing was the next week Ajax beat Inter Milan in The EC Final and it was live on both channels and in colour!!! You couldn't make it up could you?

I do remember standing in the old Enclosure the next night when we paraded the trophy on an old Ford lorry! Yep - magical memories!

Just click on your op, press edit and put the Barca Bears in their rightfull place, then submit and its edited (tu)

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