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CHARLES Green last night sensationally admitted shafting Craig Whyte to buy Rangers.

The Rangers chief said he would have told him ANYTHING to get the keys to Ibrox.

Green, 59, revealed he lied to former owner Whyte so he could buy the club — but insisted it was only to save Gers from the man who plunged them into administration.

In an exclusive interview with The Scottish Sun, Green branded Whyte, 42, “delusional” over claims he was swindled by Green and his backer Imran Ahmad.

He told how Ahmad would sweet-talk Whyte to ensure the deal for fallen giants went through, adding: “Imran might have promised him three Russian girls or whatever — I’ve no idea and I don’t care.

“We told him what he wanted to hear. Imran told him because we needed to keep him sweet to prise the club away from him.”

Whyte — now a hate figure for the Light Blues supporters — yesterday sensationally claimed that Green was a frontman for HIM during the historic Ibrox takeover.

And he revealed that he is preparing a £50million legal battle to get the club back — using a file of explosive evidence, seen by The Scottish Sun.

But chief executive Green — who says he WELCOMES any court action — hit back: “Craig Whyte has been making all these claims.

“I liken him to the boy on the beach where you have a group of kids making sand castles and he’s the one who stamps on them.

“He’s back here now trying to damage the club he so nearly bankrupted — and for what purpose?

“It is just complete madness. We had deals with him and what Imran was doing for a long period was, if Craig Whyte asked ‘Am I 6ft 4in tall,’ Imran would say ‘I think you are taller than that — actually. I think you are 6ft 6in.

“I think you’ve grown two inches overnight.”

Whyte fired off a letter notifying Green and Ahmad, below right, that he was prepared to take them to court last December — and he is now set for a court battle after the pair failed to respond.

He claims he and business pal Aidan Earley, 44 — who has previously been declared bankrupt — were behind the Sevco 5088 company which Green used to take over the club.

But Green says he was just telling Whyte porkies so he could get the businessman’s shares — a plan he says was changed when the club was liquidated.

Green revealed Whyte, from Motherwell, is now demanding £1million a year for LIFE — or a quarter of Green’s own shares in the club.

In his plush office at Ibrox stadium in Glasgow, he said: “At the point the Company Voluntary Agreement failed and we moved into the newco realm, the shares and the rest of his indemnity didn’t matter.

“What he believes now, in his mind — and it could only be in Craig Whyte’s mind — is that he is entitled a quarter of my shares.

“Whyte also wants one million quid a year for life. It is not going to happen.

“I’ve not had a day off since I came to Scotland and yet he wants more than what I’m on.”

The tough-talking Yorkshireman added: “People say what goes around, comes around. For Whyte to come out and demand £1million a year for life or 25 per cent of my shares now is ridiculous.”

It is understood Whyte’s legal team are preparing to apply for a High Court writ to serve on Ahmad and Green. He reckons with taped conversations and claims of signed documents, he has a strong case to win back control at Ibrox. But Green last night branded him an “opportunist” and said he was unconcerned by the threat of legal proceedings. He revealed: “Imran received a communication — and I’m not sure it was Craig direct or one of his partners — saying that Imran promised this and that.

“We showed it to the company solicitors at the time and we said ‘Look, there is no agreement in writing. This is just an opportunist trying to pick something up’.

“You know, when Craig Whyte said, ‘Well, I’d like to be an investor’, the SFA would never have allowed it. He is a discredited person. He is banned. So how could he invest? Now whether he’s actually got any money anyway is debatable.

“I know in the early discussions we were saying ‘Well, we’ll probably need £12million or £25million.

“Whyte says, ‘All right, I’ll raise half,’ so we says ‘Okay, go and do it’, but he ever put a penny in.

“There was no agreement. Well, there is not a bit of paper where we agreed this and he needed that and we signed it. We’ve got a club now trying to get back on its feet and he wants to damage it again. Why? Why would anyone want to do that? It could be called blackmail.

“There’s been a whole raft of people who have made claims against the club. We saw it a few weeks ago where people were making claims and put winding up orders on the club.

“There’s a thing called terminal greed and people get envious.

“People see things and they want to be part of it. We know from what we’ve read and what we’ve seen, that Craig Whyte is delusional.You know, he is the man who nearly destroyed Rangers. Why would anyone listen to him?”

Whyte’s claims of his buy-out involvement with Green will stun Rangers fans.

They centre on Sevco 5088 — where Green was a director — which paid £5.5million to buy Gers from liquidation in June last year.

Whyte will argue that he and Aidan Earley were the moneymen behind the move. Green transferred the assets — including Murray Park and Ibrox — to new company Sevco Scotland just days after sealing the deal. Whyte claims the assets were transferred ILLEGALLY because Green did not have the permission of Sevco 5088’s backers — himself and Earley. Sevco Scotland Ltd later changed its name to The Rangers Football Club Ltd.

Whyte’s London-based lawyers will demand up to £50million to cover Ibrox stadium and Murray Park training ground. If Whyte is succesful and Green does not stump up, the assets will return to the original Sevco — which includes him.

Oldco Rangers were plunged into administration and then liquidation last February following Whyte’s tenure. The club was forced to begin life again in the Third Division.

He bought the club from Sir David Murray for a pound in 2011 before racking up massive debts — including unpaid tax of £14million.

Whyte is currently the subject of a Crown Office probe into his time at the club.

He is also being chased through the courts by investment firm Ticketus whose £27million funded his infamous takeover.


I see nothing wrong with what Green has stated. The remainder is conjecture on the part of the Sun with partial quotes from the bug-eyed frog.

Whyte really is an odious wee bastard.

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He says before he had no dealings with whyte and he's admitting to buttering him up to get wot he wanted. He's been honest in the fact he's says he's here to make £. This isn't the first time he's lied to us fans but and we just need to be more sceptic.

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He says before he had no dealings with whyte and he's admitting to buttering him up to get wot he wanted. He's been honest in the fact he's says he's here to make £. This isn't the first time he's lied to us fans but and we just need to be more sceptic.

How do you buy something from somebody without having dealings with them?

What he meant before was that he was not involved with Whyte in a business sense.

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How do you buy something from somebody without having dealings with them?

What he meant before was that he was not involved with Whyte in a business sense.

Believe what he said was he had never met Whyte prior to handing him the quid. Seems from the article that Imran was the person talking to Shyte and stringing him along.

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Believe what he said was he had never met Whyte prior to handing him the quid. Seems from the article that Imran was the person talking to Shyte and stringing him along.

Exactly. (tu)

Craig Shite getting people into a panic again.

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Any excuse to have a moan about Charles

I'm astonished that this rat Whyte surfaces with more shite claims and more Bears use it as an opportunity to stick the boot into CG.

I sincerely hope Whyte thought he had a deal with Imran & CG but was then fucked over.

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As usual the headline paints a very different picture to the actual "story".....I don't even see why it is a story! Green and Ahmed kept whyte sweet because they needed his shares (as Kennedy tried to do) but when the CVA was rejected they didn't need him anymore and that was that!

I know the green haters and the obsessed ones from across the city will lap this up but I just don't see the big deal....things like this happen in business constantly why are we making headline news? It's a bit embarrassing for our country with all the problems in the world the press up here choose to print this nonsense!

OP if you want to take anything craig whyte says on board then more fool you....we have faced a constant barrage of shite this past year that shows no sign of letting up! Lets not start believing the rags are suddenly printing truth and reason in their poor excuse for toilet roll paper!

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Using private taped conversations in court is a very big grey area and has the potential to cause the person doing the recording some serious problems.

CW could leave himself open to be countersued for damages and be breaking the data protection act, a judge might not even accept it as evidence.

If such tape even exists.

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