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Will the daily rhebel be banned, Jackson alludes to impending troubles.

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You would think the days of Bears locating their heads underneath the yellow grainy stuff were long gone after what we have been thru(and are still going thru).

But,no,some people are still adamant that everything printed is simply aimed at bringing us down.

Why? They must have got the message that we will support our team regardless(50K to watch that dismal guff on Saturday!!!)

That whole article is factually correct(he only questions whether there may be more shit to come for us..............anybody out there 100% certain that we're out the woods yet?).

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It's easy to criticise and easy to cast aspertions without any foundation.

Seems like more of Phil3names rumours being taken as gospel, just as his previous numerous predicitons of our demise didn't happen either.

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Nothing wrong with that article. Rangers and Celtic are both needed for the game in Scotland to not just survive, but prosper. Both clubs won the league at walking pace, if anyone thinks sponsors will be running to pour money into this then they are kidding.

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A throw away line by Jackson. He has fuck all else to report so he throws in a little sweetener for the taigs.

The Daily Record being dependent on the filth's advertising so he has to suck the celtic cock.

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Aye, all that season ticket money coming coupled with what's left of the IPO money.

Shittin' masel.

When Rangers were making 40/50 million per year they still ran up high debt, and with CG gone, there is certainly a worry whether the present board can deliver. The football side of the club does'nt show any real promise either, and with the people of the so called delusional plan gone, Rangers are without a go getter in the boardroom and on the football side.

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Radio Clyde should be thrown out as well manks making unchallenged alegations and quoting phil whismafukiname as the oracle for us going into another admin, Nuremberg shug saying he has heard the rumours and adding fuel to the fire.

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As Paul Slane (whoever the fuck he is) probably said to himself the morning after his recent window shopping trip to Amsterdam, the madness must stop here.

And it really must because if it doesn’t then one day Scottish football might not wake up at all. Instead, it will be found lying dead and cold in some doorway, covered in a stinking mess of its own making.

Ah well, if you try to kill The Rangers, then there will be no sympathy.


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Who is this old firm that ran riot at the u17 game ?

Is that what they are calling the smellies this weather ?

I think he's talking bollocks about us being back in trouble again. We will have ups and downs but we will always be going forward.

Just as well as I don't think we could rise from it again.

The chinless wonders that drove Green out had better be careful with their next moves.

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Radio Clyde should be thrown out as well manks making unchallenged alegations and quoting phil whismafukiname as the oracle for us going into another admin, Nuremberg shug saying he has heard the rumours and adding fuel to the fire.

Heard that moron....why clyde1 give idiots like that airtime maybe says alot about their perspective....the sad obsession from the caller dying to talk about us and use Internet rumour as some kind of arguing point just embarrasses him and the rest of the orcs comprising saville fc....

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