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Could the Mole be a Bug?

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Could the Ibrox mole really be a bug or a set of them? When you consider we live in a time of phone hacking scandals. Would it be such a big leap of the imagination for someone to have bugged the place? From what I understand McCoist's phone was hacked, but little has been reported on it. Indeed the whole phone hacking scandal has somehow passed Scotland by, but do we honestly believe that it only takes place in England? This may sound rather far fetched but it would certainly make sense of the leaks of information within the club. Perhaps it's time for the club to have the place swept electronically for any devices including key loggers on the club's computers, remember there are millions of pounds involved here via investments and assets.

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Could the Ibrox mole really be a bug or a set of them? When you consider we live in a time of phone hacking scandals. Would it be such a big leap of the imagination for someone to have bugged the place? From what I understand McCoist's phone was hacked, but little has been reported on it. Indeed the whole phone hacking scandal has somehow passed Scotland by, but do we honestly believe that it only takes place in England? This may sound rather far fetched but it would certainly make sense of the leaks of information within the club. Perhaps it's time for the club to have the place swept electronically for any devices including key loggers on the club's computers, remember there are millions of pounds involved here via investments and assets.

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The availability of this equipment has increased in recent years, but you'd have to have access to the boardroom, no?

Maybe they'll need to check all the workmen that have been in there recently, but it does seem a bit far fetched as the punishment is rather heavy for this type of breach, I think I heard somewhere.

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The availability of this equipment has increased in recent years, but you'd have to have access to the boardroom, no?

Maybe they'll need to check all the workmen that have been in there recently, but it does seem a bit far fetched as the punishment is rather heavy for this type of breach, I think I heard somewhere.

I think I've heard that the punishment for fraudulently taking over a business is rather heavy as well, and it may be proven in coming months that it did happen at Rangers. We now know that a certain Mr Whyte liked to secretly record his meetings regarding his take over and subsequent sale of Rangers so I'd say that what I have put forward for discussion may indeed be far fetched, but in light of things that have been going on it cannot be totally cast aside as a source of information coming out of the club. As I said it's my understanding that McCoist account was hacked, seems a bit odd that the same people would not have done the same to Whyte, or Green. Indeed there were concerns be a number of fans that information about the clubs finances and transfer dealings was crossing the city due the reported support that members of the old board had for another club.

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Could the Ibrox mole really be a bug or a set of them? When you consider we live in a time of phone hacking scandals. Would it be such a big leap of the imagination for someone to have bugged the place? From what I understand McCoist's phone was hacked, but little has been reported on it. Indeed the whole phone hacking scandal has somehow passed Scotland by, but do we honestly believe that it only takes place in England? This may sound rather far fetched but it would certainly make sense of the leaks of information within the club. Perhaps it's time for the club to have the place swept electronically for any devices including key loggers on the club's computers, remember there are millions of pounds involved here via investments and assets.

This thought has crossed my mind, when you think about it the media have already proven how low they would stoop to in order to get an exclusive.

Plenty of people would have access to the boardroom, cleaners, workies, caterers etc...

Although I think it's unlikely, I don't think it's beyond comprehension.

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Could the Ibrox mole really be a bug or a set of them? When you consider we live in a time of phone hacking scandals. Would it be such a big leap of the imagination for someone to have bugged the place? From what I understand McCoist's phone was hacked, but little has been reported on it. Indeed the whole phone hacking scandal has somehow passed Scotland by, but do we honestly believe that it only takes place in England? This may sound rather far fetched but it would certainly make sense of the leaks of information within the club. Perhaps it's time for the club to have the place swept electronically for any devices including key loggers on the club's computers, remember there are millions of pounds involved here via investments and assets.

How does a bug transmit/transport/teleport an entire document?
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Perhaps an agent sneaked into the boardroom when everyone was sleeping, one of our recent home matches for instance, and planted bugs, stole documents etc etc. Come to think of it maybe our players have been drugged. It can be the only explanation as to why they appear so slow !!

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How does a bug transmit/transport/teleport an entire document?

Carrier Pigeon?

In all honesty this shite needs to stop the folk in charge need to get a grip look how Paranoid our support are becoming, fucking bugs, fuck sake.

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This thought has crossed my mind, when you think about it the media have already proven how low they would stoop to in order to get an exclusive.

Plenty of people would have access to the boardroom, cleaners, workies, caterers etc...

Although I think it's unlikely, I don't think it's beyond comprehension.

If somebody had told us ten years back that Rangers would have gone through the situation they have of late we would probably have said it was possible, but far fetched. What we do know there have been leaks of tax documents and court documents, both of which are crimes. There has also been a war waged on the club through the press and digital media based on these documents. Do we really believe that these activities were not subject to some form of co-ordination to get the maximum effect, but just a the actions of individuals who just happened to use the same sound bites at the same time? How far fetched would it have sounded to at the turn of the century that the old parent company would have gone into liquidation, the club into administration and team playing in Div. 3?

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If somebody had told us ten years back that Rangers would have gone through the situation they have of late we would probably have said it was possible, but far fetched. What we do know there have been leaks of tax documents and court documents, both of which are crimes. There has also been a war waged on the club through the press and digital media based on these documents. Do we really believe that these activities were not subject to some form of co-ordination to get the maximum effect, but just a the actions of individuals who just happened to use the same sound bites at the same time? How far fetched would it have sounded to at the turn of the century that the old parent company would have gone into liquidation, the club into administration and team playing in Div. 3?

Whilst I agree that certain individuals and indeed organisations would not be averse to the kind of conduct you allege, the simple fact is that they do not need to endanger themselves whilst people who supposedly have the interests of Rangers at heart hand these fuckers everything they need on a plate.

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How does a bug transmit/transport/teleport an entire document?

You would be surprised how easy it would be for documents to be transmitted out of any office in the digital age. Remember each document will have been typed up on a computer, you don't even need to be on the same side of the planet to set up a way of sourcing these materials. As for phone systems they are arguably easier to break into given the people we have seen being accused of having been involved in recent high profile cases. In the case of audio bugs it only takes one person with access to around two maybe three rooms in the stadium to put these into place, and that person only has to be told where and how to locate them, everything else would be done electronically from another location.

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Carrier Pigeon?

In all honesty this shite needs to stop the folk in charge need to get a grip look how Paranoid our support are becoming, fucking bugs, fuck sake.

agreed. It's getting cringeworthy.

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look how Paranoid our support are becoming, fucking bugs, fuck sake.

So you don't consider that there has been a co-ordinated war on the club in recent years? If you do is it not possible that people who would illegally source tax and court documents would consider going down the digital route to source materials from inside the club? You can describe it as paranoid if you want, I'd say that there has been enough done in the past to allow the possibility that some form of digital sourcing of information should be looked at. It would be unwise to close off any channel of investigation into the information leaving Ibrox just to stop the opposition calling you paranoid.
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not for the length of time we have had the leaks. Bugs (listening devices) tend to be battery operated so as to be discrete - i.e they are not plugged into a wall power socket with a big wire trailing to give the game away. A battery only has a finite life span so some one would have to be periodically coming in to change the batteries or changing the listening devices. They are a dawdle to make and require a simple radio tuned to the frequency of the bug transmitter to pick up the signal, so a monkey could do it - but I cant see it.

I am taking this from when i done my Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and made a couple, so its not exactly state of the art based advice here...

The phone hacking/electronic hacking bit though.....I doubt thats went away simply because a few people got caught and as I stated in previous threads, Administrative access on a corporate network can give you almost cart blanche to do what you want, if you know what you are doing.

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So you don't consider that there has been a co-ordinated war on the club in recent years? If you do is it not possible that people who would illegally source tax and court documents would consider going down the digital route to source materials from inside the club? You can describe it as paranoid if you want, I'd say that there has been enough done in the past to allow the possibility that some form of digital sourcing of information should be looked at. It would be unwise to close off any channel of investigation into the information leaving Ibrox just to stop the opposition calling you paranoid.

Nobody is saying that there isn't an agenda. Definitely not.

But it's clear that the leaks are coming straight from a split boardroom. I'd rather we spent our time fixing that than sweeping the corridors for bugs!

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A wire-tap can't physically take that leaked document out a drawer and hand it over to the BBC.

Plus I'd stick my life on any information gained by entrapment and secret recordings is highly illegal and would get the BBC shut down.

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