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Prior: Rangers Exec's on Crazy Money


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Manchester United are his team, Rangers are his second team. The fact he was bought up in England will almost certainly mean that his religion made absolutely no impact on his choice of team. You will also notice him say in the interview that he is not a man of God (the Catholic Herald would hardly call any RC family anything but devout, its a propaganda sheet remember!).

Rangers may have been his second team but after the last few years but I'm a just wee bit skeptical of everyone these days let alone someone from a devout irish catholic background. so some proof is necessary for me before believing him other than his say so.

The suggestion that emigration to England diminishes traits that families had in the republic is a bit of a joke considering it's primarily plastic paddies in places like boston, glasgow and liverpool etc who finance ira terrorism.

And how many pro fenian glaswegians do you know who are men of God?

So I await some proof from Kierny showing that his second team was Rangers, as well as evidence from him proving that other clubs the size of Rangers pay their board significantly less than what we do. Thus far, to my knowledge, he has provided neither, so he should keep his mouth shut till he does.

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If it helps you in your quest... It should be "you're trying to argue" not "your", unfortunately I need to go out so I can't have the argument, but if you want to launch a tirade, I am here for you in spirit.

Correct but ... emm... I'm not sure that your use of a capital after an ellipsis is correct in this particular instance.

Hopefully, though, someone out there will clarify this for us so we can get on with the thrilling midfield battle between syntax and comprehension - brings to mind that titanic clash at Ibrox between Brown and Diouf, doesn't it?

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Correct but ... emm... I'm not sure that your use if a capital after an ellipsis is correct in this particular instance.

Hopefully, though, someone out there will clarify this for us so we can get on with the thrilling midfield battle between syntax and comprehension - brings to mind that titanic clash at Ibrox between Brown and Diouf, doesn't it?

Clarity must be sought and satisfaction attained

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Kieron I know you will read this,dont say you support us,we know its lies,your here to support MM,stop feeding information to the Daily Record

This is the critical point (away from the stupidity on most of this thread) if people on our Board still haven't learned to keep our internal personality issues out of the press then we haven't got anything out of the last 3 months

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This is the critical point (away from the stupidity on most of this thread) if people on our Board still haven't learned to keep our internal personality issues out of the press then we haven't got anything out of the last 3 months

(Pssst...yes, Beagle, but his apostrophes, for goodness sake! Didn't he read your post regarding 'your' and 'you're'? And, if that's not enough, he got the gall to bring 'its' and 'it's' into it. It's absolutely nail biting stuff. I'm barely holding up and can't imagine what syntax and comprehension are going through in midfield. )

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(Pssst...yes, Beagle, but his apostrophes, for goodness sake! Didn't he read your post regarding 'your' and 'you're'? And, if that's not enough, he got the gall to bring 'its' and 'it's' into it. It's absolutely nail biting stuff. I'm barely holding up and can't imagine what syntax and comprehension are going through in midfield. )

Wow, I love how my facetiousness on the back of pages and pages worth of madness can apparently become 'a thing'. For the record, we should never be so stupid and petty, amongst the many other things that we shouldn't be stupid and petty about on this site.

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Wow, I love how my facetiousness on the back of pages and pages worth of madness can apparently become 'a thing'. For the record, we should never be so stupid and petty, amongst the many other things that we shouldn't be stupid and petty about on this site.


(But watch out, Beagle, those ruthless CBs - Strunk and White, are going to get right into you for your use of commas and independent clauses in that last sentence.)

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Wow, I love how my facetiousness on the back of pages and pages worth of madness can apparently become 'a thing'. For the record, we should never be so stupid and petty, amongst the many other things that we shouldn't be stupid and petty about on this site.

Another one running to The Record?

When will it all end?

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