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Shite enough for Microsoft to issue a response to?.....

“Ten years ago, you could argue that a console’s power was summed up in terms of a few of its specs, but Xbox One is designed as a powerful machine to deliver the best blockbuster games today and for the next decade.

Xbox One architecture is much more complex than what any single figure can convey. It was designed with balanced performance in mind, and we think the games we continue to show running on near-final hardware demonstrate that performance. In the end, we’ll let the consoles and their games speak for themselves.”

Sounds like an admission the Playstation is the better console in terms of specs. Of course, he say's the hardware is "near-final" so there may be some improvements but Sony are still working to improve their system as well.

Every man and his dog knows the Playstation is more powerful!

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Yeah as i said before PS3 was more powerful than 360...but it didnt really mean jack...most games were better on the lesser console.

Also the thing about Xbox One is it has Live which is far superior to PSN and it has by far the better control pad, If you must buy a console purely because it's more powerful then buy both and get the best of both worlds.

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Yeah as i said before PS3 was more powerful than 360...but it didnt really mean jack...most games were better on the lesser console.

Also the thing about Xbox One is it has Live which is far superior to PSN and it has by far the better control pad, If you must buy a console purely because it's more powerful then buy both and get the best of both worlds.

I wouldn't say live is "far superior" it's slightly better but not by much, I have an 360 and a PS3 btw

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Yeah as i said before PS3 was more powerful than 360...but it didnt really mean jack...most games were better on the lesser console.

True, although The Last of Us was the nicest game of this generation and it was a PS3 exclusive... (could that mean the Xbox 360 being better was a myth and the potential was there at Playstation all along?... lol)

Also the thing about Xbox One is it has Live which is far superior to PSN and it has by far the better control pad, If you must buy a console purely because it's more powerful then buy both and get the best of both worlds.

A better control pad for who? When it comes to the controller its all about whats more comfortable for the individual gamer to use. A matter of opinion.

Xbox Live was better than the Playstation Network but not by much. And no doubt the PSN will improve now that its charging a subscription fee like Xbox :(

I think eventually the xbox and Playstation community will be in one place but its probably a long way off.

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Game developers claiming games "can run at around 30FPS in 1920×1080 on PS4, but it’ll run at “20-something” FPS in 1600×900 on Xbox One"

That is a massive difference! Only the most dedicated of Xbox fans could possibly buy this instead of the Playstation.

Should people be laughing at Xbox or worried?..... That is a very interesting question. Why? Well, there's a chance games will only be made at Xbox level so as not to rock the boat. Microsoft wont be happy with companies who put out far better versions on another platform. So, we could all suffer thanks to Xbox being a pile of shite.

We have been getting much better versions on PC than any of the consoles over the years so dont think this would happen

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We have been getting much better versions on PC than any of the consoles

Fair point.

Here's one for you then.... if Microsoft are advising gamers not to stand the console up vertically, what happens if you do and it breaks within the warranty timeframe? Can they detect you stood it up? Could they deny a refund? Would they have a leg to stand on based on mere "advice"? It seems like a very grey area.

ps, I say Microsoft are advising "gamers" but Microsoft are ignoring that word and pushing this as an entertainment system now. Reminded me of Vince McMahon's "this is sports entertainement" speech all those moons ago,

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Fair point.

Here's one for you then.... if Microsoft are advising gamers not to stand the console up vertically, what happens if you do and it breaks within the warranty timeframe? Can they detect you stood it up? Could they deny a refund? Would they have a leg to stand on based on mere "advice"? It seems like a very grey area.

ps, I say Microsoft are advising "gamers" but Microsoft are ignoring that word and pushing this as an entertainment system now. Reminded me of Vince McMahon's "this is sports entertainement" speech all those moons ago,

I use a console to play games on, the better of the machines for that purpose is the PS4... no brainer for gamers IMO.

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In what way? I had both ps3 and 360 and the difference of gameplay online was nil.

300,000 dedicated servers put aside for Xbox Live, No more P2P It's also believed Azure is the best in the business.

Game hosting

With quick match games like the original Halo, traditionally it would come down to one of the consoles acting as the game host with the other players connect to that one console. This ties up compute power on the console, as that one player needs to process game server information as well as render the scene for the local player. Using cloud hosting enables developers to offload the processing off the console to free up even more processor cycles to making the game look GOOD.

An interview with the developers of an upcoming game Titan Fall goes into great detail about the benefits the Xbox One cloud brings to them http://www.respawn.com/news/lets-talk-about-the-xbox-live-cloud/

One great quote is how they can scale their servers based on the demand. Removing the usual “launch day” woes of over provisioning to handle the initial wave of players.

How is this different from other dedicated servers?

With the Xbox Live Cloud, we don’t have to worry about estimating how many servers we’ll need on launch day. We don’t have to find ISPs all over the globe and rent servers from each one. We don’t have to maintain the servers or copy new builds to every server. That lets us focus on things that make our game more fun. And best yet, Microsoft has data centres all over the world, so everyone playing our game should have a consistent, low latency connection to their local data centre.

Most importantly to us, Microsoft priced it so that it’s far more affordable than other hosting options – their goal here is to get more awesome games, not to nickel-and-dime developers. So because of this, dedicated servers are much more of a realistic option for developers who don’t want to make compromises on their player experience, and it opens up a lot more things that we can do in an online game.

Source http://www.respawn.com/news/lets-talk-about-the-xbox-live-cloud/

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  • 3 weeks later...

In what way? I had both ps3 and 360 and the difference of gameplay online was nil.

Spybox has the Cloud. (ohhhh the cloud, all hail the cloud! lol)

The slightly better online service won't mean much and still doesn't change the fact the Playstation has the superior hardware that will run games at faster framerates and in higher resolution. Plus, a lot of the Playstation Network features will be free whereas a shitload of them are behind a paywall on Xbox Live.

Also, no point in going on Xbox Live when almost everyone you know is playing games via the Playstation Network, lol. Not unless they invent some sort of cross-platform capability. :)

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Can the PS4 run games at 1080p with a 60fps rate? Yes it can.

Can the Xbox One? No it can't.

Run along now.

The PS3 is technically superior to the 360 in every way but it doesnt work for me its mainly the change in architecture that mean that games couldnt be developed for both together that means most games arent as good on the PS.

Being a more powerful console doesnt garentee success being the best console when all is added together does.

Oh and there is no free PSN this year and what they have is still YEARS behind Xbox Live.

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The PS3 is technically superior to the 360 in every way but it doesnt work for me its mainly the change in architecture that mean that games couldnt be developed for both together that means most games arent as good on the PS.

Being a more powerful console doesnt garentee success being the best console when all is added together does.

Oh and there is no free PSN this year and what they have is still YEARS behind Xbox Live.

Enlighten me.. Only one person on here has been able to come back at me with something credible and that was TheBluenose1972. Everyone else just pussy foots around their nonsensical claims. If you're going to claim something, do it right!

Also what in your opinion defines success? Sales? Exclusives? Amount of concurrent users?

PSN is still free.. so you can access apps like netflix and so on without being a subscriber. They've just moved online gaming from free user to PS+ subscriber. Everything else remains as it is.. Not everyone plays games online, apparently there's over 70 million 360's out there and it's estimated there's around 45million live users(silver + gold)... Obviously those figures are easily manipulated since people may have purchased several 360's over the year, but at the same time there's also the likelihood that people have more than one live account. So anyway, there's still a staggering amount of people out there who don't access online content at all. But my point is that you also have to consider that a sizable amount of gold subscribers won't play games online, they just have gold subs so they can access netflix and so on. On the PS4, users who don't play online aren't punished by having to pay for access to other features such as a netflix.

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Can the PS4 run games at 1080p with a 60fps rate? Yes it can.

Can the Xbox One? No it can't.

Run along now.

Forza 5 1080p 60fps/Cod Ghosts 1080p 60fps/Fifa 14 1080p/60fps...Now Fuck off and go take that fanboy shit elsewhere a Rangers forum is not the place for it.

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Enlighten me.. Only one person on here has been able to come back at me with something credible and that was TheBluenose1972. Everyone else just pussy foots around their nonsensical claims. If you're going to claim something, do it right!

Also what in your opinion defines success? Sales? Exclusives? Amount of concurrent users?

PSN is still free.. so you can access apps like netflix and so on without being a subscriber. They've just moved online gaming from free user to PS+ subscriber. Everything else remains as it is.. Not everyone plays games online, apparently there's over 70 million 360's out there and it's estimated there's around 45million live users(silver + gold)... Obviously those figures are easily manipulated since people may have purchased several 360's over the year, but at the same time there's also the likelihood that people have more than one live account. So anyway, there's still a staggering amount of people out there who don't access online content at all. But my point is that you also have to consider that a sizable amount of gold subscribers won't play games online, they just have gold subs so they can access netflix and so on. On the PS4, users who don't play online aren't punished by having to pay for access to other features such as a netflix.

Free games - PS+ wins

Online services - XBL wins

Each do things differently to the reasons they were created.

Now with Sony charging for PSN+ to play online with PS4 they now need the online services to be as good as Live for but for whatever reason weve seen nothing from Sony really on a new online system to rival Live so far most likely because it's not finished, Hopefully it's on it's way and i defo think it is as Sony now realise online gaming is the future and they want a slice of the online gaming money pie which MS has had for 11 years.

No one is punished by paying or not paying for Netflix it's purely a choice people have.

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Forza 5 1080p 60fps/Cod Ghosts 1080p 60fps/Fifa 14 1080p/60fps...Now Fuck off and go take that fanboy shit elsewhere

Aye, and I'm sure they'll run smoothly with no glitches or huge drops in framerate when the going gets tough.

Who is the fanboy here? You're the one staunchly defending a weaker console. That, and saying "go away. boo hoo"...

Hmmmm. Run along now.

(ps, I'll post whatever I want. You don't have to reply.... and yet time and time again you do. Its only a console, no need to start frothing like a rabid dog) :)

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Free games - PS+ wins

Online services - XBL wins

Each do things differently to the reasons they were created.

Now with Sony charging for PSN+ to play online with PS4 they now need the online services to be as good as Live for whatever reason weve seen nothing from Sony really on a new online system to rival Live so far. Hopefully it's on it's way and i defo think it is as Sony now realise online gaming is the future and they want a slice of the online gaming money pie which MS has had for 11 years.

I would have agreed with you if this was 2008.. However since then Sony have taken PSN far more seriously. Even down to apps, features and the like, there's been quite a few that PSN had long before Xbox live i.e. iplayer, youtube etc. Whilst this has potentially changed since i last owned an Xbox(2012) - the quality of apps like Netflix were of a higher quality on the PS3. Not to mention available to everyone as they weren't hidden behind a paywall.

Quality of online gaming is no different.. It's just something 360 fans dream up to justify the gold requirement, psychological if you will. I've owned both, I've played COD and FIFA online on both and there's next to no difference whatsoever. Just comes down to server location or the person I was playing against.. Because very few games utilized dedicated servers player location is obviously important, which is potentially a downside for UK based PS3 users. The 360 is incredibly popular in the UK, so there's always a high chance of being paired with another UK based player. The PS3 on the otherhand is traditionally more popular in mainland Europe, thus you're more likely of being paired with someone outside of the UK than you would on the 360. If you have shit internet this could give the Xbox a slight advantage.

So really, what exactly are these superior services?

The only thing i can give Xbox Live a clear advantage with is cross game chat and more players with headsets.. Which yes, makes it a ton easier to communicate with friends. Does this make it years ahead or worthy of the £30 Microsoft ask? I wouldn't say so..

Yes PSN's infrastructure is showing its age with the whole GTA debacle... and yes Sony clearly underestimated how popular online would become. Nontheless given how much they've achieved with said infrastructure is remarkable.. they've went from light years behind to pretty much matching Xbox Live, and some cases bettering. Sure you can attribute some of this success down to MS's failing, over the last few years they've been all about kinect... Either way Sony now have an understanding of what the community wants and needs, they aren't going to make the same mistake with the PS4.

Sure there's all this talk of Azure on the next gen.. but it's all hype at the moment. It sounds good but will devs take advantage of the servers.. it may be cheaper than hosting their own dedicated servers but they may opt to go with their own infrastructures. Then all the possibilities of taking pressure of the hardware by using the cloud to support and power games.. that worked out extremely well for OnLive didn't it? Unless you live in a big city with fast internet and copious amounts of bandwidth.. you're not going to benefit from that! Not to mention like the PS3's cell processor.. it's something 3rd party devs could struggle to get the most out of.

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Aye, and I'm sure they'll run smoothly with no glitches or huge drops in framerate when the going gets tough.

Who is the fanboy here? You're the one staunchly defending a weaker console. That, and saying "go away. boo hoo"...

Hmmmm. Run along now.

(ps, I'll post whatever I want. You don't have to reply.... and yet time and time again you do. Its only a console, no need to start frothing like a rabid dog) :)

Im defending it from your bullshit lies...

Can the PS4 run games at 1080p with a 60fps rate? Yes it can.

Can the Xbox One? No it can't.

You said you owned a NES...which makes you a man by age...time to start acting like it instead of some 15 year old twat!

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I would have agreed with you if this was 2008.. However since then Sony have taken PSN far more seriously. Even down to apps, features and the like, there's been quite a few that PSN had long before Xbox live i.e. iplayer, youtube etc. Whilst this has potentially changed since i last owned an Xbox(2012) - the quality of apps like Netflix were of a higher quality on the PS3. Not to mention available to everyone as they weren't hidden behind a paywall.

Quality of online gaming is no different.. It's just something 360 fans dream up to justify the gold requirement, psychological if you will. I've owned both, I've played COD and FIFA online on both and there's next to no difference whatsoever. Just comes down to server location or the person I was playing against.. Because very few games utilised dedicated servers it ultimately came down to player location, which is potentially a downside for UK based PS3 users. The 360 is incredibly popular in the UK, so there's always a high chance of being paired with another UK based player. The PS3 on the otherhand is traditionally more popular in mainland Europe, thus you're more likely of being paired with someone outside of the UK than you would on the 360. If you have shit internet this could give the Xbox a slight advantage.

So really, what exactly are these superior services?

The only thing i can give Xbox Live a clear advantage with is cross game chat and more players with headsets.. Which yes, makes it a ton easier to communicate with friends. Does this make it years ahead or worthy of the £30 Microsoft ask? I wouldn't say so..

Sure there's all this talk of Azure on the next gen.. but it's all hype at the moment. It sounds good but will devs take advantage of the servers.. it may be cheaper than hosting their own dedicated servers but they may opt to go with what they have already. Then all the possibilities of taking pressure of the hardware by using the cloud to support and power games.. that worked out extremely well for OnLive didn't it? Unless you live in a big city with fast internet and copious amounts of bandwith.. you're not going to benefit from that! Not to mention like the PS3's cell processor.. it's something 3rd party devs could struggle to get the most out of.

Im starting to get the impression that you dont actually know live? You keep rhyming off app's now most people buy Xbox Live due to onlin gaming and i consider myself an online gamer and what Live does better is....

I can instantly see what my friends are playing

I can send anyone of my 90odd friends a message at anytime

I can send them invites to games at anytime in a second

I can send invites to friends who are not playing the same game in second

I can start a party anytime i like

I can invite friends to be in a party in a second

I can invite non friends to be in a party

I can chat to friends in an instant

I can see what friends are playing and what they are doing in game

I can see their achievements in a second

I can ban gamers that i dont like so i donyt need to put up with them in a second

I can see a list instantly of the last players i've played against for months

I can see what games those players play and achievements


Cross game chat (the one feature you seem to know of)

There is a tons more but i'd be here all day...

I feel really disconnected with friends on PSN+ compared to Live, With Live it feels like it's built around you and your friends...I just dont get that with PSN+. If you dont care about online gaming and you dont have many online friends then no doubt PSN+ is the better service but if you have had Live for 11 years and then go over to PSN it's night & day on the online features (not apps)

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Aside from the party stuff and cross game chat(which I earlier admitted was an oversight on Sony's part.. which they have rectified with the PS4) you can do virtually all of that just as quickly on the PS3. So really it just comes down to you preferring the 360's interface. You have even alluded to that in the last sentence of the 2nd last paragraph!

Yes i'm fully aware how live works.. you can go check my gamertag if you wish. Iakona87 just as it's my Steam ID, PSN ID and Origin ID. As i'm a PC gamer i'm also fully aware how poxy games for windows live is!

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i was ps3 loyal then went to xbox.

i must say online and etc is much better and its behind my reasoning for getting new xbox one.

as BN has said i prefer the ease of communicating, inviting etc.

both consoles are different and do diff things better. if they were exactly the same as each other there would be no features for either to market to users

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