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To ensure transparency and fairness Hearts will require to be fined for going into administration similar to Rangers. Not to invoke a financial penalty will be seen as discriminatory and proof positive of bias by the overly sectarian authorities. If not penalty is imposed, we need to seek written redress and then take this forward to The competent footballing authorities, tradi g standards and European Commission given that it is anti competitive to discriminate against one and any sanctions should be consistent.

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Generally the saying "having your cake and eating it" means you want both.

So where did I say you had to choose one or the other? I said that some football fans value hurting other clubs above their own feelings for their club. It's about priorities. But you clearly value those two things equally. :pipe:

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What guff .We have a right to be concerned .I want to see if there will be double standards by the rodents in the media and SFA.

There is already double standards, Bomber Brown called it right when he accused both the football authorities and Hearts of knowing the situation before hand and engineering the administration with the insolvency already( I believe ) under way, before the end of the season.

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54&C, could you use this material to re-address your claim with the BBC Trust that the BBC media group in Scotland are showing institutional bias against Rangers? I mean, English et al are themselves saying that the Rangers fans are to blame for this disparity in reporting on the respective administration procedures. Are the BBC not responsible for the content of their own broadcasts?

Not going unnoticed. :dry:

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I think a bit of balance is required here...there is no doubt there will remain a degree of animosity for some time towards other clubs and fans most if which us justified....however priority number 1 should be us! For me ahead of hurting other clubs or boycotting the number 1 priority should be seeking to address the balance in the mainstream media regarding how we are portrayed and getting representation onto SFA panels/boards etc and regaining a voice in Scottish football!

I really just want to be a football fan again don't know about the rest of you!

You make a lot of valid points but before I can even start to move on first there has to be some acknowledgment of the unfair treatment we have faced over the pass 4 years from the media.

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You make a lot of valid points but before I can even start to move on first there has to be some acknowledgment of the unfair treatment we have faced over the pass 4 years from the media.

That's my point though mate we are not going to get that until such times as the balance in the media is addressed and the agenda against us is dealt with....at the moment any actions we take are being twisted into a negative which perpetuates the myths some would like the public to believe about us!

Getting representation and a voice in Scottish football at boardroom level is also essential to break up lawells control!

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You make a lot of valid points but before I can even start to move on first there has to be some acknowledgment of the unfair treatment we have faced over the pass 4 years from the media.

I think both of you want your cake and eat it.

The French peasants cried out for bread to live because they had none, and the aristocratic lady said " Then eat cake ".

In other words the SFA/SPL and the media are offering nothing, but on a bright note, the lady had her head cut off, and that's what we have to do to finish this cabal off and then return to football.

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With the greatest of respect mate, you have given your reasons for not renewing and I understand them however talking about 'hurting' other clubs is a bit ironic when you are 'hurting' your own by choosing not to renew!

He's not really someone will take his seat. There will always be another there to take your seat if you don't renew. Can anyone else in Scotland say that about there fans?

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So where did I say you had to choose one or the other? I said that some football fans value hurting other clubs above their own feelings for their club. It's about priorties. But you clearly value those two things equally.

You were intimating that wanting to see the other clubs fall is all round detrimental to Rangers. I'm saying I don't think it's as black and white as that. There's ways you can do both. I don't value both equally, Rangers come first but the blood lust I have to see other teams suffer is right up there. I don't apologize for that. People that don't want to see the SPL teams suffer should really give their heads a wobble. IMO.

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My opinion is that Rangers are not out of the woods yet, I am a season ticket holder and when I can afford to I go to away games if I can get a ticket. Would gladly use that cash for the likes of reserve matches as I used to back in the 60s.

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He's not really someone will take his seat. There will always be another there to take your seat if you don't renew. Can anyone else in Scotland say that about there fans?

I'm not sure that's true at the moment mate....with financial restraints on alot of people I don't think it's a given we will continue selling out stadiums, especially if performances don't improve. I think renewals this year are so so important....

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Are English et al seriously trying to say the difference in reporting is due to the reaction of the fans... seriously these bastards had us tried and convicted for:

JFK assasination.

Lockerbie bombing


Ian Brady

The fake moon landings

Alien abductions...

Not sure if I missed anything.

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I'm not sure that's true at the moment mate....with financial restraints on alot of people I don't think it's a given we will continue selling out stadiums, especially if performances don't improve. I think renewals this year are so so important....

The seat has been renewed anyway.

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You were intimating that wanting to see the other clubs fall is all round detrimental to Rangers. I'm saying I don't think it's as black and white as that. There's ways you can do both. I don't value both equally, Rangers come first but the blood lust I have to see other teams suffer is right up there. I don't apologize for that. People that don't want to see the SPL teams suffer should really give their heads a wobble. IMO.

No I didn't. But, it hardly benefits us having Scottish football in ruins. Many other teams are facing the very real danger of a similar fate as Hearts. If they are all to be treated as harshly and unjustly as we were then what will be left to "get to the top of"?

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No I didn't. But, it hardly benefits us having Scottish football in ruins. Many other teams are facing the very real danger of a similar fate as Hearts. If they are all to be treated as harshly and unjustly as we were then what will be left to "get to the top of"?

Why are we so worried about SPL teams suffering? worst case scenario it will elevate others from the first division. There won't suddenly be no teams left to play against in Scotland if the handful of teams we despise suffer.

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Why are we so worried about SPL teams suffering? worst case scenario it will elevate others from the first division. There won't suddenly be no teams left to play against in Scotland if the handful of teams we despise suffer.

I'm not worried at all. These other clubs don't concern me in the slightest. As a famous poet once said, "If he dies, he dies." I could care less.

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I think both of you want your cake and eat it.

The French peasants cried out for bread to live because they had none, and the aristocratic lady said " Then eat cake ".

In other words the SFA/SPL and the media are offering nothing, but on a bright note, the lady had her head cut off, and that's what we have to do to finish this cabal off and then return to football.

that starts with the snp :7325::ulster::7326:
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I'm not worried at all. These other clubs don't concern me in the slightest. As a famous poet once said, "If he dies, he dies." I could care less.

Glad we've established that. If you don't care can you let the rest of us get on with our hating, thanks.

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