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Our Support Changed When Murray Bought Our Club


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I know lots of guys who stopped going becuase of the camel coat brigade that they were seated next to. The sound of sweetie papers rustling was frightening. Fucking Govan was/is full of them and FFS don't swear or sing TBB. I was grassed and the prick two along was the culprit and I let him know it. Good thing was I had quite a few acquaintances around me who made his life misery by giving big uns to every loyalist song in the book. He, his two mates and his his pancake face bit on the side moved! I mean the cheeck of the holier than thou cunt looking down his nose at a few party songs when he's out doin the dirty on his missus. Good fuckin riddance I say!

True..good riddance does come to mind.

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Would it not have been easier to just not sing those songs. What is more important. Rangers or the songs?

The taigs have stood by their traditions, those which I truly fucking despise and all that they stand for, but I did read somewhere recently that they will never give them up, no matter who tries to victimise them (pardon the pun!) Now I would give them a plus for standing by them, unlike so many of our support, more likely the new camel coat PC brigade, who would give them up so easily. It's close run on who I detest more, the taigs or their appeasers amongst us.
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The taigs have stood by their traditions, those which I truly fucking despise and all that they stand for, but I did read somewhere recently that they will never give them up, no matter who tries to victimise them (pardon the pun!) Now I would give them a plus for standing by them, unlike so many of our support, more likely the new camel coat PC brigade, who would give them up so easily. It's close run on who I detest more, the taigs or their appeasers amongst us.

What because they have a different opinion to you?

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Im personally not a fan of the religious songs so quite glad they have been faded out.

I was never brought up to sings these songs and when I was really young a shouted certain things I was quite lucky to have a intelligent older brother that would question me on it (he is not a football fan).

I think in the future it will only become less and less important to Rangers fans as we as a society become more secular

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Im personally not a fan of the religious songs so quite glad they have been faded out.

I was never brought up to sings these songs and when I was really young a shouted certain things I was quite lucky to have a intelligent older brother that would question me on it (he is not a football fan).

I think in the future it will only become less and less important to Rangers fans as we as a society become more secular

Ha Seculer no chance .

I think the Muslims will have plenty to say about that.

Any way No Surrender.

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Im personally not a fan of the religious songs so quite glad they have been faded out.

I was never brought up to sings these songs and when I was really young a shouted certain things I was quite lucky to have a intelligent older brother that would question me on it (he is not a football fan).

I think in the future it will only become less and less important to Rangers fans as we as a society become more secular

In the current climate the opposite is true! There will be a law soon that we will all have to attend Mass! It is not about religion, but our freedom of expression being eroded. A certain minority sect getting away with murder and the majority demonised. Now if that's your utopian secular society, you can shove it!

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Ha Seculer no chance .

I think the Muslims will have plenty to say about that.

Any way No Surrender.

Religion is becoming a laughing stock to the majority of this country and quite rightly too. I know very few religious people. Even the Rangers fans that class themselves protestant wouldnt if they were not Rangers fans.

Muslims are doing more for secularism in this country than anyone else. Their fundamentalist are digging Islam its very own shallow grave.

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You are correct Minst.

He shut our Fans up .

Bain was a Twat as well.

What really makes me Sick is there are Remnants of the old Regime still trying to wrangle their way in.

Shudder at the thought of it.

CG fought our enemies Murray sucked up to them.

What a Cnut he was .

Green asked fans to grass on each other for singing songs. In fact, he said fans who didn't grass should be banned.
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In the current climate the opposite is true! There will be a law soon that we will all have to attend Mass! It is not about religion, but our freedom of expression being eroded. A certain minority sect getting away with murder and the majority demonised. Now if that's your utopian secular society, you can shove it!

What do you feel you are no longer allowed to express.

This is not a judgmental or loaded question I am just interested.

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Murray had no time for ur average bear Said we had to much to say for ourselfs and the manky mob wr more loyal couldnt get him off the tele when things wr going good. Fuck him for leaving us in the shit thats my opinion watp

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What because they have a different opinion to you?

What the fuck has opinion got to do with it? These heinous cunts are infringing my civil liberties. There is not an institution left that they either lead or influence. A close ''protestant'' relative died because she married one heinous taig paedophile bastard after 3 daughters were systematically abused by his hand. Glad to say he died painfully shortly thereafter. Then there is that heinous fuckin doctrine propaganda that they eat up. The papa talks for God. Oh fuckin really. Has he got a Vodafone link to upstairs or what? Now that fuckin says it all about their mentality. Oh yes, then there's the institutional child rape on a global scale that they are only so glad to cover up, with the help of our good authorities. Now these heinous cunts actually worship these priests and bishops who are their pathway to God as their doctrine prescribes. And before I forget, the pira bhoys. Glorified by the supporters of scum fc. The list goes on, but that's right, I hate them because they have a different opinion to me! You are obviously a conscientious objector and an apologist of evil!!

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What because they have a different opinion to you?

No, for believing the propaganda that Rangers fans need to change to make everything ok, which if you look back at all the concessions Rangers have made, the attacks keep coming. At least the Bheasts won't suffer anyone to attack their ways and will use any means to protect them.

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What the fuck has opinion got to do with it? These heinous cunts are infringing my civil liberties. There is not an institution left that they either lead or influence. A close ''protestant'' relative died because she married one heinous taig paedophile bastard after 3 daughters were systematically abused by his hand. Glad to say he died painfully shortly thereafter. Then there is that heinous fuckin doctrine propaganda that they eat up. The papa talks for God. Oh fuckin really. Has he got a Vodafone link to upstairs or what? Now that fuckin says it all about their mentality. Oh yes, then there's the institutional child rape on a global scale that they are only so glad to cover up, with the help of our good authorities. Now these heinous cunts actually worship these priests and bishops who are their pathway to God as their doctrine prescribes. And before I forget, the pira bhoys. Glorified by the supporters of scum fc. The list goes on, but that's right, I hate them because they have a different opinion to me! You are obviously a conscientious objector and an apologist of evil!!

Brilliant...No I just disagree with you.

It's nothing to do with them, I hate them too. I just appreciate our fans are from a board spectrum and have differing opinions to me. I don't feel the need to judge them.

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Religion is becoming a laughing stock to the majority of this country and quite rightly too. I know very few religious people. Even the Rangers fans that class themselves protestant wouldnt if they were not Rangers fans.

Muslims are doing more for secularism in this country than anyone else. Their fundamentalist are digging Islam its very own shallow grave.

Quite the sweeping statement there pal. Speaking as a 26 year old protestant Rangers fan, I attend church every Sunday and try to give back to my community.

However, in terms of this thread I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the fines imposed on the club as a result of 'sectarian' songs*. Financially disadvantaging our club surely negates the 'support' aspect.

*I am clearly suspect of FARE / FOCUS reporting of certain UEFA events and categorically despise the underhandedness that certain people will stoop to.

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Religion is becoming a laughing stock to the majority of this country and quite rightly too. I know very few religious people. Even the Rangers fans that class themselves protestant wouldnt if they were not Rangers fans.

Muslims are doing more for secularism in this country than anyone else. Their fundamentalist are digging Islam its very own shallow grave.

Since when did the Majority ever have a say?

The Majority at Ibrox are Shouted down by the Minority.

The Minority always get their way.

Victimhood and all that.

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Quite the sweeping statement there pal. Speaking as a 26 year old protestant Rangers fan, I attend church every Sunday and try to give back to my community.

However, in terms of this thread I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the fines imposed on the club as a result of 'sectarian' songs*. Financially disadvantaging our club surely negates the 'support' aspect.

*I am clearly suspect of FARE / FOCUS reporting of certain UEFA events and categorically despise the underhandedness that certain people will stoop to.

Sorry you are quite right. I should of said the majority imo. I know there are some Rangers fans like yourself that go to church regularly and truly believe in God. However, in my experience the majority would class themselves as protestant but when asked don't actually know about the religion or even believe in God. Imo its a lack of education. I personally do not believe its sectarianism its tribalism.

I would be interested to know if you have met these sort of fans and what you think when they class themselves protestant.

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Man I wish we could go back to steam engines and slavery and wooden clubs and living in caves n that, way back in the past when we were all Christians and na'body looked at a rich man sideways and the cobbles were aw made oot a Hovis.

We evolve. We move forward. Or we die.

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