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F.F.S. People....Let's Get A Grip


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Not long returned home from work and got news of the latest BBC story while on my dinner break.

Went for a couple of Beers to unwind and catch the latest gossip.

Decided when I got home to have a look at the official Rangers Website and found nothing.

Decided to come on to The Bear's Den to find out a bit more and what do I discover ?

The Site has went into Meltdown once again with a BBC SCOTLAND Exclusive about our club.

In The Words Of Chewing The Fat .... I Smell Shite.

Can I just remind fellow Bears that this is the same BBC SCOTLAND that had Rangers Football Club Guilty of Just about everything they could dream of at the time, with the exception of tampering with kids. In hindsight It is now quite easy to understand why they never included that .But That is another story ( OPEN SECRET ) for another day.

The same BBC SCOTLAND that funded a Documentary called Rangers - Selling The Jerseys That went on to win awards after being proven to be...Well, A LOAD OF SHITE.

Yes People. The Same BBC SCOTLAND that pays the wages of those well known lovers of Rangers.... Cosgrove, Cowan, Spiers, Spence ( Feel Free To Add )

The same BBC SCOTLAND who are unable, or decide not to report any negative news on their Beloved septic fc.

I Hope that this post might start ringing a few Bells with my fellow Bears. Maybe it will stir a few thoughts within us all when if we are honest with ourselves ( Not so long ago ) we all thought that maybe we were guilty of everything that the courts went on to prove we were not.

All the things that every Mhedia outlet in this great country of ours had us guilty of doing. Yet were all proven to be wrong.

Yes Guys. We all remember it well. So we should....It was not that long ago.

So it is nice to know that we have all learned our lesson. AYE RITE.

Get A F----n Grip People.

If, for the first time is a long while. That BBC SCOTLAND have actually got a story correct about the team that we love. What is the big deal. Is it a story worthy of News headlines. Or as I suspect ( even if true ) some sort of smokescreen aimed at diverting attention away from what is at this moment in time being investigated by the European commission about the team that can do no wrong.

What in your opinion is the bigger deal. What in your opinion is the bigger story. What in your opinion matters most.

Why in your opinion do the Mhedia outlets seem to think that this is a bigger story than the Colossal story that could bring down a Political Party in Scotland, A Bank in Scotland and a football club in Scotland.

It is a well known tactic my fellow bears. One that they have used for years. I seen through it years ago. Why cant others.

" WAKE UP AND SMELL THE GLOVE (sorry coffee) "

Sleep Well Brothers and Sisters WATP.

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All nicely coordinated for the 6 o clock phone in. First caller a worried and angry Rangers fan.. Then continue story with Jackson q and a to be dissected on tomorrows show, with more worried and angry Rangers fans, meanwhile in Brussels ssshhhhh.

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I don't blame the players for not taking a 15% wage cut, although those players that say they are Rangers fans should, it is not their fault that we have arrived at this situation. Are the players worth the money they're being paid? Apart from Lee Wallace, I doubt they really are worth half the money they're being paid, although I have to say that I do not know each individual players salary, and, in a way, don't want to know ( got to keep my blood pressure down).

We need to bring in new finance from somewhere, get companies to sponsor individual players, if that is not being already done, to help with the players wage bill, until we get on a more sound financial footing. We may need to look at how the smaller clubs survive, they have lots of ways to keep money flowing into the club, as the gate receipts they get wouldn't keep them going very long.

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I have to admit the media arnt stupid .There are many bears out there that continue to fall for this crock of shit .Its scaremongering and designed to and aimed at those with weak minds .It will just create more division and they are sitting back and loving that

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I have to admit the media arnt stupid .There are many bears out there that continue to fall for this crock of shit .Its scaremongering and designed to and aimed at those with weak minds .It will just create more division and they are sitting back and loving that

Agreed, they will run and run with this crap in the hope the state aid / land deals will go away.

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Not long returned home from work and got news of the latest BBC story while on my dinner break.

Went for a couple of Beers to unwind and catch the latest gossip.

Decided when I got home to have a look at the official Rangers Website and found nothing.

Decided to come on to The Bear's Den to find out a bit more and what do I discover ?

The Site has went into Meltdown once again with a BBC SCOTLAND Exclusive about our club.

In The Words Of Chewing The Fat .... I Smell Shite.

Can I just remind fellow Bears that this is the same BBC SCOTLAND that had Rangers Football Club Guilty of Just about everything they could dream of at the time, with the exception of tampering with kids. In hindsight It is now quite easy to understand why they never included that .But That is another story ( OPEN SECRET ) for another day.

The same BBC SCOTLAND that funded a Documentary called Rangers - Selling The Jerseys That went on to win awards after being proven to be...Well, A LOAD OF SHITE.

Yes People. The Same BBC SCOTLAND that pays the wages of those well known lovers of Rangers.... Cosgrove, Cowan, Spiers, Spence ( Feel Free To Add )

The same BBC SCOTLAND who are unable, or decide not to report any negative news on their Beloved septic fc.

I Hope that this post might start ringing a few Bells with my fellow Bears. Maybe it will stir a few thoughts within us all when if we are honest with ourselves ( Not so long ago ) we all thought that maybe we were guilty of everything that the courts went on to prove we were not.

All the things that every Mhedia outlet in this great country of ours had us guilty of doing. Yet were all proven to be wrong.

Yes Guys. We all remember it well. So we should....It was not that long ago.

So it is nice to know that we have all learned our lesson. AYE RITE.

Get A F----n Grip People.

If, for the first time is a long while. That BBC SCOTLAND have actually got a story correct about the team that we love. What is the big deal. Is it a story worthy of News headlines. Or as I suspect ( even if true ) some sort of smokescreen aimed at diverting attention away from what is at this moment in time being investigated by the European commission about the team that can do no wrong.

What in your opinion is the bigger deal. What in your opinion is the bigger story. What in your opinion matters most.

Why in your opinion do the Mhedia outlets seem to think that this is a bigger story than the Colossal story that could bring down a Political Party in Scotland, A Bank in Scotland and a football club in Scotland.

It is a well known tactic my fellow bears. One that they have used for years. I seen through it years ago. Why cant others.

" WAKE UP AND SMELL THE GLOVE (sorry coffee) "

Sleep Well Brothers and Sisters WATP.

So, do you think the story about us isn't true, or do you not think it is very interesting?

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I think we all knew something had to happen, mainly because we'd been told so by Wallace at the end of last year. However, I do see the BBC attempting to make a 'bigger', more sensationalist story out of this than it demands. Mainly because it's their hated nemesis Rangers FC, but also to detract any attention away from their beloved septic financial fixings.

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So, do you think the story about us isn't true, or do you not think it is very interesting?

Not trying to say that the story about us isn't true. Just trying to make the point that its not really that big a story in comparison with the other story from the other side of Glasgow that nobody seems to want to touch. Deny and Deflect has worked for them for years.

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Didn't the Easdales state on tv they had the investment lined up ? Has Stockbridge or any of the other parasites took a pay cut?

Smell the coffee there fleecing us

Don't you mean "Get your heads out of the sand".

Oh yeah and Stockbridge took a 50% wage cut and payed back his bonus.


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